I was so excited to get in to Diablo 3! I rushed character creation so I could start playing right away. Something I noticed very early was how easy it was. It was so easy that I actually lost interest in making new characters for a while. I wrote the difficulty off to being scaled down for testing purposes, but I don't think that's the case. To prove my point I had a co-worker watch as I stood in the middle of three cold enchanted zombies and let them beat on me. Keeping my cursor over my health we noticed I was actually regenrating life faster than they were damaging me. Lame.

Well the other day I found that lots of other beta players agree with me on the lowered... Read All

Yes, I have been invited to the beta. I was one of the lucky 100,000 in the last round of invites. I have played through all available content on a few characters now and haven't taken the time to level everyone up to max level.

I was a pretty hardcore player of Diablo 2 online. My best friend and I always played the ladder and even hardcore mode. We would spend so much time after a ladder reset trying to be in the top 10. Saying I have some emotional attachment to the Diablo IP would be an understatement.

I've decided to split my D3 beta impressions into a bunch of focused mini-posts to mitigate my scattered thoughts. So feel free to comment and ask questions, I'll do my... Read All

Wanted to post my current stats for Don't Run with a Plasma Sword.

Time played: 24m
Games Played: 27
Total Kills: 168

Best Distance:
Easy: 2578

Trying to get over 3000 for my best distance but I need to adopt a better strategy on jumping because it seems later the game starts making the levels harder by making you jump all the time on small platforms. Since you can only tap on a circle to jump and the circle isnt large, often times my tap to jump isn't registered. Or at least, thats what I tell myself :)

A frustration I often have with phone games, analog sticks always registered my taps on the physical buttons.

Gem Keeper is a fun iPhone tower defense game I have been enjoying lately. I picked it up for free on special as I don't tend to buy many iPhone games. The game starts simple and then adds more towers gradually in the first single player set of levels.

Ive enjoyed the tower that slows enemies down and the bomb tower. I am playing the game on easy and find that sufficent diffculty to be interesting. Ive just unlocked endless mode which is pretty diffcult on any level because you are going to lose, its just a matter of how long you hold out.

I have a feeling I'll be writing about this game a lot lol.

I'm really impressed by the physics in this game! Maybe it's standard now, I haven't played a "new" game in a while, but the water is just amazing. Rivers have actual flow, that will pull you along. Swimming with the flow will move you faster, swimming against it slows you down.

Randomly, in the middle of nowhere I saw a cart (like what you'd hook up to a horse or ox) just bobbing along a river, slowly moving towards a waterfall. I helped push it along and watched it fall down the waterfall, then got swept down as well. The cart was still just bobbing down the river. I know it's just random, but I found it... Read All

As per @Chowda 's recommend I downloaded the Dungeon Defenders demo off Steam. Rolled a Mage and went with all the defaults. Tried single player as I didn't want to be eviscerated as a noob.

The intro didnt say a ton about how things worked and over the first few waves I figured things out. Basically it's a first person tower defense game. Graphics are good and the play control in confused me a couple of times.

Survived well into the last wave when an Ogre spawned. I focused on the Ogre way too late and he killed the eternia crystal, which is what you are protecting so game over. Spawned in a tavern and the game explained what that was all about.

I like the art of the game... Read All

By now everyone who loves Borderlands may have seen the Borderlands 2 gameplay footage that someone took with a shaky cam. If not, check it out! I am now even more excited about Borderlands 2.

Dual wielding? Epic.

AdamPFarnsworth gives this an astounding "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
AdamPFarnsworth gives this a "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
I got the game a couple days ago, and am totally hooked. It's so open-ended that it can be difficult to choose what to do!

I was stealing some stuff from a shopkeeper's basement. He heard me and came down and attacked. I beat him up and he fell to the ground, then his adult daughter came down, attacking as well, and I killed her. Later, I came upon a quest where I found a treasure (a Golden Claw), and had to figure out who it belonged to to give it to. Turns out it was the shopkeeper's. So I gave it to him (he didn't die from our fight), but he just said "I just wish my daughter was here to enjoy it." Man, what a downer!

But, I ended up stealing a "dragonstone" from his... Read All

Been recently spending time playing another iPhone runner game called "Don't Run With a Plasma Sword." I like the game because you can play in a story mode or a endless running mode where you try and get further each time. You can upgrade your abilities as you collect experience as with other freemium iPhone titles you can pay to upgrade immediately.

The game has a really fun style in that its styled after a old sci-fi B Movie. Before each level you are bestowed wisdom on how to handle your plasma sword such as "Don't stir your coffee with a plasma sword," "Don't shovel with a plasma sword" and "Don't duck and cover with a plasma sword."

Its fun and its also free so no... Read All