Who didn't play this game at school? Remember to buy as many bullets as you can!
The game still holds up. There's a Facebook version that's decent, but the original is pretty awesome.
Who didn't play this game at school? Remember to buy as many bullets as you can!
The game still holds up. There's a Facebook version that's decent, but the original is pretty awesome.
A Facebook friend of mine just shared a post with a picture of a car On the freeway and basically said that this guy is the creator of the Oregon Trail video game and he’s a total jerk when he drives and actually quite dangerous and has been reported to the police. As I read that post I thought of another recent post where someone shared a picture of a girl texting as she was driving. It made me think of the movie the circle with Tom Hanks, A movie which had some very real red flags about the way were using Social media. (I think Apple somehow got a hold of the movie and made the ending stupid So we wouldn’t think of that company as evil). Anyways, it just feels a little scary to me that someone could not like the way I drive and then share it with hundreds and hundreds of people.
I guess that's the fear for people that have a certain kind of fame that any kind of perceived slight could mean someone says something bad about you. I remember a few times online people on forums say this or that celeb is a total jerk when what they describe it just seemed like the person didn't want to be bothered in the moment. Which I can totally understand, sometimes people just want to go to the store and buy a candy bar and just have it be that.
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This is one of my all time favorite games. So many fun memories of playing this multiplayer with my friends and cousins! The music was great, the graphics and animations were cool, the weapon selection was awesome, and best of all up to 3 people could play all at the same time!
This site is making me reminisce about old SNES and NES games a lot, lol.
This is one of my all time favorite games. So many fun memories of playing this multiplayer with my friends and cousins! The music was great, the graphics and animations were cool, the weapon selection was awesome, and best of all up to 3 people could play all at the same time!
This site is making me reminisce about old SNES and NES games a lot, lol.
Agreed. Mana is one of those games I'll come back and Play every few years because it's so engrossing. It's on the iPhone so I'm thinking of picking it up on it.
Timogorgon Member Post Author
wrote on 02/02/2012 at 08:21pm
I saw it was on iPhone, but I kind of hate the touch screen controls on most games. Plus how do you do the multiplayer on an iPhone?
You could use wifi or bluetooth, but from what I know you can't do multiplayer on Mana for iPhone. Your right about the touch screen for games like Mana, it isn't great.
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 01/25/2014 at 12:25am
I finally played Secret of Mana months ago in an emulator. I ended up using cheat codes, but then it all glitched near the end, so I didn't finish it. I spent a lot of time on that game, even though I was cheating.
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There is definatly a reason why this game is famous, at least in the retro gamers circuit. Nope, it's not for it's awesome gameplay or even colorful anime type intro, but rather for the worst translation ever known in video game history. The game itself is actually kinda fun, not the best shoot'em'up I ever played but definatly not the worst either. You have 4 different types of ammo to use throughout the stages each of which can be powered up, sadly none of the power ups really look all that cool when your shootin, but its still fun none the less and a little challenging, but because there isn't much else to this shooter to set it apart from others of it's era gameplay... Read All
There is definatly a reason why this game is famous, at least in the retro gamers circuit. Nope, it's not for it's awesome gameplay or even colorful anime type intro, but rather for the worst translation ever known in video game history. The game itself is actually kinda fun, not the best shoot'em'up I ever played but definatly not the worst either. You have 4 different types of ammo to use throughout the stages each of which can be powered up, sadly none of the power ups really look all that cool when your shootin, but its still fun none the less and a little challenging, but because there isn't much else to this shooter to set it apart from others of it's era gameplay starts to feel bland by stage 3. Graphically the gameplay is not as cool as the intro, M.U.S.H.A. has much better graphics or even Grindstormer but still, just the intro alone is reason enough to have this in your collection. Watch this video to see the worst(and most hilarious)game translation ever, at least imo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW_HFygZ70Q
Often times one can wonder, how come we never got that game here in the states. It is no secret that the ratio of games (at least back in the 90's) that get translated and than ported to the states from Japan is like 1:20. I even read somewhere once that for every one japanese RPG that gets translated and imported for release in the US there were at least 10 that didnt. Anyhow, so whats the reason that so many games never see the light of day outside of Japan. Usually its because of content, such as religious content, or culture(or pop culture even) but othertimes it's just cause of just plain weird wackiness that is deemed way to out there for the US market. Cho Aniki... Read All
Often times one can wonder, how come we never got that game here in the states. It is no secret that the ratio of games (at least back in the 90's) that get translated and than ported to the states from Japan is like 1:20. I even read somewhere once that for every one japanese RPG that gets translated and imported for release in the US there were at least 10 that didnt. Anyhow, so whats the reason that so many games never see the light of day outside of Japan. Usually its because of content, such as religious content, or culture(or pop culture even) but othertimes it's just cause of just plain weird wackiness that is deemed way to out there for the US market. Cho Aniki is one such example. Full of strong shall we say "homo" undertones its no wonder this one was never brought to the states. You play as one of 2 speedo wearing muscle bound wrestlers in this quirky side scrolling shoot'em'ups. Thats right, instead of a typical space ship, you are a muscular, greased up wrestler in a speedo. You shoot what I guess you'd call "bullets" out of the tiny hole in your characters bald head. Very strange I know, but this game just has to be seen or even played to see what I mean. Bosses are strange, as are the enemies. The power ups look like "family jewels" to say the least, and your power up beam is a long stream that well.....I'll just let your imagination figure that one out. Check out this game play video to get an idea- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF-gqOeio2I
Jason_Diaz Post Author
wrote on 02/02/2012 at 04:34am
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW_HFygZ70Q I could never make it this far in the game, this is stage 8 and the final stage, I could never make it past the stage 3 boss as this is actually extremely difficult, but check this video out, full of wacky goodness that could only come from the land of the rising sun.
You have so many games I've never even heard of lol. And as for games that never got translated... Where is my Mother 3 and Secret of Mana 2!!! ; ; I had to pirate those games because I don't have a legal means to play them. >:O
Haha. Ive got so many friends that have such elaborate houses and @WhiteboySlim is making a Castle from the materials his wife mines on their own private server. So... very... jealous...
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This game wasn't launched on the iPhone but its perfect on a handheld touchscreen. Often before bed I play a level of this and its perfect in that pick-up and play setting. Ive noticed that since I played it PopCap has added quite a bit to it to spice it up.
They added the Zen Garden from the PC version and added new play types like puzzle where I have so far unlocked "i, zombie" and another mini game called "ZomBotany."
"i, zombie" is rad as you take you turn as the zombies attacking cardboard cut outs of the plants. "ZomBotany" is a mode where the zombies are fused with plants as they attack you.
There seem to be many other unlockables I can get by collecting tons of... Read All
This game wasn't launched on the iPhone but its perfect on a handheld touchscreen. Often before bed I play a level of this and its perfect in that pick-up and play setting. Ive noticed that since I played it PopCap has added quite a bit to it to spice it up.
They added the Zen Garden from the PC version and added new play types like puzzle where I have so far unlocked "i, zombie" and another mini game called "ZomBotany."
"i, zombie" is rad as you take you turn as the zombies attacking cardboard cut outs of the plants. "ZomBotany" is a mode where the zombies are fused with plants as they attack you.
There seem to be many other unlockables I can get by collecting tons of coins or I can outright purchase coins to unlock all this stuff. Cool feature, but makes me nervous as if my phone gets wiped it seems like ill lose all the unlocks? I don't know.
StarTropics is a cool game I never finished. I picked this up for a reduced price after the Super Nintendo was launched and NES games were marked down signifigantly. I believe I never finished it because the graphics were not quite as good as the SNES RPG's that I was used to, like Final Fantasy 2, 3 and Secret of Mana. All told the game isn't in the category of square's "golden SNES catalog" but it was fun.
It was a quirky story and a unique backdrop as you were on a island and the characters and enemies had an island flavor. Still haven't seen much that has reminded me of this setting in recent memory. Its on my bucket list of games to return to and figure out if its a... Read All
StarTropics is a cool game I never finished. I picked this up for a reduced price after the Super Nintendo was launched and NES games were marked down signifigantly. I believe I never finished it because the graphics were not quite as good as the SNES RPG's that I was used to, like Final Fantasy 2, 3 and Secret of Mana. All told the game isn't in the category of square's "golden SNES catalog" but it was fun.
It was a quirky story and a unique backdrop as you were on a island and the characters and enemies had an island flavor. Still haven't seen much that has reminded me of this setting in recent memory. Its on my bucket list of games to return to and figure out if its a great game and I missed it or if it was just kind of forgettable.
Either way, ive been thinking about it lately because it stands out in my mind as being unique and something I didn't see a lot of back in the the day.
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 02/02/2012 at 02:18am
Oh and, this was released by Nintendo. I wasn't saying it was released by Square, I was just comparing it to what RPG's I was playing at the time.
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I have had many conversations with my friends about the "best video game cart of all time". Not the best game of all time, the best cart. The original Zelda is tossed around, The Link to the Past, Secret of Mana, Goldeneye, and Sonic. Super Mario All Stars generally wins because it has such an amazing line up. Its not just that it has Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario Bros 3 & The Lost Levels... But that it adds things like saving whenever you want AND upgraded the graphics for the Super Nintendo.
For certain games like Super Mario Brothers 3 the save feature means the difference between warping directly to the end all the time and being able to play... Read All
I have had many conversations with my friends about the "best video game cart of all time". Not the best game of all time, the best cart. The original Zelda is tossed around, The Link to the Past, Secret of Mana, Goldeneye, and Sonic. Super Mario All Stars generally wins because it has such an amazing line up. Its not just that it has Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario Bros 3 & The Lost Levels... But that it adds things like saving whenever you want AND upgraded the graphics for the Super Nintendo.
For certain games like Super Mario Brothers 3 the save feature means the difference between warping directly to the end all the time and being able to play through the entire game reasonably. Super Mario Bros 3 was a great game on the NES but the lack of save really hampered what you could do with it. I know people that left their NES on a few nights to go through Mario 3 in its entirety. Plus, the Racoon tail suit was awesome.
My other fav of this cart is Super Mario Bros 2. Ill save most of my ravings about this game for another post about it directly. That said, Super Mario Bros 2 may very well be my most beloved of the series. So many great memories of playing this with @WhiteboySlim.
Didn't play too much of the lost levels, it was punishingly hard and to this day don't go wild for other hard titles like Nethack or various roguelikes. Not that the lost levels was a rougelike, it was just very hard.
One of my friends takes note with the "best video game cart of all time" for this cart as he has the Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World which came with a late packaging of the SNES. I agree with him, that one is MUCH more epic, thing is I never owned it :)
Yes it is on the list. And now it can be talked about. This game has taken me away from WoW in a very positive way. I like the Bioware spin too an MMO. They stated in the beginning that they were not going to reinvent the wheel but give their take on what an MMO should be. This gave people the impression of another Rift style WoW clone. But they have taken the game to a unique level and I am having a great time in TOR. They are always improving the game and sometimes those changes cut into peak game time but I am finding it well worth it.
Yes it is on the list. And now it can be talked about. This game has taken me away from WoW in a very positive way. I like the Bioware spin too an MMO. They stated in the beginning that they were not going to reinvent the wheel but give their take on what an MMO should be. This gave people the impression of another Rift style WoW clone. But they have taken the game to a unique level and I am having a great time in TOR. They are always improving the game and sometimes those changes cut into peak game time but I am finding it well worth it.
lol, that's the same reason I can't play it. It won't run on my desktop. It's probably for the best. I don't really have the time to invest in a new MMO addiction. The game is pretty awesome though. I've never played an MMO before that made me consider my character more than just an avatar. In the 4 years I played FFXI all I can really tell you about my character is that he was a kick ass Samurai. In the 3 weekends I beta tested Star Wars: TOR I can tell you my Bounty Hunter was, deep down, actually not that bad a guy. However, he was a true mercenary who would take any job and was bound to a strict honor code to finish the job no matter what and no matter who stood in his way. I actually found myself choosing dialogue options not based on which I thought would get me better rewards, but which seemed appropriate to the character I'd created. :)
You have Cholera!
You have died of Dysentery.
I literally just posted something about that. lol
lol I noticed that, I posted my comment, refreshed the page, and there was your message.
A Facebook friend of mine just shared a post with a picture of a car On the freeway and basically said that this guy is the creator of the Oregon Trail video game and he’s a total jerk when he drives and actually quite dangerous and has been reported to the police. As I read that post I thought of another recent post where someone shared a picture of a girl texting as she was driving. It made me think of the movie the circle with Tom Hanks, A movie which had some very real red flags about the way were using Social media. (I think Apple somehow got a hold of the movie and made the ending stupid So we wouldn’t think of that company as evil). Anyways, it just feels a little scary to me that someone could not like the way I drive and then share it with hundreds and hundreds of people.
Hahahaha. Yeah.
I guess that's the fear for people that have a certain kind of fame that any kind of perceived slight could mean someone says something bad about you. I remember a few times online people on forums say this or that celeb is a total jerk when what they describe it just seemed like the person didn't want to be bothered in the moment. Which I can totally understand, sometimes people just want to go to the store and buy a candy bar and just have it be that.