I'm only a half hour into the PS4 Announcement, and I'm already hearing a lot of themes that we're already sharing here on Cheerful Ghost. Sony is focusing a lot on connectivity between players, and shared gaming experiences. I'm really interested in seeing the PS4 in person (especially Watch Dogs, not mentioned yet in this announcement, but that freaking looks rad!)
I have been advised by Sony of America to make the following statement in pursuant with our recent settlement. Sony of America has an always will be an innovator in the tech space in in now way "steals" or has "stolen" any intell.... lasjkdflajsdfklkasdf
Holy crap is all I can say after watching the full 2 hour announcement. It's almost intimidating how much gameplay is going to be available with this system.
I absolutely cannot wait for Watch Dogs and Destiny!
I am very impressed with the looks of these games. Part of me feels like maybe there's nothing new happening, except for the improved processing capabilities. But really, some of the most fundamental breakthroughs happen just because of an incremental change. Who knows what kind of creativity someone will come up with.
I am a little torn with Playtstation, though. I've stuck with the Playstation platform because of my particular like of Final Fantasy games. PS3 and Xbox360 was the first console (right?) where Final Fantasy was available on both. I support Microsoft, although not exclusively, and wouldn't mind getting the next Xbox console, but I have never been unhappy with a Playstation purchase.
I've always been an Xbox guy myself. I think it goes all the back to the Super Nintendo...
I remember back in the early 90's, the console war between the SNES and the Genesis. Growing up loving Nintendo, I felt like Sega was "butting in" and the bad guy (I have thus since learned that competition is a good thin lol).
I believe at this point my loyalty to Nintendo was solidified, and during the following years I always preceded the latest Nintendo product. So when PlayStation came out, it felt like another Genesis to me, and I avoided it. Then I got married and had a daughter and stopped play console games all together.
After my divorce (nice transition, right?), one of the first things I did was go out and buy a console lol. At the time, my options we a Wii, a PlayStation 3, or and Xbox 360. I wasn't really interested in the Wii; it's a great group activity console, but I wasn't interested in that aspect of gaming. And with PlayStation still in my subconscious as the heir of the Genesis, the Xbox 360 was the only choice for me lol.
Now I'm interested in what Microsoft puts out, but I'm already sold on the PS4!
Interesting. I had the same Nintendo loyalty. I don't know that I felt that Sega was butting in, but they weren't "as good" to me. Funny enough, I was really just loyal to Final Fantasy when it came to making the decision to buy a Playstation. That's the only reason. Then I came across Metal Gear Solid, and some others, and I was a brand junkie. I've stuck with Playstation ever since, though I got the Wii because I am still a Zelda and Metroid fan. (BTW, Metroid Other M is fantastic!)
But now that it seems I can get any game multi-platform these days, and my Final Fantasy fanboyness is fading (sorry Square Enix, but it's just not the same anymore), I'm tempted to give the next Xbox a chance instead.
I nabbed a PS3 primarily because of its up-converting DVD functionality and BluRay. I bought a few other DVD players that upconverted and the PS3 beat them all hands down. Later on I bought The Orange Box and then many more games. Later on it got Netflix and now I circle back to using it as primarily a video machine and play some games on it.
I am not too sure if I will get a PS4 though. I am just not sure what purpose it will have beyond what I can already do, but I can be convinced over time. In the end, the Steam Box seems more likely. Even if it just plays Indie games and all Valve titles that would be perfect for me.
my friend has the wii u i want to grab one for myself some day, but its wicked fun and what developer can possible do with it might make it the right way to go in the future with, by that i mean 2 screens one in your hand and on on your tv
I remember the first time I saw FFII over at a friend's house. I had never experienced an RPG before, and the game seemed so huge! And long! And as he told me about the story, I knew I needed to get my hands on this game.
Honestly, I don't remember much of the storyline now (which means it's time to play again!), but what I do remember is the music! The creators of this game did such a fantastic job crafting the perfect video game music. The music fits so well, causing feelings of victory, trepidation, joy, sadness and everything in between. I love going back and listening to it even now!
Just use the japanese numbering! They're almost all worth playing.
I loooooove FF4. Watch Out For Fireballs! is doing a music episode. If you have some thoughts about the music, specific songs, and such, lay'em on us! http://duckfeed.tv/contact/
I did too but then I went and found the in between games. If they were all shit, I'd be fine pretending they didn't exist but FF3 and 5 are both pretty good.
Like Adym I got confused with the numbering myself, but have come to later accept it as you can't get the right information on Wikipedia without knowing the right game. That and other game sites, so it sort of makes sense to learn it.
And the other games exist and are good, which helps.
@Tungsten that's a good idea for a boys name, if you make it happen ill give you a special trophy "Named Son Cecil" or some such. :D
Adym, if you liked the music from FF4 I suggest you check out http://ff4.ocremix.org/. I'm pretty sure ocremix has been mentioned on this site before, but it's basically a bunch of musicians who love video game music. They made a full album dedicated to FF4. I especially like the track "The Skies Hold No Angels for Us".
Thats a great OCRemix album. My only beef is that its not tagged properly and really hard to manage. If you can fix that, its a great set of songs from the game!
I've heard interesting things, and it seems like it would combine two awesome activities, gaming and geocaching, but I don't know if I'd ever actually do anything with it if I got an invite.
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Goodbye Skyrim, Goodbye Kinect Goodbye Madden It's the Red Ring of Death
I've had my Xbox since 2007, and it kept getting less and less reliable. First it just "couldn't read" perfectly good disks occasionally, then it decided that black wasn't a color it want to display and instead replaced it with pink.
Now it's finally dead.
I don't think I will replace it. My daughter loved the Kinect games, but other than that, I just didn't use it enough to warrent buying it new. Xbox will be out soon enough, and in the meantime I need a new computer ;)
"Should Aerith have died based on her wounds? Did she die at all? The results will shatter what you thought you knew about this iconic and heartbreaking moment of game history."
This video is amusing enough to not feel long at all. Plenty of pictures to entertain whilst the narrator makes his point.
The thing is, after you hear it enough times in Skyrim it's hilarious. It makes sense that it broke out into internet culture and 14-year-old girls who had no interest in Skyrim were saying it.
I played WoW a bunch. The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King kept me going for a while, but I dropped out before Cataclysm came out.
I had no idea another another expansion was coming out until I saw a Kung Fu Panda commercial, that ended up being a WoW commercial?!? Mists of Pandaria? What the heck?
It might be drawing me back... thankfully my computer can't handle it, so it'll be a while before I lose myself to it, but I'm definitely interested.
This expansion really interests me and I am not a WoW player. They add a kind of pokemon mini game to it, plus I really like the look of Pandara. I dig the whole dark game thing, but I enjoy bright open worlds too. WoW had that, but maybe I just started as a Undead and... Wait I did :)
That said, the Undead area has its bright places and it was fun. I just can't get around a sub...
Is GW2 better than WOW? That is like asking the question is Torchlight 2 better than Diablo 3. Both are great games that are similar but everyone has their bias and you then can ask the question what coffee is the best and you will get different responses.
Mist is looking to be a fun expansion. The keep claiming it will get back to the original WOW roots of exploring and Horde v Alliance conflict.
There are many new mini games as Jon talked about Pokemon. If that wasn't enough there will be a type of Farmville with the Tillers faction. There is already a Plants v Zombies in the game.
Cataclysm revamped the Old World in a huge way. The 1-60 leveling is by far the best it has ever been. However the 80-85 content there are many opinions on this and mine is I am glad it is over. I am not going to make a huge post in that regards.
Kung-Fu Panda meets WOW we shall see but from the test I have seen and the feed back I have read this should be good.
And Jon I am sorry but when WOW is under 2Mil subs I am sure they will make it free. Until then 15$ a month.
I fully agree with the top three. I loved NHL '94 a surprising amount for a sport that I knew nothing about before playing it.
Like Tyson's Punch out was highly listed so that's good. Always wanted to play Tecmo Super Bowl.
Personally I would have put NES Golf and Wii Sports on the list.