If you ever find yourself getting bored of ranked games you should give some of the popular custom games a try! I have been playing ARAM and ARAB with my friends for a change of pace. These are the "all random all mid" style on summoner's rift and "all random all bottom" on the dominion map. If you're looking for something new to try in LoL you should give these a shot!

"Blizzard Entertainment is offering a series of special charity auctions featuring server hardware originally used during World of Warcraft’s early days. We’ve since upgraded the game’s infrastructure with the latest technology to offer an even better player experience, but these 'honorably discharged' server blades are now unique collectors’ pieces. The net proceeds from the auction will go to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital."

Totally awesome to get your hands on one of these servers. For the plaque and historical nature alone. I imagine they wipe the drives before they ship them though :)


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I know with the hype of Diablo III it almost seems moot, but being a Baldur's Gate fan, I thought I should share this. Baldur's Gate is getting remade with better graphics and new content. It's planned to be released in the summer. The sequel is going to be remade and released later.


I'm so excited for this. I get to wield a trash-talking sword again!

I haven't been through Skyrim in about a week. I have Deus Ex, game of the year to several institution, sitting nearly untouched. I have about 6 games from the last humble bundle that I haven't even downloaded yet.

Tiny Tower is dominating all of my time...

Tiny tower is one of those "freemium" games where you do something a little fun, but then it starts to take a lot of time unless you give them money. In this case, it is building a tower, filling it with apartments and businesses, and stocking those businesses with products and services.

It sounds inane, and it kind of is. But I can't stop...

Anyone else ever get hooked on this evilly addictive little gem?

Claptrap just wrote all PC gamers a love letter outlining what 2K plans to do for the console version of Borderlands 2. Its significant and it seems like they are treating PC gamers like they should, it seems the Borderlands 2 port won't be a hacked up console game.


I am actually considering if PS3 is now the best choice or not, the PC list of features seems pretty awesome. I find it heartening to see companies actually caring about PC gamers again. Awesome trend.

The one feature of the PS3, allowing split screen multi-player with my friends is a hard feature to pass up, but the PC only features are really great too.

Figured it would be good to ring in Saint Patricks Day with a free phone & tablet game for Android and iOS called Lep's World. Yeah, the name ain't great but the game is pretty fun.

The game is a serious clone of Super Mario Brothers. Its cool because as I play Lep's World I am reminded how much I love Super Mario Brothers and how much I want to play it on my iPhone.

Lep's World is a side scroller where you are a Leprechaun trying to collect your lost coins from your pot of gold. Instead of the Leprechaun getting a fire flower, he can collect acorns he can throw at enemies. In the typical Mario fashion, Lep can hit bad guys on the head. Some enemies have spikes so... Read All

Blizzard just dropped the launch date for Diablo 3 of May 15th. Pre-order already made and I am marking my calendar.

Is this a game on your radar?




BioShock is one of those games that builds a world you feel immersed in from the start. Playing the game I really got into the character and mood of the game and it was very creepy. As far as the start to a game goes, BioShock does it better than most ive experienced. I started with the PS3 demo and then was given the full meal deal from a friend on my cake day.

100% full disclosure, ive never completed it. I haven't completed it because I can only play it in 10-20 minute increments. The game looks fantastic, has a interesting plot device and the game mechanics are good its just that ... I don't want to exist in that world doing that stuff very long. I find it... Read All


Sure, this game was impossible without the Konami Code, but still, this song brings back fond memories...

The State of the Ghost 1.0

If people like these kinds of posts, ill keep them semi-regular and to the point about Cheerful Ghost and what direction the site is headed.

Ill try to keep this as brief as I am able :)

A month++ ago I launched Cheerful Ghost to my friends. People seemed to think it had potential and as I listened to your feedback I made improvements to make the site awesome. Based on our small but absolutely dedicated following I can now say that this is the most fun Ive had in gaming in years. Seeing what you guys play and having meaningful dialogs on those games is magical. I wasn't sure it was possible to be part of a community that can rise above the... Read All