Half-life is a classic PC game that I bought to play Counter-Strike. I knew it was a fun game, but discovered that later after playing a ton of Counter-Strike. Truth be told I was never really good at LAN Counter-Strike but I was pretty good at Half-life as it was one of the first first person shooter games to blend puzzle solving with a first class sci-fi story.

"Few games have made an immediate impact quite like Half-Life. From the narrative, to the level design, to the numerous spin-offs and mods! The original 1998 PC gaming classic is well worth revisiting."

Wow, Hello Games doesn't know how to stop pushing out massive updates.

Watch the video above for info about the next major update, just a month after the last one.

In brief, Visions brings...

  • New biomes

  • New creature types

  • Different grass, sky, and water options

  • Different looks for different atmospheres (including rainbows)

  • New secret treasures to find including exotic trophies and ancient skeletons

  • Salvageable tech

  • New and varied hazardous plants

  • Sentient minerals(!?)

  • New community missions

  • More variance to crashed freighters

  • And tons of bug fixes.

It's only been about a month since Abyss, the underwater-focused update, and already we have a new major update. With the... Read All

Looks like Valve isn't making any more of it's Steam Linux streaming mini boxes you can use to play your PC games on your TV. It's currently marked down to $2.50 on Steam right now and it looks like when they sell out you won't be able to buy them any more. Valve continues to be committed to it's Steam Link Android App but hasn't been able to release it on the Apple app store after they initially submitted it due to a violation of the App store policy. Hopefully Valve can work out something with Apple because I've recently replaced my Steam Linux under my TV with my Wii U. I always thought the Steam Link was a cool device but now that Steam streaming comes installed... Read All

Super Metroid/ALttP Combo Randomizer by Andy and Oatsngoats in 3:16:22 One of the coolest parts of this years GDQ Express was Andy and Oatsngoats playing the Super Metroid and Link the Past Randomizer co-op. The Super Metroid & Link to the Past randomizer run is a super new speedrun and it was really fun to watch two of the best players in Zelda and Metroid play such an incredible co-op run. The randomizer seed isn't particularly kind to them and when one of the worst item spawns happens it's a very fun moment but Oats and Andy pull it out for a very fun run to experience.

Earthbound by Ultimoice in 2:15: 57 Earthbound is a classic SNES RPG that can be completed... Read All

In this episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio, we're continuing our NES Classic reviews with Metroid! Released in 1986, Metroid puts you in control of Samus, fighting through aliens on the planet Zebes, and taking on Mother Brain. Metroid has spawned numerous sequels, and along with Castlevania started the "Metroidvania" subgenre of action-adventure games.

I've played about 6ish hours of Fallout 76 so far, so I think I have a decent handle on how things are shaping up, though I'm far from comfortable in the game yet. Whether you enjoy the game or not, there's a lot of depth to uncover.

First and foremost, this is not the Fallout you're used to. Don't go into it expecting that, or you're bound for disappointment. It's an online survival game more akin to something like Rust than Fallout, but it does have that Fallout feel and setting.

Speaking of the setting, it's interesting jumping into a Fallout setting that I'm more familiar with than the previous entries. The first city you visit is Morgantown, which I've visited a... Read All

A couple months back I found a good deal on a Wii U and decided to buy it. I've wanted to buy one for a while now and felt the time was right with the Switch being very popular it seems people are looking to get rid of their old Nintendo hardware. The Wii U deal I found had the base system, extra Wii controller, Skylanders pack and a couple extra games included such as Nintendoland, Mass Effect 3 and Ninja Gaiden. All told not the best of games on the system but it did come with Breath of the Wild as a digital download. The unfortunate part of digital downloads is they only work as long as you keep the old owners account on the Wii U, something I wanted to change in... Read All

Solo: A Star Wars Story recently released on Blu-ray, so we dove back in to talk about it because we can't resist a good Star Wars Discussion. We reflected on the film and how our thoughts might have changed since we saw it in theaters, talked about the special features, and gave it a final Ghost Scale rating!

My family owned a Commodore 64 and as such I remember playing a ton of awesome games on it as well as learning how to program by reading code from included software and magazines. Some of the games I played on it were pretty fun such as Gauntlet, California Games and Nosferatu and remember playing Nosferatu for hours even though I never could kill Dracula. Recently the C64 Mini was released and I didn't pick it up because I wasn't sure how it would turn out but it was recently reviewed by Metal Jesus and seems to be fantastic. The C64 Mini includes a lot of games and some I remember playing but the coolest part is that it includes the ability to program it using C64... Read All

Grim Fandango Remastered is available now on the Switch and Double Fine has a fun video out to celebrate that goes over 8 inspirations for the game. A couple of these were fun to learn, like The Beastie Boys inspired the game but i'll let you click play to find out how.

Grim Fandango is available on every platform such as PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, XBox and now the Nintendo Switch.