It looks like Ark is coming to PS4 next month!

It also seems that the game won't be released this "holiday season." It was supposed to come out summer 2015, then pushed to "holiday" 2016, now we're looking at the beginning of next year.

In other big news, it looks like the Tek Tier is coming soon and it looks sweet! See the video embedded in this post. For more info, check out... Read All

When the Gameboy came out Super Mario Land was one of the more interesting launch titles. Being able to play a Mario game anywhere you wanted was an incredible prospect and Super Mario Land delivered. Even at the time I thought Super Mario Land was a bit basic but it was fun and I enjoyed playing it. Later Mario games brought more to the table and games like Metroid 2 and Link's Awakening showed that the Gameboy was capable of having an incredible library. GaminTank is a YouTuber I hadn't heard of before I saw this video but its well worth watching.
Now that the NES Classic has launched and is getting incredible reviews I was wondering what we'd all like to see in a future Super Nintendo Mini launch? Curious what games people would put on it and make sure to limit your list to 30 games. Personally I think the Super Nintendo was one of the best consoles of all time and the game catalog is nothing short of incredible. Nintendo might not be able to license out each game on our lists but i'm curious what all our dream lists would be?

Drop your list in the comments and i'll do the same.

CygnusDestroyer is back trying a case in Innocent Until Proven Guilty court for the Sega classic Micheal Jackson's Moonwalker. As someone that was exclusively Nintendo I was always interested in this game but never owned it. Every time I played it in the Arcade and at a friends house I rather liked it but it was only a level or two and never got the full King of Pop game experience. As with all the IUPG CygnusDestroyer videos I think his verdict is fair and gives this classic a new look.
Blaster Master is an NES classic that many have fond memories of. What's not to love in a game where you can not only drive a tank but get out and explore on foot? The gameplay was great and upgrading the tank and your character was fun and as you progressed you felt like a badass. In retrospect my only minor gripe with Blaster Master is the same one I had with many NES games in that there was no save feature on the game cart. Developer Inti Creates and Sunsoft are partnering up to launch the all new Blaster Master Zero that will come out exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS and I hope later the Switch.

"Using the original Blaster Master game as a base, we are setting out... Read All

So it's post election time in the United States and I think we can all agree that it's been a very rough season. Many years ago I started listening to more Classical music during another particularlly charged election year because I was drawn to music that had less of an agenda by not featuring words. Which is why I think I enjoy listening to amazing video game scores. Not only is the music great but it's also a more personal experience beacuse the meaning isn't often as obvious.

FEZ is a very special Indie platformer that I consider to be one of the games that kicked off the Indie revolution. FEZ packs a bunch of charm and has a special kind of magic to it as you make... Read All

I was able to attend this years Steam Developer Days and had a great time. One big draw of the conference was the talks and Valve has dropped them all on their YouTube page. I linked to one really great talk above by Mike Ambinder on the Psychology of Games I recommend you watch. There are 25 talks available from this years Dev Days so if you are in need of some awesome game talks and have some time, hit the link below.

If you want to read my thoughts on my two days at Steam Developer Days hit the links below.

... Read All

There was a lot of news out of this years BlizzCon and the bit that was most interesting to me was next Hearthstone expansion Mean Streets of Gagetzan. As with the last expansion Whispers of the Old Gods, Gadgetzan is a 132 card expansion that looks to contain some really fun elements that should mix up the current meta.

"All in the Family: Each class belongs to one of the city's three factions. Your class cards and neutral minions all fall into that faction's theme. The affiliations are:

Grimy Goons: Hunter, Paladin, Warrior
Kabal: Mage, Priest, Warlock
Jade Lotus: Druid, Rogue, Shaman

Faction Specials: Aside from class affiliations, the three factions each have their own... Read All

I normally keep up with these but I missed this one. Jon's post about the new Ocarina world record made me jump down this rabbit hole, and I discovered that, about a month ago, darbian broke the world record for the fastest Super Mario Bros. run at just under 4:56:878. He's the first human to get into the 4:56 range.

The fastest human-capable time is thought to be 4:55.96, if you're able to pull off every trick at the right spot. The fastest tool-assisted speedrun is currently 4:54.03, if you use the same timing methods as the human runs (TAS runs start the clock when the game powers on). Tool-assisted speedruns can make use of glitches that require pixel-perfect... Read All

Ocarina of Time is a classic Nintendo 64 game that is considered by some to be the best game of all time. Since Ocarina is such a popular game that over time it has become on of the most competitive games for speedrunning. I've tried to cover each new world record set for Ocarina and today the record has been beaten yet again by skater82297 at 17:24. A new time skip was found that involves collecting a bottle in the Deku tree that skips you directly to Gannons Castle. This was a fun run to watch and it's great to see people keep making Ocarina one of the best games to watch.