I'm a huge fan of Tabletop RPG's, in fact, I play Pathfinder regularly. Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition is the prequel to the original Divinity, which has a sequel, Divinity II - Ego Draconis/The Dragon Knight Saga. While I never played the original (or spinoffs) I played both versions of Divinity II, totaling ~200 hours of my life. Pro-tip: If you own Ego Draconis, your save does NOT carry over to TDKS as they have different coding. That's due to Atlus buying the title and re-releasing it as TDKS.

Divinity II is an RPG style of gameplay by modern standards. Third person rear-view, run around, open combat, etc. Original Sin (the most recent installment) plays... Read All

The developer of StardewValley tweeted some amazingly terrible news today.

"Quick Update: Mac & Linux are set to be launched on the 29th! Multiplayer, localizations, and the version 1.1 update are still in progress."

Well see on one hand that's good because the reason I haven't picked it up yet is because Stardew Valley lacked a Mac port so now that's solved. On the other hand it's terrible as I am sure all my free time will go down a virtual farming hole. A few Twitter fans asked ConcernedApe some questions about what tech they used to port the game.

"ConcernedApe: It was done with Monogame, as a milestone in the progress toward releasing console versions!"

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Perhaps it was driven by availability, but growing up, I very much enjoyed platforming games. Super Mario Bros 3, Mega Man, Duck Tales, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; heck, I even played the crap out of Barbie for the NES, because my family owned it, so I played it.

But lately, I've found I'm drawn less and less to platforming games. I bought the remastered version of Duck Tales, and played through about half of it. Shovel Knight came and went without me finding any interest in it. Even Mighty No 9 doesn't interest me, at all, when I loved the game series it was modeled after.

I've been trying to figure out why, and it's finally occurred to me.

Roguelike/Roguelite games... Read All

There have been rumblings in the Hearthstone community of a new adventure for the last couple weeks. In the video linked above Disguised Toast makes a pretty good case for the new adventure being themed after the World of Warcraft area Karazhan and might also be focused on the Mage class. I've been saving up my gold and have enough for 4 adventure wings and a almost have enough to open another 20 packs. Not sure if I want to open Classic or Whispers of the Old Gods packs but i'm sure either choice would be a good one. With that, today Blizzard has sent out an announcement of an event on July 28th @ 11pm that will unveil the new adventure streaming on Twitch. The... Read All

This years Star Wars Celebration in the UK was the place to be for rabid fans of all things Yoda. Star Wars Celebration is a yearly convention that talks about what's happening in the Star Wars universe by way of panels, interviews, art exhibits and expo floor. The above link is to the Mark Hamill interview where he talks about his short work on Episode VII, the old trilogy and drops a few incredible lines in the voice of the Joker from the recent Killing Joke animated film. There were a couple panels that Disney hasn't released footage of yet namely the Rogue One panel, which I can't wait to watch. I've collected more links to some of the more interesting stuff from... Read All

Fallout Shelter launched hours after Bethesda's Todd Howard took the stage at E3 2015. It was a bit of shock to see Bethesda launch it's first mobile game but they nailed it as it was one of the most popular mobile games of that year. Since it's launch it's received some updates but it's most recent 1.6 update may be the biggest to date. I've been playing the new version for the last few days and if you've been away from Fallout Shelter since its launch last year, you need to come back to the vault!

The PC Port Is Beautiful

To be honest I expected the PC port to be a bad. The game was designed for mobile and as with some games not designed with the PC in mind, they... Read All

While it was happening there weren't many moments where I didn't have Summer Games Done Quick playing in the background on the TV. Watching people speedrun games is a nice thing to do when you are caring for an infant and since it was going all day long, if I had to be up at 3am I could turn it on. There were so many incredible runs but I wanted to showcase a couple I liked the most.

Wolfenstein: The New Order

Blood_Thunder did a particularlly impressive speedrun of Wolfenstein: The New Order linked above. This one features a very fun prank he pulled on the audience and SGDQ itself which was hilarious to experience live. I also donated during this stream so watch it for... Read All

Here's a fun look at 2 games Mighty No. 9 and 20XX

I used to love the Mega Man games, so it was fun seeing both of these *not* Mega Man games side by side and discussed.
Nintendo is launching a NES reboot that will embed 30 classic games into one small new system. It will ship with one controller but supports up to two of them using a few options.

"You can even enjoy playing several of these games with two players by attaching a second NES Classic Controller, which will be sold separately at a suggested retail price of $9.99. A Classic Controller or Classic Controller Pro can also be used (each sold separately)."

The NES Classic also connects to your TV over HDMI which is great considering most of these old system-in-one remakes usually ship with the old analog video ports making them not work on newer TV's and also look bad.

We wanted... Read All

Quite a few years ago, before Half-Life 2 launched, someone hacked into Valve's systems and stole the source code for Half-Life 2 and leaked a copy online. Gabe took to the Internet and asked for help in tracking down those responsible and later with the help of the FBI the hacker was caught. I recently watched a video that shows off the Half-Life 2 beta and it's a complete run through of the game at that point from start to finish. As you can see the story is a bit different as is the gameplay and art. It's interesting to see Half-Life 2 in such an early form compared to what it was when it launched(the final version being much better in my opinion).

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