I love Minecraft. So when I saw Minecraft on phones and tablets I snapped it up in a second with dreams of endless farming every second of the day. I will give Mojang a hand for making Minecraft on the phone, it works just about as you would expect. That said, something about playing it on my phone I don't love. The game feels cramped and its not easy to do things the desktop game makes easy. That said, its a fine port but I don't play it much. No mobile farming for this guy.

Occasionally I troll through the top apps on the iTunes store and I recently noticed a new game called The Blockheads. It is a side scroller similar in style to Terraria but built for mobile. The... Read All
I don't write on here as much as I'd like (work/podcasts/class!) but I wanted to pop on and announce a new show that we're doing. If you are interested at all in the game Dark Souls (and you really should be), we have the show for you:

Have any of you ghosties played it? What did you think?
I finally beat The Scorchers. Its not the longest bit of DLC ever but its fun as hell. Its also pretty as anything I have seen in a game so far. I took a ton of screen shots of the jaw dropping visuals and will link to the really impressive ones in this post.

I would say that each level in The Scorchers is different in visual and stylistic tone. You go from a cave level, to a new epic Mutant Bash TV level to a killer Warehouse level to the last series of sewers to the final Scorcher end base that is a kind of Pyramid/Mayan themed area. The Scorchers ends with an epic boss battle and it wasn't entirely obvious to me how to win at first so I will help you out a bit, if it... Read All

Just found an awesome how-to video by NESComplex on creating universal cases for your NES Collection. He goes over design, to print to how to construct the cases for your NES library.

"In this update video I demonstrate the storage system I use for many of my NES games: Universal Game Cases UGC and printed box art covers from I show how to print them from PowerPoint, and modify the game cases for NES games using a multi tool. I also address using DS Cases for GBA games and the problem with doing this if you live outside the states. If you know of any websites abroad, let me know and I'll add them to the description! I hope it helps!"

... Read All

I had a lot of fun playing this game. It's just plain fun. And unlike almost every point and click adventure of late there is no boogeyman and my character remembers who they are...

CarbotAnimations, the folks that brought us the Starcrafts animations have started to branch out into Nintendo territory. This Zelda video is pretty interesting from the perspective of those dead things in Ocarina. Those things always creeped me out in the original game.

These kinds of videos are always interesting. The film has James Rolfe the Angry Video Game Nerd as a news caster and features the original voice of Sonic in the Cartoon Jaleel White.

What did you think of it?
On dueling:

"Here's a quick rundown of how dueling will work in Diablo III as well as some insight into our design philosophy for the system.

How it Works:

  • To duel another player, you’ll need to speak with Nek the Brawler at the inn in New Tristram.

  • Speaking with Nek will take you and your party to the Scorched Chapel, a new zone designed specifically for player combat

  • This zone has custom geometry and features four different areas: the church, the graveyard, the river, and the lake

  • Dueling currently supports up to four players in a Free-For-All format, which means you can battle your friends either one-on-one, three-player FFA, or a full four-player FFA

  • If you die in... Read All

Reddit user jackaljayzer recently posted a pic of his alpha disc from 97, which of course led to many requests for info, and eventually a request for a disc image. Since then he's ponied up the goods, and has put the disc on eBay. Currently the auction is up to $610!

Please note that the legality of this is a bit gray, and the morality is entirely up to you to decide.

Original post:
eBay auction: ... Read All
During the Steam holiday sale I picked up Rage: The Scorchers. I liked Rage quite a bit and I am pretty excited to check out the new stuff. I am not finished with it and will periodically post about how my experiences are going with it.

When I played Rage the first time I noticed some areas that seemed like they should have allowed you some access. Like an area at the far end of Haggar Territory where there was a settlement of people, if you go a bit further there is a huge installation you couldn't go in. I figured it would open up at some quest point, but it didn't. There was also a Casino in Wellspring that was closed that you couldn't get in. Always wondered about... Read All