
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2746 Posts

Currently there are 4 alternate heroes you can play in Hearthstone. If you want to customize your hero experience and stand out a bit the heroes are a nice option. Since I am a free to play Hearthstone user I haven't bought any of the new heroes though I enjoy matches where my opponent is using them. Recently Blizzard released a new Lady Liadrin hero for Paladin and this one was unique in that to unlock her all you needed to do was get to level 20 in World of Warcraft.

"Players who level a World of Warcraft character to level 20 will earn a new Achievement, Fledgling Hero of Warcraft, that will unlock Liadrin for use in Hearthstone. No World of Warcraft subscription is necessary to earn this hero and bring the power of the Light to bear in Hearthstone—simply log in to your existing World of Warcraft account and play."


I love the idea of simply playing another game for free to unlock something in Hearthstone. When World of Warcraft launched a free starter edition I played up to level 8 and never felt a huge draw to play beyond that. Partially it's because MMO's are best experienced with friends and I played it mostly single player and also because it really didn't draw me in.

All that said, I am a Hearthstone nut and the thought of unlocking a hero for free was too compelling to pass up.

Doesn't Everyone Get Addicted To World of Warcraft And Have It Ruin Their Life?

We've all heard horror stories about how MMO's ruin relationships. It's a common tale in gaming i've taken to heart in that I have mostly tried to steer clear of playing MMO's. Not to say I haven't played Lord of the Rings Online or Guild Wars 2 but with those experiences I always monitored how much I was playing and how that was effecting things. I had a couple weeks were I was immersed in either Guild Wars 2 or Lord of the Rings Online but for me it wasn't anything like the horrors we've all read about. But before I started playing WoW to level 20 I did wonder if WoW was gonna ruin my life. Turns out I was totally wrong.

World of Warcraft Isn't My Thing.

I feel bad for saying World of Warcraft isn't for me because I love Warcraft Orcs and Humans, Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3 and Hearthstone. How couldn't I love World of Warcraft? It's it just Warcrack injected directly into your nerd soul? Shouldn't that be my kryptonite?

Well as it turns out it's not but I did enjoy the first couple levels and the associated quests and grind. But after level 5 things get fairly stale quickly. The story blends into the background and the quests are very repetitive. The art, music and gameplay are well beyond polished but even so I just didn't find it very much fun.

After level 10 my quest to unlock Lady Liadrin became something I didn't enjoy. I heard someone once say "It's not work unless you'd rather be somewhere else" and if that is true then World of Warcraft is work. At least, again, it was for me.

I did enjoy a few things though. I rolled an Undead Warlock called SnuggyBunny and I thought the abilities and spells were neat. He was a tailor and I found it fun to make a few outfits that I wore for an hour or so but I quickly discovered items that replaced my handmade ones and I couldn't level up my tailor ability quickly enough. I imagine this is due to my lack of understanding of the games system, but there you have it. Starting an Undead character is fun and Blizzards design for the undead, their cities and characters is very creative. Running quests for Lady Sylvanas was fun as I remembered her unfortunate character turn from Warcraft 3 and they integrated her and the story of the forsaken well.

I was happy when I reached level 20 because the game started getting much more difficult which was a nice change of pace. At the point I hit 20 I couldn't continue due to the Starter Edition level 20 cap but at that point much of the game seemed to open up to me. I wonder if the game gets more fun after level 20 but it's something I might not ever experience as I have little desire to try my hand with the game again. If there were another Hearthstone cross promotion I might head back but next time i'd like to try a different class I might enjoy more.

In the end two great things came from me playing Word of Warcraft. First is I unlocked Lady Liadrin and playing her in Hearthstone and that alone was well worth the time. Lastly, I realized that I am immune to World of Warcrack and it's tempting ways and my relationship still stands strong even though an article to the contrary would have been way more interesting to read.

Hello Ghosts,

In this episode of Hearthstone Dailies for Ghosts I play a couple matches of Too Many Portals Tavern Brawl. The cool thing about this brawl is the thing I also dislike the most about this brawl in it's focus on random chance. That said, I luck out and do quite well in each match.

I wrap things up with a handful of matches playing with my brand new Reno Jackson Dragon Paladin deck. It's a very odd deck I haven't seen get much play and it has done shocking well in each matchup i've used it in. But how good is this deck? The only way to know is to watch!

Rogue One: A Star Wars story has been in production since 2013 and today we received the first proper trailer. The movie comes out this December 16th and from the trailer, I can't wait. Unlike the early trailers for The Force Awakens Rogue One features some character information and the basic plot of the film. Jyn Erso seems to be taken into custody by the Rebel Alliance and asked to join a special team to help steal the plans for the Empires ultimate weapon...

*spoiler alert for Episode IV A New Hope*

... The original death star. Since Rogue One is before A New Hope this film chronicles the Rebel Alliance and it's attempts to steal the Death Star readout used the by the Rebel Alliance and Luke Skywalker to destroy it. Popular rumor has it that Darth Vader will also make an appearance in Rogue One.

This movie looks much darker than previous Star Wars films and I love how it feels like something a bit different but also very true to the originals in design. One standout from the trailer was Jyn Erso's character as well as the score by Alexandre Desplat. Desplat's score uses the original themes in a very unique way and if this is carried over into the film we are in for an audio treat!

Again, unlike the first teaser for The Force Awakens there is a bunch here to tear through so I am curious what you think about the new trailer?

If you missed the Doom closed beta, iD is opening up the doors to hell to allow anyone the ability to try it before launch.

"If you were unable to join us for our recent DOOM closed multiplayer beta, you’re in luck! From April 15 through 17, you’ll be able to jump straight into the open beta – no code necessary. Simply download the beta and let the viscera fly. Like the closed beta, you’ll have access to Team Deathmatch and Warpath on the Heatwave and Infernal maps."


I didn't have a great time with the Doom closed beta as it crashed on my PC each time I tried it so heres hoping they get that sorted out!

If you are interested in playing the open beta and talking about it join our event below!


Nintendo launched Miitomo last Thursday in the United States and i’ve been using it pretty religiously since then. It’s a strangely addicting social network that focuses on your friends and you answering questions and the conversations that erupt from that. It just might be my friend group, but there have been some really hilarious discussions created with it. Sometimes the discussions get a bit too meta or poop-focused for my taste but I really think Nintendo did a good job with Miitomo. Nintendo has built a very solid base to branch out from and I can’t wait to see how Miitomo changes over time.

What’s The Point of Miitomo?

Nintendo is great at making hardware and games. Even though Nintendo is doing well considering how many different video game companies are out there one area they can improve is online features and multiplayer. I believe Milltomo is an attempt to get the Nintendo brand and system on as many devices and used by as many people as possible. This is useful if Nintendo can hook this network into its devices and use it as a way to harmonize all your hardware under a Nintendo banner. Consider a world where you buy, rent or use a Netflix-like Nintendo service to play games on all your devices? Miitomo and your Nintendo account could facilitate this and tie all your systems together. Will Miitomo and your Nintendo Account at some point operate akin to Steam? It’s possible and now a bit more so.

What Do You Do With Miitomo?

Right now you can customize the look of your Mii, personalize it’s voice and customize your Mii’s clothing by spending in game Miitomo gold. You get a healthy amount of free gold and they are not cheap on handing out more over time. Right now I am saving up as I am not sure when the gold fountain will end and don’t mind waiting to see how they hand out free gold over the up-coming weeks. If you want even more gold you can spend real money to buy more, which seems to be a standard for free to play games that are not evil. It seems that free to play and the ability to pay more for customizations is the route of Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike Go and other games players consider the right way to do free to play.

Beyond Mii customizations you can also communicate with your friends by commenting on their answers and asking them personal questions.

You can also earn in game tickets to spend on a Pachinko like game to earn free Mii clothes or candy. Candy can be spent to continue talking to friends, something that seems very strange for a social network but currently a thing.

To me one killer feature of Miitomo is the ability to create fun and crazy pictures of you and your friends. I’ve seen some really creative images built with Miitomo and I imagine we will see more pop up as people push it to it’s limit. If you are interested in seeing a couple more images I created hit the link below.


What Would I Like To See Miitomo Become?

I’d like to see Nintendo add the ability to web link to your personal Miitomo profile. One thing i’d like to see Nintendo do more in general is allow you to link to your Nintendo profile so Cheerful Ghost can integrate more with it. One neat part of the PC space is that it’s very web friendly and as such we integrate right into your Steam account, allow authentication with Steam, import your steam games list and also integrate with your Battle.net, StarCraft II and Diablo III public profiles. We do this because companies allow this integration and in a world where Microsoft and Sony no longer allow it, Nintendo should. Plus it would be nice to give your friends a web link they can hit to friend you in Miitomo, something lots of social networks allow.

In the end Miitomo is a really strong first release for Nintendo and I hope it turns into something bigger for Nintendo over time after an already strong first showing.

Star Wars The Force Awakens was finally released on Blu-ray yesterday and like many eager fans I devoured the special features that evening. It was some of the most fun i’ve had watching special features in quite some time but before we get into all that we need to talk about something else first.

Save Yourself The Pain and Just Buy The Normal Blu-ray Version Of This Movie

One way to upset fans is to hype something up and under deliver. The Force Awakens was a well hyped movie but for all of that it completely delivered and was well received by fans as well as myself. So when they mentioned the Blu-ray was coming out with a boatload of special features I was in. Absolutely gonna buy it day one. After reading an article on StarWars.com I decided to purchase the version at Target because for an extra $5 you got a different cover and 20 minutes of extra special features. To me the extra 20 minutes of special features is important so yesterday I hit up Target when it opened to grab my copy of the movie. First unfortunate thing I learned is that the special Target version came in a very flimsy cardboard case. This isn’t a huge deal all told, but the normal version comes in a standard Blu-ray case with is more sturdy and better designed. I also prefer the art on the normal Blu-ray release as well. The Target special version I purchased feels more flimsy and I don’t like how you have to slide the discs in and out of the tight sleeves. I put the discs in other sleeves to avoid scratches because… I really hate disc scratches and want things I enjoy to last a very long time. So the inferior packaging wasn’t a huge deal but it was a thing I had to mentioned. That said the deal-breaker was that the extra 20 minutes of special edition footage was online only. I went on Target's Facebook forum weeks ahead of time to find out if the extra features would be on disc. Customer service reps said the special features were on disc and I imagine myself and many implied this meant the extra 20 minutes would be too. Turns out you get a digital code you have to redeem at a Disney website and that grants you access to the extra 20 minutes. They've since updated the language on their website after a ton of complaints but that doesn't help me.

Really at the end of the day this isn’t the end of the world but it was disappointing. If I had known what I know now I would have just bought the normal version, saved $5 and been served slightly less disappointment.

That all said...

This Is One Of The Best Blu-ray Movies I’ve Bought In a Long Time

The Force Awakens on Blu-ray is worth purchasing for the amazing 1 hour and 9 minute “Secrets of the Force Awakens” documentary included. From start to finish it gives a well detailed look at the film starting with George Lucas selling LucasFilm to Disney to the launch of the film itself. It’s a very special look at a really important movie and I am happy Disney spent the effort to make this documentary incredible. Peter Jackson took a documentary style look at film-making to new heights with the Lord of the Rings Extended Editions and I haven’t seen much to top that but Force Awakens is in that ballpark.

Besides the aforementioned 4 part documentary, The Force Awakens includes a segment on the script table read, creature creation, BB-8, snow battle and ILM. One of my most anticipated parts were the addition of deleted scenes and they were also very fun to watch. I’d say each deleted scene was nice to see but I could see why they weren’t included in the final film. One deleted scene “Tunnel Standoff” is a digital exclusive and the funnest one of the bunch. It’s a shame it’s not included on the disc but you can watch it if you redeem your digital code with iTunes or Google.

Like I said, the Force Awakens special features and deleted scenes are worth the price of admission alone yet this is also an incredible Star Wars movie too. We dedicated an entire episode of the Cheerful Ghost Roundtable to our thoughts on Force Awakens so if you want to know more check that out. If you liked the Force Awakens and enjoy getting a behind the scenes look at how films are made, you need to pick this one up!


Just wanted to note that Disney launched a teaser for the upcoming Star Wars: Rogue One trailer coming out tomorrow!


Zelda is an iconic game that lives on long after it originally came to us in 1986. Since this year marks the 30th anniversary of Zelda an amazing fan tribute has hit the web you can play right now. Someone recreated the original Legend of Zelda in 3D and it's playable right now from your web browser. It's a fun concept i'd argue suffers from some game play issues but is still a very fun and novel take on the original game.


UPDATE: It appears Nintendo has told the authors to take down the game.

"Nintendo asked us to remove this site for copyright infringement. I guess Zelda30Tribute was a little too pixel perfect :-) We're sad about that, but we get it. We started this project because we love Nintendo and the joy they have given us throughout the years. From the start of development, we knew this result could potentially happen. Nintendo has every right to protect their IP. No complaints from us, we had a blast working on this tribute and made some friends along the way."

Greetings Ghosts,

I've been spending the last few weeks working on bug fixes and interesting new core features to Cheerful Ghost and I wanted to wrap up a patchlist for you all. This doesn't quite cover everything and some stuff my be so esoteric as to not be interesting but hopefully going forward I can keep posting changes in this form to keep you all updated as to what's been happening on the tech side of this site.

Patchset 3.11

  • Upgraded the core Rails framework for the latest security and bug fixes. I do this whenever I need to but a few came recently and we upgraded. http://rubyonrails.org/

  • Upgraded to the latest jQuery 1.22.2 stable release branch. https://jquery.com

  • Upgraded to the latest Boostrap 3.3.6 release. Boostrap is a CSS, HTML & JS framework for designing responsive web applications. http://getbootstrap.com/

  • Replaced the API we use to send email.

  • Replace the main page post autoload with pagination.

  • Fixed a bug in the ATOM feed generator where we were generating incorrect URL's in feed readers. The URL pointed to the right content but was formatted incorrectly.

  • Fixed some bugs in Events exporting to iCalendar and Google Calendar. We also support iCalendar locations and URLs better to point back to the original Cheerful Ghost event.

  • Retooled the private messages UI. The new UI is a bit more clear and feels much more similar to existing interfaces.

  • Rebuilt the User profile pages. The new profile pages are much more clean and easier to understand and use! Clicking on your profile posts, trophies and games buttons provides a visual indication where you are and makes it clear on how to return to your base profile. This retooling has an added benefit of profile pages being easier to use on mobile and tablets as well. Profile pages can now link to your public Starcraft II and Diablo III Battle.net profiles. The social and game links sizes have increased making them easier to see and touch on smaller screens. For a live example check Travis's profile page http://cheerfulghost.com/Travis

  • Because of a hugely popular demand, I rebuilt the post creation system. As part of this new clean and simple design you no longer have to add a game to your personal list to write about it. Clicking the "Create A New Post" button expands the new UI and you can now write about any game in our 24k and counting game database.

As with any new set of features you may find bugs present. If that is the case you can report those in the comments thread below or private message me directly.

In the latest episode of Game/Show Jamin talks about the Apple classic game The Oregon Trail. He starts things off with a seemingly ridiculous premise that everyones favorite squirrel shooting simulator lied to us. I recommend you watch the video to experience a really interesting and light history of the The Oregon Trail but also educational games as a genre. Apparently educational games are not very good at educating people and if they are it's generally not for what they set out to do. In the end Oregon Trail does a good job teaching us about simulation and economic basics but doesn't do a great job teaching us what it's like to have actually been on the trail. Unless we find out that the majority of the time pioneers just shot and collected game, then I totally experienced that with them!