Mick Gordon the composer of the new Doom Soundtrack has dropped the whole score in it's entirely on YouTube and you can stream the whole thing above. At over two hours this intense hash metal soundtrack is worth checking out if you were a fan of the game or crazy metal scores.

From the first mention of the NES Classic I was in. 30 amazing NES games in HD that hook up to your modern TV? Hell yes. Nintendo is known for producing good quality stuff but we didn't know how it would look in person or what the user interface would be... until now. Nintendo has launched a new commercial with a song that sounds like Don't You Want Me by The Human League which basically means it's pitch perfect for the NES classic. The TV spot shows off how easy it is to create save points by pressing the reset button. The NES classic interface is a 8-bit themed homage to that era and it looks very easy to use. When you move through each game there is a 1P or 2P icon... Read All

After Amazon bought Twitch I was wondering what that had in store for Twitch as when a company is bought out it usually has a big effect on the child company. Today Amazon is launching Twitch Prime which is an extension of the Amazon Prime yearly service. Basically if you have Amazon Prime you get Twitch Prime included as part of the package, which is a nice bonus for Amazon Prime members. Twitch Prime gives you an exclusive ad free experience and every so often you get free games and exclusive in game items. For the launch of Twitch Prime you can get the free Hearthstone hero Tyrande Whisperwind free until November 5th. If you have Amazon Prime but don't care about... Read All

For quite some time Hearthstone players have noted that some cards are a bit overpowered. Chief among the cards most cited as massively overpowered are Yogg Saron, Tuskar Totemic and Call of the Wild. Blizzard seems to have agreed because today they dropped information about some upcoming balancing changes to the cards I cited. I never felt that Yogg or Call of the Wild were overpowered but I don't really mind the changes made to both cards. In the case of Call of the Wild Blizzard increased the mana cost to 9 still making it a very powerful late game card but it now competes with other Hunter cards like King Krush. One change I really liked is the nerf to Abusive... Read All

YouTuber Pannenkeok2012 has made one of the more interesting videos i've seen in quite some time that covers everything there is to know about character's blinking in Mario 64. Apparently not all character's in Mario 64 blink but the ones that do are somewhat diverse. For instance Goomba's have two eye states with eyes open and closed yet Mario has 3 eye states of eyes open, eyes partially closed and eyes fully closed.

You can also check out more Pannenkeok2012 videos that focus on other interesting things related to Mario 64 like in game pause buffering and what happens when you talk to Yoshi with negative lives.

There's a new update fresh off the farm! (Sorry not sorry for the pun.)

Earlier today ConcernedApe revealed that update 1.1 has entered beta to help clear out a few bugs before the full release. The change log looks pretty expansive with the big ticket items would be the new farm layouts themed after one of the in-game skills, two new marriage candidates, and a host of new buildings and warp items. The full change log as well as instructions on how to play the beta can be found here: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/1-1-beta-thread.124827/

Douglas Welcome and I are friends from way back in the 90ā€™s(if you can image that far back). Our friendship shared a mutual affinity for music and various geekery so when I saw a recent post of his about his project the RetroProjecto I reached out to him to talk about it. The RetroProject is a retrofitted 16mm Craig film editor with a Raspberry Pi added in it to run retro games.

jdodson: What interested you to getting into hacking the Raspberry Pi?

Douglas Welcome: Honestly it was the price! I have always been tinkering with electronics and was doing a little coding, but when I first started hearing wind of this $35 computer I couldnā€™t help but get one and start... Read All

I think it's really interesting to see games I love in very early forms. Linked above is the first 10 minutes of BioShock Infinite shown in 2010. The game starts very differently and features a different voice cast for Booker. Columbia looks very similar to how the game shipped but the placement of buildings and nearly every story beat is different. That said, I think the final shipped game introduction is better as well as the gameplay. Some felt that the shipped version of BioShock Infinite wasn't what was demo'd and were disappointed with it but from this early footage I am very glad they made the changes they did.

What do you think, is this something you'd rather... Read All

The Super Mario Brothers minus world warp glitch was the first game secret I was ever taught. I say taught because game secrets were passed down from person to person back then as the Internet and even Nintendo Power wasn't a thing. When I heard about it I was really impressed that such a thing was even possible in a video game and my young mind was completely blown when a friend showed it to me. Later on I learned another Mario glitch where you could shoot fireballs while small that I loved even more than the minus world glitch. The video linked above talks about the minus world glitch and gives an in depth explanation as to how it works.

If you want to know how to... Read All

Spore was one of 2008's most anticipated games and had a very rocky launch. Some people felt the game didn't quite live up to the hype and others chided it for it's, at the time, very draconian DRM. Recently it's had a sort of second-life on Steam, being one of the more popular games in various sales and today it finally comes to GOG entirely DRM free. Awesome to see EA finally open this game up to a DRM release and bundle it up at such a reduced price.

"From Single Cell to Galactic God, evolve your creature in a universe of your own creations. Play through Spore's five evolutionary stages: Cell, Creature, Tribe, Civilization, and Space. Each stage has its own unique... Read All