
Joined 01/23/2012


152 Posts

Skyrim Hearthfire, the newest DLC. I don't know if I'm so crazy about this one, but will probably check it out at some point.

Epic Madden 13 Intro. I put the disk in, fired it up and was totally not expecting to see something like this! So rad!

Just barely started the game. Lost an online game 24-21 and started a Coaching Career, but the EA servers were down for most of the time, so I didn't do a lot. But, it looks so good! Gonna be playing this a lot!

In anticipation of the actual game (already pre-ordered! Can't wait for the 28th!), I've downloaded the Madden 13 demo.

One feature I was really interested in checking out was the new physics engine, called the Madden Infinity Engine. In the past, when Madden players interacted with each other (tackling, hitting, catching the ball, etc), what was shown was a preset animation. Now there were very many of these animations, so it looked great, but it wasn't always "perfect."

Now, thanks to Madden's Infinity Engine, the players truly interact with each other. Speed, momentum, mass and body parts are all melded into a unique action. The animations are limitless, and usually look great.

But, I've also noticed some glitches that are almost Mastodon-falling-from-the-sky good.

On one catch, my receiver jumped up for a catch, made it, and a defender hit him in the air. The receiver held onto the ball, but his right arm (the hand holding the ball) was wrenched behind him, at least dislocating his shoulder, probably breaking some bones too, but he was able to hold onto the ball and hop right back up!

Another time, I was running the ball, and had another player trip over me after I was tackled. There's always a bit of animation between plays (guys walking back the the huddle, celebrating a tackle, etc), and I watched this player trip, fall over the running back, stand up, take a step forward, trip, fall over the running back, and on and on, until the screen cut away. It was amusing.

So, whilst the Infinity Engine looks like it's pretty cool, it also looks like there are going to be some ridiculous animations because of it as well.

Still can't wait for the 28th!

Adym's Daughter -
My video game just dance3 stopsin the middle of one song called Price Tag. Is this a problem with my console, the disk, or is it just this song?
A great tower defense game for Android. Pretty basic and easy to pick up, but addictive! Each level there's 100 waves of enemies you need to keep from crossing to the other side. The basic map is pictured here, with enemies crossing from left to right, but there are other levels with enemies crossing from both directions, and multiple access points.

Your defenses consist of 3 basic towers. Guns, rockets and slowers. As you kill enemies, you gain money which can be used to build more towers, or upgrade existing towers. Some can specialize to focus on heavy anit-ground or heavy anti-air defenses.

The first few levels are quite beatable, but there are achievements you can earn for beating levels and meeting certain objectives. Quite fun :)

Just got more excited about this game! Kinect voice commands! Now I'll be able to sound like a real QB calling out audibles. Rock on.

A great, simple android version of the classic Risk game. You can play against up to 6 players computer or human. In the free version you're passing the phone back and forth, but it's still fun. My 11 year old daughter, who's never played Risk (I know, I've failed as a parent) loves this game too.

There's a Skynet option, which makes the computer more likely to attack humans. I've not tried it on that mode yet. I don't want my phone learning how I attack...

This is a great video on so many levels. Don't watch if you're easily offended though lol.

Totally brings back the Sega Genesis vs Super Nintendo debate.

I added it under Altered Beast because it's shown in the video.