I'm not quite sure what I'm doing yet, so I'm starting with a micro-review of Skyrim. To put it simply, this game blows me away. I'm over 125 hours into my second playthrough, and I can see myself playing this again and again. Bethesda games are buggy as hell, always have been, but the bugs are so easy to overlook when the world is so vibrant and the storyline(s) you make for your character are so compelling.

A bit ago I heard about Plants VS Zombies and downloaded the demo. After playing the game for 2 hours I went to the store and bought the box copy. It was $20 and I could install it on my Mac and PC. A few weeks later I picked it up on the iPhone for $2.99 and proceeded to beat it on the iPhone. Plants VS Zombies is awesome on mobile. Recently installed it on my 4S and started playing it again.

PvZ is an awesome game. My only real complaints about the are a few fold.

1. I find it a bit too easy. I wish there was a hardness setting so it was more challenging. Occasionally you have to change up the strategy a bit but for the most part, its too easy. Hopefully in 2.0 they can... Read All

I love playing this 3 way offline with my kids... Great fun and works great even for a 6 year old.

After I picked up my iPhone 4S one of my friends let me know about a game he played called My Town 2. Its kind of like Zinga's Cityville except to my eye less annoying.

My city is "Mos Eisley" and I am currently level 14. Its pretty fun to have a game on your phone where you can sink a few minutes a day on. I mostly spend my time collecting rent from buildings and do a few of the quests from time to time.

Saw another of my friends towns today and her town is WAY more elaborate than mine. She has a Casino and the Playboy Mansion. Its pretty cool to know you can at least keep it going to a certain point. She did mention that she hit the level cap I think it was 50.

A friend and I have been really enjoying the Rage co-op "Legends of the Wasteland." I want to write a longer post sometime about all my thoughts on Rage's single player campaign.

Until then, if you have the game I seriously recommend playing through "Legends of the Wasteland" with a friend. Its pretty fun and varied as far as levels go. We hit a point where the levels really ramp up in normal mode. I forget the level name, but its essentially the Mutant Bash TV level backwards. Very hard and we will have to adapt our gameplay quite a bit to beat it.