I thought pre-ordering Borderlands 2 on the PS3 was a really good idea. Or... at least it seemed like a good idea at the time. See, back then I mostly played games on the PS3 but what I didn't realize at the time was that my tastes were quickly shifting back to the PC. When Borderlands 2 dropped, like many people I created a Gunzerker and had an absolute blast playing the game. Then the Mecromancer free DLC dropped and I created a new Mecromancer game. The Mecromancer was really fun and I swapped between both games playing a bit as the Mecromancer and as the Gunzerker. Then Travis got me Borderlands 2 on PC for Christmas and I started a new Gunzerker game on PC. I'd... Read All

Today Blizzard released a new Hearthstone game update featuring the Welcome Bundle. The Welcome Bundle is $5 and can only be purchased once per account and contains 10 classic packs and one random class Legendary. This is a really good way for new players to pay a bit and get some cards for cheap. Most free to play games have this sort of starter pack and it's nice to see Hearthstone finally get one.

I am a pretty happy doing the Hearthstone free to play thing but I really wanted those packs and a shot at a cool Legendary so I dropped some Google Play credit I had from taking free surveys through the Google Opinion Rewards app. Am I still free to play because I haven't... Read All

I'm not familiar with any of the Paper Mario games, but this starts out looking cute and adorable, and then transitions into crazy. I kinda love it. The gameplay seems odd, and I wonder if they've tried to make it too unique? I wish I could rent this game to try it out when it comes out :)

Apparently Terraria can't stop getting better and even though this new update is small it also brings some new items as well as a desert biome sandstorm. I like the new polish they are adding the game as it will make it a bit more fresh when players return to build up a new world.

Since version 1.3 the developers have considered Terraria finished due to the "endgame boss" the Moon Lord but they are still updating the base game with new items, biome weather effects and more but after this I wonder where they plan on taking the game? I'm also wondering what would you like to see added to Terraria? As a pretty big Terraria fan it the game seems already really good to me... Read All

Some Obsidian devs have created Mos Eisley in Unreal Engine 4 just as a fun little project. This is not for any game. Don't want you to get your hopes up! :D

The download clocks in at 7.4 GB, just for one level, which tells you something about the assets. If you've ever wanted to walk around in the most realistic Mos Eisley imaginable, now's your chance!

The project started as a 3DSMax model of the Falcon, and then grew from there. 17 people at Obsidian joined in to provide artwork and other help.

This really pushes graphics hardware, getting about 45fps on a GTX 970/980, so if you have aging hardware you might just get a slideshow.

They are about 90% done with it and... Read All

If you ever wanted to try your had at making games the Humble GameMaker Bundle might be the thing you are looking for. Many awesome games have been made in GameMaker such as Hotline Miami, Risk of Rain and Home. The Humble GameMaker Bundle includes GameMaker and a ton of games made in GameMaker but if you hit the right tiers also includes the source code for certain games included in the bundle. So not only do you get GameMaker but also the code from a bunch of games making your process of learning that much easier. $15 is the top tier that unlocks everything and for what you get, it's an incredible value.

If you're not interested in making games you can simply enter... Read All

For the next 24 hours the folks over at the Humble Store are giving away Tropico 4 on Steam for free.

"The world is changing and Tropico is moving with the times - geographical powers rise and fall and the world market is dominated by new players with new demands and offers - and you, as El Presidente, face a whole new set of challenges. If you are to triumph over your naysayers you will need to gain as much support from your people as possible. Your decisions will shape the future of your nation, and more importantly, the size of your off-shore bank account."

Tropico 4 is available for PC and Mac and is rated very well on Steam and Metacritic so if you wanted to try... Read All

jdodson gives this a solid "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
jdodson gives this a "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Last week the final wing of the new Hearthstone Adventure One Night in Karazhan was released wrapping up a full month of new cards. I like the way Blizzard launches Adventures in that they release one new wing of cards per week giving us a full month of new content. There have been a few complaints about the new adventure, the main one being that the campaign is way too easy. This is entirely accurate as I completed nearly each fight the first time. Even though the wings were easy I did enjoy the Adventure and have replayed quite a bit of it.

Each Hearthstone adventure is a bit of story mixed with with unique boss battles and new cards but for me the Adventures hang on... Read All

Travis gives this a solid "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Travis gives this a "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
This review is only about the game that I played, nothing else. I'm not including the drama surrounding the features that were discussed or shown before release that didn't make the cut. You can read more about those here: http://cheerfulghost.com/Travis/posts/3096/no-man-s-sky-review-supplemental-the-game-we-got-vs-the-game-we-bought

Ah, No Man's Sky. This game was hyped far past the point of over-hyped before release, which is always a bit dangerous. I let myself get taken in by it, drooled over every new trailer and Sean Murray interview, but I've ridden hype trains before and I know the risk of getting overhyped. I managed my expectations. I didn't think it was... Read All

Back this on Kickstarter!
To say I am a fan of Kevin Wilson’s work would be an understatement. Kevin not only designed my favorite board game of all time, the original 2004 Doom: the Board Game but he has also created many more incredible games including the upcoming Kickstarter smash hit Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past & Mistborn: House War. I’ve done two previous interviews with Kevin one in 2012 and 2013 and realized he was doing so much incredible stuff and way too much time had passed since we last talked.

I want to thank Kevin for taking time out of his schedule to talk with me, because with all his current and upcoming work I am not sure how he has any time for... Read All