Still finishing up watching a handful of SGDQ 2016 run and I wanted to share this extremely interesting Donkey Kong Country run. Eazinn shows off some really crazy ability as he continuously uses extended barrel rolls to make jumps I didn't know were possible. I also didn't know from playing it originally but there are quite a few level warps in Donkey Kong Country that allow you to skip entire level sections.
From Ubisoft Club on Twitter:

"Continue the #Ubi30 celebrations with Rayman Origins, available for free from August 17th on digital PC!"

Ubisoft has already released Prince of Persia Sands of Time & the original Spinter Cell in celebration of their 30th anniversary. Seems fitting that one of the 7 games they release would be one of their more iconic franchises Rayman. Make sure to head over to the link below to secure your PC copy on UPlay on August 17th!

They have 4 more games to go and my money is on a FarCry game as well as an Assassins Creed game. What games do you think they will hand out later this year?

... Read All

jdodson gives this an astounding "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
jdodson gives this a "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
It's pretty obvious I am big fan of Blizzard games. I grew up playing Warcraft and StarCraft and I am currently nearly obsessed with Hearthstone. So when Blizzard adds new campaigns to StarCraft, one of my most favorite games, it's an instabuy. Before Legacy of the Void launched Blizzard let us know we were getting some new missions in the form of DLC. I was of mixed emotion as Legacy of the Void hadn't dropped yet and they were already talking DLC, something i'd wait to discuss after the formal expansion had dropped. That said I've really enjoyed Nova Covert Ops and recently completed playing the second set of missions.

How Is Nova Covert Ops Pack 2?

After completing... Read All

Bethesda shared the full trailer for Nuka World today! The pieces are definitely there for a fun romp in a destroyed theme park, and it looks like there are new mechanics that allow you to turn settlements over to the raiders, giving people an evil option for settlement building.

If it's anything like Far Harbor in terms of size, scope, and fun, I'll be in love!

Pay attention to the lyrics in the theme song, especially toward the end. It's at least mildly amusing :)

At this year's Comic Con International: San Diego, we gave over 500 fans the chance to #WearTheCowl - they are among the first people in the world to play Batman:Arkham VR.

If you haven’t witnessed first-hand what it’s like to become Batman, then the newest trailer for Batman: Arkham VR will give you a glimpse of what players are calling the closest you’ll ever get to stepping into the role of the World's Greatest Detective.

Batman: Arkham VR is the winner of the first ever E3 Game Critics Award for Best VR Game. Developed by Rocksteady Studios, creators of the critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham trilogy, Batman: Arkham VR is based on DC’s core Batman license and will... Read All

The Purify Effect

Blizzard released the latest adventure for Hearthstone this week on the heels of a pretty large community mishap. There are nine playable classes in Hearthstone and the Priest class has been suffering for quite some time in terms of it being competitive. There are no high ranking Priest decks being played and the general community feeling is the class is very underpowered compared to the others. As blizzard was releasing the information on the new adventure cards the community reacted very strongly to a new Priest card many felt was the worst card in Hearthstone, Purify. I'll link to the card below with a video Kripparian made that discusses the card.... Read All

Many of you may not know about a new "living board" card game on Steam called Faeria. Faeria enters a market dominated by Hearthstone and Magic and seems to effortlessly drop itself in the middle to make a very rich and unique experience. Faeria improves on the formula that Magic The Gathering started and Hearthstone enhanced digitally while weaving in a unique game board. In Faeria you start out with mana and a handful of cards and can make choices to play land, gain mana or draw a card. You start the game with a deck of 30 cards and 20 life and the goal is to defeat the opponent by reducing their life to 0. You need to summon minions, use spells and other tricks to... Read All

After 9 years of development the fan game Pokemon Uranium has finally launched with an amazing trailer. It's awesome to see these fan projects finally ship and this one looks exceptionally good. If you're a huge Pokemon fan that loved the GBA era Pokemon games this looks to be made just for you.

The site is getting crushed do to popularity of the game, so there are a couple download options below.

Download the game on Mega:!6YdCSJ5Q!hkyWiwm9p7nIyGJrnZIDBegjlhOsIfe8Jov4jMjzW-o

Game download from an official Google Drive link:

I just watched the latest Rogue One trailer and I wasn't sure it was possible but i'm even more interested in seeing this film in December than I was before. The new trailer features a better look at the movies tone, characters and even drops a few more story beats. The end of the trailer also shows the back of Darth Vader's helmet and his signature respirator.

What did you think of the new trailer? Still interested in checking this out in December or are you going to pass on this one?

Quakecon is the iD Software PC gaming conventionlan party and this year they revealed details about what's happening in the Bethesda studios family including the upcoming Prey and Quake reboots.

Now That New Doom is Incredible iD Software Is Bringing Back Quake

Quake Champions is iD's upcoming big push back into the FPS multiplayer arena and they seem to be doing things right focusing on impressive features such as 120hz gameplay an unlocked framerate and a return to the quick classic Quake game play.

"20 years ago, Quake set new standards for multiplayer competition and pushed the boundaries for graphics and gameplay. The fast, skill-based arena-style competition that... Read All