I thought I'd give you a quick reminder that Loki is now streaming on Disney+. After re-watching the trailer, I see it's started a little earlier than first announced.

I'm not going to include spoilers here, but if you want to talk about them, we can do so in the comments.

I think the first episode is pretty good, though much of what we saw in previews was there. I'm looking forward to seeing more. I think, if you're also a fan of the MCU, you'll also enjoy the show and want more. I think, so far, all of the Marvel Disney+ shows have been really good. I also like the tidbits of mystery in each episode and seeing them revealed and explained on the New Rockstars channel... Read All

I just noticed via Steam an announcement about the newest No Man's Sky Prisms update. I've decided I'm not going to get into the details. Trust me, watch the trailer (embedded link). This update definitely feels more like something you have to see instead of read about. That's because this update seems to pretty much be about making the game look better and it does.

I'm really happy about this, but I played NMS recently and even though I enjoyed it, I ended up finding myself feeling a bit bored. I was constantly doing the same thing, pretty much just trying to jump from black hole to black hole to get to the center of the galaxy quicker. Unfortunately, even though... Read All

In April, Mojang announced that the Caves & Cliffs update would be separated. They said the first part (1.17) would come “soon” and the second (1.18) near the end of the year. This was due to the affect of the pandemic (not just for Mojang, but for the entire world, really). The latest news is that the first part is scheduled for release on June 8. It includes new mobs such as axolotls, glow squid, and goats. It also includes new blocks and other things like the spyglass.

Axolotls are cute aquatic creatures. You can catch them with a bucket of water. However, you’ll want to keep them in water, because if they’re on dry land for five minutes, they’ll begin to die,... Read All

Azurephile gives this a solid "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Azurephile gives this a "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey is a very interesting and unique game that follows the evolution of hominids. It includes crafting, survival, exploration, and creatures to dodge and counter attack. It is a cool game, but is quite brutal to begin with. It does tell you some things (assuming you turned on the optional tutorial), but it doesn’t tell you everything, which can be very frustrating. There is a “help” section on the pause menu for you to reference, but again you’ll probably still not have enough knowledge to feel comfortable. The tutorial basically prompts you, telling you how to play or what to do, but it kind of gets in the way, especially during the first... Read All

While it's not currently the biggest online multiplayer game out there right now (PUBG Anyone?) Fortnite is still going quite strong. When Microsoft allowed multiplayer for free to play games to not require an XBox Gold membership Fortnite was the first game I downloaded. Frankly, in 4K 120fps, playing Fortnite on XBox is the best way to play it. The game on the Series X is so smooth and lag free it feels like a massive upgrade and with the enhanced visuals the game whole experience can be quite serene. So much so that playing Fortnite in the mornings or at night has become a kind of meditation.

Hey friend, things are hard out there but playing a game where you jump... Read All

Azurephile gives this an astounding "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
Azurephile gives this a "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
I noticed that I didn’t write a review for Subnautica. Since I just finished Subnautica: Below Zero (BZ), I thought I’d give both of them a review here.

If you haven't played Subnautica, it may interest you if you like games that include survival, crafting, and exploring (probably the kind of game that has most interested me for quite awhile now). While you can craft things like base pieces and tools, you obtain these recipes by finding the items or fragments of them in the game and scanning them with your scanner tool.

There is a bit of a scary element, too, as there are huge creatures called Leviathans that are definitely scary as they will attack you and your... Read All

We're gearing up for more episodes of Cheerful Ghost Radio, but while those new episodes are baking in the oven, we've done some spring cleaning and found this old episode in the couch cushions. The Nintendo Switch just turned four in March, and we recorded this never before heard episode last year about our opinions of the Switch after *three* years. Listen back to our thoughts on the Switch without the past year to inform us, and also hear which things we wanted back then that we got!

Sony has released a new trailer for Venom Let There Be Carnage, the sequel to the Venom movie. It looks kind of interesting. I really enjoyed the first Venom movie, so I'm really hoping this one is as good or better than the first.

Surprisingly, my greatest disappointment with the trailer is that it says, "only in theaters." I'm fully vaccinated now and I did go see Godzilla Vs. Kong (before I was vaccinated), but I guess I've grown so used to watching things on Disney+ or HBO Max that I think I'm preferring to be able to watch movies and shows in the comfort of my own space. What do you think about this?

Let me know what you think about the trailer and what you... Read All

Star Wars: The Bad Batch is streaming now on Disney+. I actually forgot about this, but luckily YouTube brought it to my attention recently. You may remember The Bad Batch that were introduced in The Clone Wars. They're a unique group of clones, each individual in the group looks different and has they're own specialty. The trailer introduces them and also introduces us to some characters you may recognize from other Star Wars shows or movies. Tarkin is perhaps the most recognizable as he appeared in the original Star Wars trilogy as the commander of the Death Star. He also appeared in Rogue One and had a cameo at the end of Revenge of the Sith, although with some... Read All

HOLY HYPE, BATMAN (er, Nighthawk?)

Marvel just released a nice look back on the movies that came before, then shows clips of Black Widow and Shang-Chi... Then shows clips from The Eternals! Then goes on to reveal all their Phase 4 movie titles and release dates!

I cannot wait to watch all of these!