Today’s Freshmen in High School will be learning aboutThe Berenstein Bears as an book title that happened before they were born.

Yet, the relevance of The Berenstein Bears is felt through our lives to this day. It is impossible to avoid the places we as a nation have gone. Scars and open wounds stain our stars and stripes.

We must understand that what we were told about this book title is a lie.

How many more people need to die until we realize a revaluation of The Berenstein Bears?

Don't let people try to tell it is Berenstain we all remember Berenstein.

The Angry Video Game Nerd video was created as a voice for the victims of Berenstain, to ask the questions they were... Read All

When Joel Hodgson created the Kickstarter project to bring back Mystery Science Theater 3000 I was in a blissful nerdvana. Before that I didn't think the show would even come back and then it was funded. Recently they just wrapped up filming the new season of the show and are talking about releasing the new episodes early next year. We are so close to a new movie sign I can almost taste the satellite of love.

Shout Factory is the company that has released the old classic MST3K seasons on DVD a bit at a time and recently they have been dropping free episodes on YouTube. If you haven't seen Mystery Science Theater or want to revist it you should hit play on Earth VS. The... Read All

Back this on Kickstarter!
Queer Quest: All in a Gay's Work is a new Indie adventure game on Kickstarter fresh out of the Portland Indie Game scene. Designer Mo Cohen is the force behind this really fun take on the adventure game genre while giving it a unique focus.

"Queer Quest is a queer-as-fuck point-and-clit adventure game. Inspired by classic gems like Monkey Island, Kings Quest, and Leisure Suit Larry, but set in a queer community in the pacific northwest. You play as Lupe, a long haired butch with a heart of gold. She lives with her babely girlfriend, Alexis, that is until one day when Alexis gets kidnapped! You gotta help Lupe by deciphering clues, talking to lovable weirdos, and... Read All
Some people are on a quest to rid themselves of all physical media and go to a completely digital life. I get the thought but I still like owning certain things. I still enjoy leafing through a strategy guide or putting a retro game cart in a system to play because something about that it is just fun. Even when I was a kid part of the fun of reading Nintendo's Super Mario Brothers 3 strategy guide was just reading again and again. Which, honestly, is part of the fun of having a strategy guide for even a modern game. Can you look up something game related faster by doing an Internet search? Sure. But is it also incredible to open up a huge tome of Skyrim art and... Read All
Today is Sunday and it's Day 2 of the Portland Retro Gaming Convention! Jon and I are manning the booth, talking to people and right now we have a speed running competition for Super Mario Bros 3! If you are at the convention come stop by!
"Within ten years the computer games of today will probably seem very basic and primitive. The games of the future will be faster and more exciting with superbly realistic screen displays."

I always love reading old ads or articles of how people viewed the future of gaming. This article pretty much nails most of what gaming has become. The ad even sort of plays at room scale VR, which isn't something i'd really have thought would have been a thing even after watching Lawnmower Man so many times I wore out the VHS tape.

When Plants VS Zombies came out in 2009 I was hooked. It's fun take on the tower defense genre but if I had one gripe it would be the game was pretty easy and as such you could use the same strategy over and over to win. Plants VS Zombies 2 was launched as a free to play game and it was a fun game to start but it didn't quite live up to the original.

Recently it seems like each company is releasing their own digital collectable card game to get a piece of the huge Hearthstone and Magic online money making machine. EA recently dropped Plants VS Zombies Heroes on smartphones and since I enjoy the franchise well enough I decided to download it. If you have spent any time... Read All

Well, #$&@ me! If it has the power, I'm all in.

What do you guys think?!
FTL is an spaceship simulation turn based roguelike that features an incredible score by composer Ben Prunty. If you liked the FTL score Ben has just released an all new Halloween themed EP called ElectroCrypt you can checkout by heading over to his Bandcamp page.

I recommend checking out the title track "Welcome to the Crypt," "Welcome to the Gravediggers Hut" and "Ghima's Revenge."

That is... if you can stand the... horror....

"Happy Halloween! This EP is a collection of what I'm calling 'Halloween electro-funk'. Let's make that a genre. The music was inspired by Danny Elfman, the old Super NES game Zombies Ate My Neighbors, and the gleeful indulgence of OCRemix, a... Read All
An article quotes a Takashi Mochizuki (Wall Street reporter) tweet saying "Speculation is Nintendo would unveil NX details in coming week. I guess all we can do is just wait. No announcement from company yet." and speculation that details will be announced as soon as this week!

The article also pulls a lot of information from this reddit post, by FlapSnapple:

I really hope some real information comes soon! But until then, hearing about some packaging and... Read All