In this special episode of the Cheerful Ghost Roundtable we talk the new Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and wax philsophic about ATAT walkers which some question the utility of(not naming names). This episode features Cheerful Ghost community member Adam who is filling in to bring his take on what he's been playing(FTL) and his thoughts on Rogue One.

We break the review in two and start things fresh spoiler free so rest assured that if you watch start to finish we will give you plenty of time to bail during the spoiler section.

Bullets for your pleasure:

  • Westworld - Apparently people are watching this HBO show?

  • Super Mario Run - Is Nintendos latest game great or merely... Read All
Nintendo dropped it's second mobile offering on iOS last week and it's great. Super Mario Run is just the right amount of Nintendo polish and classic Mario game play feel to make it a near home run. It suffers from a few things I don't love though like it's always on DRM and in game store. I don't mind DLC or buying things in game for the most part, but it seems the Toad Rally being ticket gated and the only way to unlock tickets is limited in game to completing levels seems a bit strange. That said, if you focus on the core game, it's fantastic and so far I've only played the first level.

Super Mario Run is a free to download game that comes with the first three... Read All

jdodson gives this a solid "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
jdodson gives this a "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
The latest Hearthstone expansion The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan has been out a little under two weeks now and I've played enough now to finally be able to talk about it. If you are curious how my first experience with the expansion went, I recommend you check out my pack opening and crime boss quests video. It was a fun time and, to date, it was the most packs i've ever opened in one sitting. I also opened far more legendaries than I've seen so if anything, watch it to see my incredible luck!

Now that Hearthstone has been out for a few years and received quite a few expansions and adventures how do you keep it fresh? It's an interesting question for one of the most... Read All
1999 was a good year in gaming that gave us one of the best strategy game sequels Age of Empires II. So many elements were improved making Age of Empires II one of the most beloved strategy games of all time and one I still play with my friends. When Age of Empires II HD came to Steam I was very excited and was thrilled when Microsoft let us try it out before launch on Steam. Age of Empires II HD is the base game you know and love updated for modern Windows and hooked in with Steam multiplayer to make it simple and fun to play epic matches with friends or total Internet strangers. I'd have thought that porting the game to modern systems would have been the end of... Read All

Someday i'd really love to go to a Star Wars red carpet premiere. You know, just a small wish and if Santa reads this, if you can get me Episode VII red carpet tickets you can keep the new 3DS. Since we can't be on the red carpet and watch the new Rogue One film early, the video of it is the next best thing. I watched quite a bit of it and found the interviews interesting but I want to warn you that they show off some exclusive movie footage that spoils some jokes and some great scenes. It's nothing plot specific but I started skipping past the movie clips because I want to watch the film as fresh as I can and I think they showed a bit too much. That said, if you want... Read All
Do you like puzzles?

William Elshoff scoured the globe for artifacts of great power. His findings had turned up little until now, he claimed he had found the key to Nibiru!

He locked himself in his study and began to work, he was in there for over a week! When we went to check on him, we discovered he had vanished. That’s why we have summoned you here. We are hoping, with your unique skill set, you and your team can unlock the secrets to Uncle William’s whereabouts and bring him home!

Last week, I received a review pass to Hour To Midnight - Room Escape Games to check out their first puzzle Room, titled The Secrets of Nibiru. I happily accepted it and joined a team of... Read All

Double Fine seems focused on remastering every classic LucasFilm Adventure game. I still have many of these on CD still and they play just fine in ScummVM but it's still good to get them ported to modern systems and with the proper graphical updates. Unlike some remastered & special editions I can think of *cough* Star *cough* Wars Double Fine includes the remastered version as well as the original 4x3 pixel version you can switch to. I'll be honest, in playing Day of the Tentacle remastered I can't tell which I prefer, the new vector style art or the pixel version. That said, I don't really need to figure it out because switching from one to the other is a... Read All

Nintedo of America's Reggie Fils-Aimé was on Jimmy Fallon showing off the upcoming Super Mario Run on iOS as well as the new Breath of the Wild on the Nintendo Switch. Reggie dropped a few news nuggets in that we are getting a special Apple Store Super Mario Run demo December 8th as well as Nintendo releasing more information on the Nintendo switch January 12th. If we can download the Super Mario Run demo early by visiting an Apple Store I might do that just to try it a week early. Hopefully more details come out about that because if I can just play it in the store i'll just wait.

The switch looks great and even if it was just a couple minutes the transition from the... Read All

Bethesda subsidiary Arcane Studios are the creators of the recent Dishonored 2 and are creating a new Scifi reboot/requel/remake shooter Prey. The original 2006 Human Head Studios Prey was a really unique alien abduction dark scifi shooter that was originally going to see a follow up in Prey 2. Human Head Studios and Bethesda had some falling out and Prey 2 was entirely scrapped in favor of a new Arcane Studios game. Prey 2 was going to continue on in the universe that was set up in the original 2006 Prey and have the original protagonist Tommy featured in game as an NPC. Prey 2006 was one of the few third party games released on iD Tech 4 and I picked it up a couple... Read All