Nerds everywhere rejoiced when Stardew Valley was recently ported to Mac and Linux and everyone is now eagerly awaiting the 1.1 game update. Featuring more marriage options and features this update looks to be loaded with great stuff and PC Gamer interviewed Eric Barone about even more. In the interview Eric lets us know of a new thing where you can select one of 5 new farm maps to facilitate a different farming style. From the video there will be a Forest Farm, Wilderness Farm, Hill-top Farm, Riverland Farm and the Standard Farm we are all used to. I like this because it means each farm will be a bit different and you can approach the game from really different build... Read All
Riot Games has published a digital and physical art book for League of Legends fans that is available free to view online or for purchase. It covers the some of the main parts of League such as the games champions, main map Summoner's Rift and some other odds and ends. If you love League of Legends or behind the scenes look at the art process of making games this beautiful online art book is well worth checking out.

I'm currently working on a full review of No Man's Sky, but this isn't it. It's a hard game to review, for many reasons, but one thing that's hard to ignore is people's disappointment in things that were missing. I decided to only focus my review on the game as it is (as much as I can), but I felt the need to address this a bit.

The battle cry of people on various gaming forums is "Sean Murray lied!" or "No Man's Lie" or some other variation on that. But were we lied to? People are using the words "promise" and "lie" quite a bit when talking about this game, but those words carry a lot of weight.

There are features missing from the game that were shown or discussed... Read All
There are many types of DLC that gamers have complained about for years. We've heard of on-disc DLC that is developed before the game's release, and the downloadable portion is just an unlock code to get to it. We've heard of day-one DLC that could have been part of the core game (and in some cases, should have been). We all remember horse armor for Oblivion that cost far more than such simple changes should have. But now, we have something new.

Yesterday, the ARK: Scorched Earth expansion pack was released on Steam, for $20. The catch? The game isn't even out yet. This is the first time an Early Access title has received paid DLC, and to my knowledge the first time... Read All
It looks like a bunch of old Sierra games have been released on steam:

  • Police Quest Collection

  • Gabriel Knight 1, 2, 3

  • Arcanum

  • Quest for Glory Collection

  • Phantasmagoria 1 & 2

  • Caesar 3 & 4

I played a lot of these games when they first came out. I had a lot of good times with them. I can't say how well they have aged, but they might be worth checking out if you want to play some old Sierra games.
If you have sunk a ton of time into No Man's Sky and want even more there is a free fan game that might satisfy your quest for more called No Mario's Sky. Finally we have a way to go to infinite worlds to stomp Goombas infinitely. I've heard the universe of No Mario's Sky is so big you will never be able to meet up with other players and the procedural generation of each world is so deep you won't be able to tell that the Goomba's are just color swapped!

"Featuring 10s of Goombas, An Infinite Universe, Muscle Toad, "Original" Music, "Faithful" Physics, Social Commentary about Interplanetary Colonialism, and a Radical Space Ship; No Mario's Sky is the hackneyed... Read All

If you weren't paying attention you may not have known that the Witcher 3 won nearly every video game award in 2015. The game won so many awards that I heard the Witcher 3 traveled back in time to 1998 and punched Ocarina of Time in the face. PC Gamer must have heard about Witcher 3's time traveling ways because they recently just put it at the top of their 100 best games of all time list. I think putting a game that's only been out a year on top of your best games of all time list is a bit strange but Witcher 3 is very popular so I bet it made a few people happy. All that said, I haven't played the Witcher 3 yet but I always planned to after it and all it's DLC was... Read All

Fallout 4 receives it's final piece of DLC content today in the form of Nuka World a vast amusement park run by a city of Raiders featuring an open wasteland and new zones like Safari Adventure, Dry Rock Gulch, Kiddie Kingdom, and the Galactic Zone. So far the new content is getting good reviews but I was wondering what you all thought of it? It's a bit sad that Bethesda is winding down Fallout 4 development but the ride had to end sooner or later.

Recently FEZ got a huge new update and developer Renaud Bédard mentioned in his blog post that he was inspired to work on the new update by the speedrunning community. At this years Summer Games Done Quick Vulajin ran through FEZ at an impressive 28:30. FEZ is one of the more chill games I can think to watch so if you have a handful of minutes, checkout the run!

Introversion Games finally finished Prison Architect after 5 years and 11 months of active development. If you played this in an early form till now you can appreciate how much work they put into the game and it seems to have paid off as it's their most successful game to date. The final 2.0 update brings a sort of free form admin/debug/cheat mode where you can build anything and mess with nearly every game setting. 2.0 also comes with a bunch of new bug fixes and a couple more things they outlined in previous videos. Introversion does plan on fixing more Prison Architect bugs but they are focusing the majority of their attention to their next game.

It's really good to... Read All