So in my second play through I'm changing up my play strategy a bit. Putting the sunflowers ahead of my peashooters as a natural defense in the beginning.
So in the first back 2 rows pea shooters, 2 two rows next sunflowers. Then(because it's still early game) mines and walnuts. I just unlocked the flytrap which is always fun :)
PvZ 2? Yes please.
So in my second play through I'm changing up my play strategy a bit. Putting the sunflowers ahead of my peashooters as a natural defense in the beginning.
So in the first back 2 rows pea shooters, 2 two rows next sunflowers. Then(because it's still early game) mines and walnuts. I just unlocked the flytrap which is always fun :)
I still have yet to try a skate game. Didn't a later incarnation come with a skate board controller?
Travis Admin Post Author
wrote on 01/24/2012 at 03:46pm
That was Tony Hawk: Ride. That thing bombed hardcore. Apparently the game was terrible, and would have probably been even without the skateboard controller. Skate 1-3 are some of my favorites this gen. By Skate 3 it kinda started getting formulaic, and EA tried to do the whole microtransaction thing. I'm kinda surprised there hasn't been a 4.
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This guy is amazing. He is constantly doing SM64 speedruns of different types. He recently broke the 120 star world record. If you like watching people play video games, this is quite entertaining.
This guy is amazing. He is constantly doing SM64 speedruns of different types. He recently broke the 120 star world record. If you like watching people play video games, this is quite entertaining.
If you have an Android phone, this is a great time sink. They've recently opened up microtransactions, which is annoying, but you can ignore them. It's very basic gameplay, you just tap and hold to dive, and you use that to control where and how you land and how far it makes you fly. Very addictive, very fun, very frustrating.
If you have an Android phone, this is a great time sink. They've recently opened up microtransactions, which is annoying, but you can ignore them. It's very basic gameplay, you just tap and hold to dive, and you use that to control where and how you land and how far it makes you fly. Very addictive, very fun, very frustrating.
(Jon, if you read this, does standard HTML code work for making links? I don't want to try it and break the layout).
Yes, I actually own this game. All I can say is, watch the Angry Video Game Nerd review it. He's spot on.
Im glad they went ahead and put out the games because they were really great additions to game history. I don't mean that in a sort of ironic way, I genuinely liked Spritual Warfare. Its a Zelda knock off but did a lot right and I played it quite a bit. Played Zelda more, but Spritual Warfare makes me laugh and think fondly of the good ol days. Plus playing it made me more confident in my heaven status, or at least at the time anyway. :)
Write about it one of these days. :)
Travis Admin Post Author
wrote on 01/25/2012 at 02:46pm
I luckily or unluckily never played any religious games until a couple years ago. I found this at a local game store a few weeks after seeing the AVGN review of it. So, I don't have the rose colored glasses. To be completely honest, my glasses are probably tinted the other way because I'm expecting something funny and bad.
Shockingly enough, this game isn't as bad as the nerd makes it out to be. Yeah, the animals are slippery and some stuff doesn't make sense, but as a kid, I loved this game. Still kind of have fun playing it now.
Travis Admin Post Author
wrote on 01/24/2014 at 03:10am
I have fun playing it in the same way I enjoy watching Plan Nine From Outer Space. It isn't good, but it's fun in an "awww, you're trying" kind of way.
If you haven't played this game, you're missing out. I'm not sure how well it holds up, though. Going back through my games to plug them all into the site made me really want to get a Windows 98 VM up and running to play a lot of these old games.
One thing you have to say about LucasArts, they have solid, polished games. The cinematic nature of this game was pretty much untouched at the time. Even with some glitchiness, the immersion was high, and the mechanics were great (again, for the time).
If you haven't played this game, you're missing out. I'm not sure how well it holds up, though. Going back through my games to plug them all into the site made me really want to get a Windows 98 VM up and running to play a lot of these old games.
One thing you have to say about LucasArts, they have solid, polished games. The cinematic nature of this game was pretty much untouched at the time. Even with some glitchiness, the immersion was high, and the mechanics were great (again, for the time).
I downloaded the free version from iTunes because I saw it in the top 10 free section on the App Store. I saw Disney as the creator and almost didn't buy it because, lately, I don't really identify with Disney games or movies.
First off the game feels like a Disney cartoon. They really bring a strong Animation effort to the table on this game in the direction of Swampy the Aligator main character. The gist of the game is that Swampy likes to take baths and you need to allow the water to fill his tub. Totally down with the premise and its actually fun to help him out!
Just beat the main "meet swampy" intro thingy and I was impressed that the puzzles were so varied. When... Read All
I downloaded the free version from iTunes because I saw it in the top 10 free section on the App Store. I saw Disney as the creator and almost didn't buy it because, lately, I don't really identify with Disney games or movies.
First off the game feels like a Disney cartoon. They really bring a strong Animation effort to the table on this game in the direction of Swampy the Aligator main character. The gist of the game is that Swampy likes to take baths and you need to allow the water to fill his tub. Totally down with the premise and its actually fun to help him out!
Just beat the main "meet swampy" intro thingy and I was impressed that the puzzles were so varied. When Swampy was able to take a bath I found myself happy he was so happy.
Somehow, the animation and art REALLY remind me of "The Rescuers" the ol' Disney cartoon I loved as a wee pup.
Recently I beat Borderlands. What an amazing game! What a really anti-climactic ending. Haven't torn into the DLC on the PS3 yet, but I will soon.
Played through as the Siren. Focused on phasewalk damage and early on the game found a very over powered shotgun. I think I prefer playing the game with pistols or maybe I was just lucky and found a lot that dont have a lot of bullets but hit very very hard.
Recently I beat Borderlands. What an amazing game! What a really anti-climactic ending. Haven't torn into the DLC on the PS3 yet, but I will soon.
Played through as the Siren. Focused on phasewalk damage and early on the game found a very over powered shotgun. I think I prefer playing the game with pistols or maybe I was just lucky and found a lot that dont have a lot of bullets but hit very very hard.
Also, I chose the siren too. I actually haven't touched the other three. The fact that you haven't *really* completed the game fully until you've played it 8 times is impressive, but I can't imagine myself doing that.
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 01/24/2012 at 06:17am
So if you beat it 8 times is the ending different?
Co-op is really where this game shines. I don't know if this happens in other missions, but in one of the early quests there was an extra mini-boss character that showed up once we added a 3rd person. Very hard to fight (especially how early the quest was, so our weapons sucked) but it was very fun to take him down. :)
Everyone I know who has this game has it on PS3, and I'm not a big fan of playing co-op with people I don't know. I got it for 360 thinking more people I know would get it there, but I was way wrong.
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 01/24/2012 at 07:40pm
I <3 mini bosses we need more games where you take down a mini boss and then they become who you fight a bunch.
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I got this game as part of The Humble Bundle 4. In fact, I got the bundle just for Cave Story and Gratuitous Space Battles. If you loved old NES or SNES side scrollers you need to check out Cave Story. Playing through it with a USB SNES style controller is the way to go.
I technically have Cave Story+ but turned the settings to only show me the old graphics, those seem better to my eye.
I haven't beat it yet, just put a few hours into it here and there. So far, really really fun.
I got this game as part of The Humble Bundle 4. In fact, I got the bundle just for Cave Story and Gratuitous Space Battles. If you loved old NES or SNES side scrollers you need to check out Cave Story. Playing through it with a USB SNES style controller is the way to go.
I technically have Cave Story+ but turned the settings to only show me the old graphics, those seem better to my eye.
I haven't beat it yet, just put a few hours into it here and there. So far, really really fun.