I got a new 3DS this year from Sandy Claws and one of the first games I picked up was Ocarina of Time 3D. Ocarina is one of the few Nintendo 64 games I played a lot of when it came out back in 1998 and spent many a late nights up in my room trying to save Hyrule. Ocarina of Time is a game I come back to every couple years and have really enjoyed each play through but have noticed a few parts of the game that don't hold up as well. Because of the horsepower of the Nintendo 64 Ocarina of Time is capped to 20 frames per second which is a couple frames shy of what we're used to seeing in film. Once your immersed in the game it's not a big deal but it's noticeable when you... Read All

Wick, the developer of Starship Rubicon which was published by Cheerful Ghost(yep, that's us) has dropped the first trailer to his upcoming game Crescent Loom and it looks great. Wick and I went to Steam Developer Days this year and it was fun talking to him about his ideas for the game and see how great the game is turning out.

"Crescent Loom is Kerbal Space Program crossed with the cell stage of Spore; you wire up neurons into circuits to control your little wriggling beastie and explore an alien world.

Thereā€™s so much that goes on beneath our awareness. My heart beats a steady rhythm, pumping blood through my billowing lungs down to my legs as I absentmindedly walk... Read All

Edmund McMillen worked on both Super Meat Boy, The Binding of Issac and Gish. Rich plays Gish (badly) and Jack, Rich and Jay all talk to Edmund about everything under the sun. The topics range from bad movies to Chick Tracks to Neil Breen to everything else. It's a fun listen (I recommend it mostly as a podcast as Rich is just playing Gish)

From the December 7th live Twitch stream, Jack, Rich, and Jay Talk with Edmund McMillen who helped make such games as Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Isaac, we talk about Gish and indie games, dead baby dress-up, Indie Game the Movie, Isaac as the go to bathroom game, Neil Breen, so much green, watching bad movies vs Soft Core,... Read All

The Games Done Quick Speedrunning charity is a week long livestream dedicated to raising money for charities and this year it's The Prevent Cancer Foundation. The start of the livestream was pretty unique as they started things off with a speedrun of Ocarina of Time 3D that was complete a couple minutes under two hours. Usually Ocarina of Time is a huge draw but this is the first year they've run the 3DS version, which coincidentally i'm playing right now(expect a partial review soon).

"The Prevent Cancer Foundation is one of the nationā€™s leading voluntary health organizations and the only U.S. nonprofit focused solely on cancer prevention and early detection. Founded... Read All


One of the best games ever made is currently free. If you've never played this game, you owe it to yourself!

"An ancient evil stirs in the ruins of Old Tristram, and a mysterious portal has appeared that leads to the halls of an all-too familiar cathedral. Deep beneath the catacombs, the Dark Lord awaits any intrepid adventurer who dares to challenge him.

For the month of January, experience an homage to the original events of Diablo, brought to you in glorious RetroVision and filled to the brim with nostalgia-inducing features. An evocative audiovisual extravaganza awaits you, as everything from familiar enemies to iconic items have been brought to life in the Diablo III engine. Transmogrification rewards, achievements, and a handful of extra surprises lurk in the depths of... Read All

This year Valve released an official list of the top 100 best selling games on Steam. I've seen some people chide this list as No Man's Sky is one of the top Platinum sellers and many think that if you consider the returns, No Man's Sky shouldn't be a Platinum Seller. Well, that would be the case if gross revenue didn't automatically adjust for returns, which it does. So... yeah, the list is accurate and I really found it fascinating to read through.

The top Platinum sellers of 2016 weren't to surprising in Fallout 4, CS: GO, Total War Warhammer, Dark Souls 3, DoTA 2, Civilization VI, No Man's Sky, Grand Theft Auto 5, XCom 2, Tom Clancy's Division, Rocket League and... Read All

I was really happy to open up the New Nintendo 3DS for Christmas this year as it's nice to own a newish Nintendo handheld. Setting up the new system from boot to accessing the 3DS Nintendo online store wasn't too bad considering I've heard Nintendo's online offerings are pretty abysmal. I wasn't expecting anything fantastic with the online experience but I have been really surprised with how seamless the whole eShop system has been. In fact the whole online connected experience on the 3DS has more than met my expectations. Surprisingly enough the 3DS has the ability to watch YouTube and Netflix even though YouTube is a less than stellar experience. I'm also not sure... Read All

I want to thank everyone that voted in this years 2016 Cheerful Ghost Game of the Year Awards. This year Scrypt made us a cool "I Voted" image linked above that you should checkout, print out and stick on your wall if you voted.

This years winners are a very unique mix I am really happy with. I am not sure most sites would have made the choices we all did which is one of the reasons why I think our awards are different.

Triple A Game of the Year: Doom

Runner Up: Overwatch

Indie Game of the Year: No Man's Sky

Runner Up: Stardew Valley

DLC/Update of the Year: No Man's Sky Foundation Update

Runner Up: Hearthstone Whispers of the Old Gods

Mobile Game of the Year: Pokemon Go

Runner... Read All

I hope everyone has a great New Year in 2017! 2016 was rough for many and my sincere hope is 2017 is much better.

As people are waking up from their celebration festivities what are you all doing? Traditionally I have friends over on New Years and we hang out and watch films and this time we'll be watching the Star Wars cartoon The Great Heep and then Star Wars Rogue 2 to see how well it pairs to the recent Rogue One movie.
