Jon and I got to meet Ben Heck at the CG booth at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo. He really liked our VHS collection, especially The Abyss :)

Here is a video that combines both the PRGE and his attempt to make a Nintendo PlayStation work.

In the video, he runs into and interviews The 8-Bit Guy (, Clint of Lazy Game Reviews (, some guy named Metal Jesus ( and Pat the NES Punk (

Metal Jesus got a very unique Atari 2600 mod system that's so cool I had to share it here. Basically someone created an Atari 2600 that has video HDMI outputs while it uses the original 2600 carts and controllers. As Jesus shows off in his video, the output looks incredible as the device is capable of full HD video at 60hz.

This is a very cool device and I wonder if it will be produced as it seems to fit in the same category of the Retron or other modern HD retro remake systems?
The Blackest Friday is nearly upon us and as such there will be some pretty crazy video game deals coming and I am going to collect the ones I see here. If you pick something up or find something too good not to share, drop it in the comments to share with everyone.

If iD made this i'd buy it. It's like Wallace and Grommit but way more blood and killing.

The Hearthstone world championship finals ended this year at Blizzcon with a nail biting set of matches between Pavel and DrHippi. I don't want to spoil the ending but if you like awesome comebacks, these final matches will be something you need to watch.

Blizzard is launching the final Nova CovertOps mission pack on November 22nd and as a long time StarCraft fan I am happy to head back to the universe and vanquish evil yet it seems bittersweet. The first two Nova packs were were fun and I hope Blizzard releases more if not a full sized campaign. Recently a friend asked me what the last game was that I was engrossed in and it was the last StarCraft expansion, Legacy of the Void. Playing the campaigns was a fun experience and if Blizzard makes more, i'd love to head back in.

As far as the continuing story it seems that Blizzard is setting up a showdown with the newest evil Protoss on the block, the Tal'darim and the... Read All

February 14 2013 I put in an order for Skyrim on CD from DirectSong. DirectSong's tagline is "your unique record store" and seems to exclusively sell albums by Jeremy Soule. I figured i'd get the album in a couple weeks so I could rip it and listen to the Skyrim score from anywhere. A month later my Skyrim album hadn't shipped so I reached out to them to see where the order was. The first response from them was an automated email telling them I couldn't open a support ticket that way and I need to create a separate account on the support site. They told me that they had a stock issue and my response was:

Jon: I recommend next time being a bit more proactive by letting... Read All

Sorry Android friends, Super Mario Run is coming out on iOS exclusively(for now) on December 15th. Super Mario Run should eventually come out on Android but for now it seems to be exclusively iOS. Originally Nintendo said the game would cost money and not be free to play and today they let us know that Super Mario Run will debut for $9.99. You will be able to download the game at no cost and try it out but if you want the full meal deal you will have to pay a full meal price. I have seen some people complain that $9.99 is too much for a phone game and if Super Mario Run was as bad as most mobile games i've played then it really wouldn't be. That said, if the game... Read All

Ty Anderson is remaking the gameboy classic Link's Awakening with original art assets using the Ocarina of Time 64 game engine.

"I work tirelessly for hours at a time every moment I can, building temples, creating new actors, animating them, writing scripts, designing puzzles and relentlessly studying the possibilities of the old Nintendo 64 Ocarina of time ROM. My aim: to create a completely original version of The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening in the Ocarina of Time Game Engine. "

This kind of project is interesting in that if it comes out could bring the game to an entirely new audience. With that, I wonder how well the game translates to 3D? The small 2D nature... Read All

The NES Classic looks like it will be this holidays hot item. I wonder if Nintendo purposefully limited stock to create more demand for the product or if it's simply a case of the system being way more popular than they anticipated? Either way if you want to get a system pre-Christmas, right now, it looks like you will have to do a bit or work or pay some crazy ebay scalper prices, which I don't recommend. I was at Target today and they recommend calling in at 8.30am to see if they have any in stock and if they do to come in and pick it up. I don't love that method but I really would love opening this up on Christmas and so i'll be calling for now.

YouTuber... Read All