
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

"Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine is a single player or co-op heist game. Assemble a crack team of thieves, case the joint, and pull off the perfect heist."

Monaco recently came to Linux on Steam so Pocketwatch Games could bring the game to SteamOS. Not only is it great to see games ported to all the platforms, but its awesome to see publishers target SteamOS in particular. I hope this is a trend I see continue.

Pocketwatch Games is celebrating the recent Linux release by marking the game to $5.99 and after hearing it get a great review from @WhiteboySlim I picked it up. I can't wait to dive into this one!

If you have any experience with this game or picked it up for the first time, drop your thoughts in the comments.


"I'm pleased to finally announce my new source filmmaker project. End of the Line. This has been in production since January. With a planned release around the end of the year. The full film is around 8 minutes long and I've saved the best for the film itself. Some of the shots have been altered for this trailer to take out jokes so they won't be spoiled. Special thanks to all those involved in the production who helped get this done."

I have been waiting for someone to take the Source Film Maker and release something like this for some time. Very interested in seeing this drop when it goes live at the end of the year.

Now if someone could just remake Star Wars with the Source Film Maker....

It's hard to write about Super Meat Boy as it has been cover by the press and was given some major treatment in Indie Game: The Movie. That said, I found this fast facts video pretty interesting, if not a bit short.

I've been playing Super Meat Boy a bit at a time over the months and am currently pretty far into the salt factory. Currently the Steam Mac version is broken and the only Linux version of Meat Boy was released with the Humble Bundle. That said, I do plan on finishing this one but I hope it is ported to Steam on Linux so it can be played on the Steam Box.

All that said, how far have you made it through Meat Boy? What is the furthest you have gone in the game?

A few weeks ago Escape Goat came to Steam and like many people I decided to give it a go. Escape Goat is a pure puzzle platformer and offers really fun mechanics that will keep you playing "just one more level." The Steam version supports Mac, Linux and Windows out of the box and I found the controller support to be superb. After getting hooked in by Escape Goat's retro charms I wanted to ask its creator Ian Stocker about the game and if there will be more Goat adventures coming up.

jdodson: Escape Goat was recently released and was just Greenlit on Steam. Now that people have played it I am curious what your reaction to the launch and peoples responses have been?

Ian Stocker: The Steam launch and GoG launch both went great, they were profitable and introduced the game to thousands of new players. It was great to see the Steam forums light up with comments and feedback on the game.

jdodson: Escape Goat has a really awesome premise. I am curious how the concept was born and when you decided to start working on it?

Ian Stocker: Escape Goat started as a new project, with no existing code, on January 1, 2011. The working title was Bastille, and it was going to be a single-screen puzzle game that would take place in a prison. The goat theme was added later, when some friends and I found a Reddit thread on the best misused English idioms. Escape Goat was the top voted answer, and that's when I decided to adopt it as the title and theme of the game. That was probably about three months into development.

jdodson: Is the Goat a witch and does the her purple color factor into her magical-ness in some way?

Ian Stocker: This is up to the player to determine! He does have a lot of magical properties though...

jdodson: What games have you been playing recently?

Ian Stocker: I haven't played a lot of new games, but I do dip in on Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, a classic roguelike you can play on the web. It can devour whole hours of time without you realizing it, though, so beware!

jdodson: Escape Goat is a really tight platformer with some unique concepts. How did all the different aspects of the platforming come together? Did you start with a grand vision or just put in elements and work with them until they worked?

Ian Stocker: It was built up piece by piece, with only some vague concepts of what I wanted to see in the game. I knew I wanted it to show the whole room at once, with no scrolling, like classic puzzle games (Adventures of Lolo, Solomon's Key). And I wanted the controls to be similar to Mega Man, Alucard from Symphony of the Night, and Robot Unicorn Attack. The concept of machinery and mutable environments was discovered early on when I put stacking blocks and laterally moving gearblocks in the game. As soon as I saw them working, I knew this had to be the hook for the game. It took six months to get it bug-free though, since I had never done any physics programming before, and this game needed a unique physics implementation.

jdodson: Escape Goat is out, curious what’s next for you? Escape Goat 2 or some game updates?

Ian Stocker: Yes, I'm finally able to resume work on Escape Goat 2 now that EG1 has been handled on Steam. I still need to push updates to the DRM-free marketplaces, and there will inevitably be a few more support requests, but now I am able to spend a significant amount of time finishing up EG2.

jdodson: I want to thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Before we wrap things up, is there anything you’d like to leave us with?

Ian Stocker: Thanks for covering my game and interviewing me, and if you check out my games, be sure to let me know what you think: www.magicaltimebean.com/contact

IGN recently released a new website cataloging the history of Mario. Starting with his early roots in the game Donkey Kong, IGN new site is an fun jaunt down memory lane. IGN parented with HTML5HUB to create the Museum of Mario entirely in HTML5, so if you are flash adverse this is your jam.


Speaking of doing awesome things in HTML5 with Mario someone recently recreated Super Mario Brothers in HTML5 and released it as Open Source on Github. You can play each level from the original game and also play a special random world mode where each level is procedurally generated. Check it out.


The Easter Egg Hunter brings us another great video, this time cataloging his top 10 Gameboy games. I can't say I really disagree with him on much here as the games he lists are great. His number one is no surprise as that would be mine as well. Link's Awakening is not only the best Gameboy game but it tops my list for Zelda games too. The more I think about Zelda games the more I realize, yeah, for me it's the best one.

Back this on Kickstarter!
"You wield a device that can make any item any size. A tree, a wall, an enemy, a passing cloud, even the levels themselves are all "SCALEable". Space is relative in the game so progress is as much conceptual as it is physical. The unique mechanic of SCALEing is inspired by games like Portal and The Swapper. Progression through the game is freeform and open like Mario 64 or early Zelda overworlds. It’s all about exploring and discovering secrets!"

In what may very well be one of the best Kickstarter videos I have seen, SCALE looks to impress. Not only do the game mechanics seem neat but they drop a few story hints in the video I am really interested in. That said, the SCALE train to rad-ville doesn't stop with that as they are adding the talent of Ben Prunty (FTL & Gravity Ghost) & Danny B (Meat Boy, Binding of Issac) to do the score. Adding more awesome to injury the game will also feature the super swanky voice stylings of Ashly Burch (Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina) & Sarah Elmaleh (Gone Home).

I saw SCALE at PAX this year and it was beautiful. The game was already quite playable and many people gathered round the booth to see it in action.

So what do you think, does SCALE "weigh up" to your expectations? Are you going to back this project? Will they add Shigeru Miyamoto as a contributor late in the project as a surprise ending? Will dogs and cats finally get along?

Who knows, but what I do know is that SCALE looks great and I am looking forward to getting my hands on it.


The awesome folk over at CineFix on YouTube created a video showcasing what The Shining may have looked like if it were given a NES version. Taking serious nods from Manic Mansion this faux game gives the movie a pretty good treatment. Many of the iconic scenes such as the tricycle scene are recreated here, but the 8-bit translation loses much of the haunting effect. That said, I wonder how well a game like this would have done being a recreation of the movie itself?

In a time not too long ago Blizzard was making something called "Blizzard DoTA." Well it turns out IceFrog owned the trademark to DoTA and he went to work for Valve and after a bit of a legal showdown, Blizzard renamed its DoTA game to Blizzard All-Stars and Valve kept the DoTA mark. Well now it seems Blizzard has finally settled on "Heroes of the Storm" as the name for its new MOBA and dropped a bit more news about it.

Oh and did I mention it will feature Heroes from the Diablo, Starcraft and Warcraft universes? The new reveal trailer made by the guy behind Starcrafts reveals the new bits and it seems Blizzard will unveil more details at Blizzcon 2013.

I wasn't excited for a standard Blizzard MOBA but now after seeing that it will feature heroes from each of the Blizzard properties I am pretty curious about it. That said, League and DoTA 2 have huge followings now so it seems Heroes of the Storm has a pretty tough climb ahead. That said, Blizzard is pretty entrenched in the e-sports scene, it may be able to pull it off.

What do you think are you interested in Blizzards new Heroes of the Storm?


"Our incredible fans have been flooding our inboxes, telling us they want more Borderlands 2 content. We heard you, which is why back in August, we announced Headhunter 1: TK Baha’s Bloody Harvest, the first of the downloadable Headhunter add-ons. Today, we’re happy to let you know that TK Baha’s Bloody Harvest will be hitting Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Steam and Mac on Tuesday, October 22nd – just in time for Halloween!

These Headhunter add-ons offer additional adventures that set you off on a series of missions in new areas that culminate with you taking down some rather unique bosses and claiming their heads to wear as your prize.

It seems Gearbox isn't getting off the DLC train with Borderlands 2 quite yet. Really like the concept of this DLC as it seems to add enough new content for hardcore BL2 players but also seems compelling enough for armchair players to play in smaller bursts. Since Borderlands 2 has been given the Game of the Year treatment I wonder if they will put out a "Even more Game of the Year Edition?"

Gameplay footage:


Release Notes:
