
Joined 01/23/2012


152 Posts

“The Legend of Zelda,” one of the most popular videogame series of all time, is in the works as a television show at Netflix.

The video streaming service is in the early stages of developing a live action series based on “Zelda,” about an ordinary boy named Link who must rescue a princess named Zelda and save a fantasy world called Hyrule, said a person familiar with the matter. As it seeks writers to work on the show, Netflix is describing it as “Game of Thrones” for a family audience, this person said.

My first thought "Oh no... this can't be anything but bad." But, who knows. I will check it out, but my expectations will be low lol

Well excuuuuse me, princess!

Hilarious game play "feature" in FIFA. (Jump ahead to 1:22. I couldn't post it from the middle)

Daniel Sloss Stand-Up 06/26/14 on CONAN

I stumbled onto Extra Credits today, as it's an offshoot of some other YouTube channels I watch, and I have been very interested. The range of video subjects is impressive, from the need of the Blue Shell (in above video), to Myers Briggs Personalities in character design, to the Animation of Punch-Out! (on the Wii). So many other topics as well. If you're into thinking about games, I recommend you check out the channel.

The Humble Bundle community has helped provide funding for more than 50 charitable organizations, including Child's Play Charity, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the American Red Cross, charity: water and Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières. These contributions have helped people with disabilities enjoy games, provided emergency medical aid, funded health care, brought books to schools in Africa, brought clean water to developing countries and much more.

"We never imagined after the first Humble Indie Bundle that we might one day reach this milestone," said John Graham, co-founder and COO of Humble Bundle. "It is hard to truly comprehend the magnitude of $50 million for charity. We owe our thanks to the generosity of the Humble Bundle community -- to the content creators who entrust us with their works of art and to the consumers -- for making this possible."

This warms my heart to see! I love playing games, and I love giving to charities, and I love how Humble Bundle combines the two! (Plus supporting developers smile)

This is the first Dancing With The Stars dance that has actually been entertaining :)

There is a cannon that shoots salmon over dams.
It’s awesome. Check it out.

This is such a rad video.

Fish passage is a big deal in the hydro engineering world. This salmon cannon made big news a while ago when it came out, but it's not the only inventive solution. One of my friends and coworkers, Ryan Greif, designed a decompression chamber for fish called the Decompression Raceway (

I've not played BioShock (I know, I know), but still greatly enjoyed, and was greatly creeped out by, this parody of Under The Sea from the Little Mermaid.

Why do some game manuals tell you a character's blood type along with the expected name, height and age? Watch for the significance of blood types in Japanese games and the blood types of the cast of Street Fighter, Resident Evil and Final Fantasy, mostly.

Seeing Blood Type in games like Super Street Fighter 2 was something I never really paid attention to. I never questioned why it was there. It just was. But know I know that there is an actual reason for it. Surprising and interesting.

It looks like the Oculus is getting closer and closer to being released. There's a lot in this article, so I won't copy and paste much of it.

I'm not sure if I'm thrilled with the thought of buying a VR headset from a company like FB, but really all corporations are going to be the same. Watching your habits and trying to make money off you.

That said, it would be awesome to have a Cheerful Ghost Virtual Hangout!

Since her debut in Super Mario Galaxy, Princess Rosalina is showing up in EVERYTHING...even the nwe Super Smash Bros for the Wii U! But really, WHO IS SHE?

The answer will change EVERYTHING you thought you knew about the Super Mario franchise...

I've not actually played much of Mario Galaxy, but as far as Mario lore goes, this video and it's Part 2 is definitely worth watching! There's genetic, story lore and physics evidence shown to make some amazing theories about the relationships in the Mario universe.
