
Joined 01/23/2012


152 Posts

There are some great games on this list!

I'm a little disappointed Bill Lambeer's Combat Basketball was left off the list though lol.
Earlier this month I bought a new laptop from Best Buy. Just received a $25 Rewards Zone reward certificate.

I think I'll roll that into a $50 Steam card and get it half-off lol.

Just a random post today. Yay for free money!

I'm only a half hour into the PS4 Announcement, and I'm already hearing a lot of themes that we're already sharing here on Cheerful Ghost. Sony is focusing a lot on connectivity between players, and shared gaming experiences. I'm really interested in seeing the PS4 in person (especially Watch Dogs, not mentioned yet in this announcement, but that freaking looks rad!)

I remember the first time I saw FFII over at a friend's house. I had never experienced an RPG before, and the game seemed so huge! And long! And as he told me about the story, I knew I needed to get my hands on this game.

Honestly, I don't remember much of the storyline now (which means it's time to play again!), but what I do remember is the music! The creators of this game did such a fantastic job crafting the perfect video game music. The music fits so well, causing feelings of victory, trepidation, joy, sadness and everything in between. I love going back and listening to it even now!

Just got my invite! I've hardly even turned it on, but I'm looking forward to it!

Goodbye Skyrim,
Goodbye Kinect
Goodbye Madden
It's the Red Ring of Death

I've had my Xbox since 2007, and it kept getting less and less reliable. First it just "couldn't read" perfectly good disks occasionally, then it decided that black wasn't a color it want to display and instead replaced it with pink.

Now it's finally dead.

I don't think I will replace it. My daughter loved the Kinect games, but other than that, I just didn't use it enough to warrent buying it new. Xbox will be out soon enough, and in the meantime I need a new computer ;)

"Should Aerith have died based on her wounds? Did she die at all? The results will shatter what you thought you knew about this iconic and heartbreaking moment of game history."

This video is amusing enough to not feel long at all. Plenty of pictures to entertain whilst the narrator makes his point.
I think I heard about "I used to be an adventurer..." before I had a clue what Skyrim was. But now... what if?
This is a ridiculously simple game, but I'm hooked! I recommend it as a time killer.

I played WoW a bunch. The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King kept me going for a while, but I dropped out before Cataclysm came out.

I had no idea another another expansion was coming out until I saw a Kung Fu Panda commercial, that ended up being a WoW commercial?!? Mists of Pandaria? What the heck?

It might be drawing me back... thankfully my computer can't handle it, so it'll be a while before I lose myself to it, but I'm definitely interested.

Anyone else picking it up right away?