
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

The original Borderlands was one of my most beloved games of the last few years so it's awesome to see it get some useful updates. It seems Gearbox pushed an update to Steam to get rid of the SecuRom DRM from the base game and all DLC. They also created a tool that grants you the Steam copy if you purchased the PC version outside Steam.


Valve has opened up the Steam Music Beta to everyone and the steps for enabling it are below. Currently Steam Music only supports MP3's but they plan on adding other files as the beta progresses. After enabling the beta I pointed Steam at my music library and it spent some time listening to a few albums.

If you are looking for a spartan way to play music, Steam Music is it. That said, over the years I have been spoiled by certain features like playlists and the ability to look at your collection by album cover art(This mode is available in Big Picture but not Desktop, yet). I imagine Valve will work on adding some of these features but if you are looking for a simple way to play music in Steam, you can.

Steam Music ships with in home streaming support, so if you have your music collection on your Desktop you should be able to steam it to your Steam console or other connect Steam accounts. Many people are asking for features like Pandora integration and such but I am happy they are starting with the ability to play our personal music libraries because that's currently how I listen to music.

"Opting in or out of a client beta can be done by opening the Steam Client and clicking on the Steam button located on the menu at the top left. Once you have the menu open click on Settings.

If an open beta is available or you're already opted in, it will be displayed within the beta participation section of the Settings page. To adjust your beta participation status click the Change button.

Once you've clicked Change a window will appear with a drop-down menu. From the menu you'll be able to choose from the available betas. You'll also be able to opt-out of all betas by selecting the menu option.

When you've made your selection click Ok.

You'll then be required to restart Steam. Once Steam has been restarted it will begin updating.


If you are looking for some daily LOL's this Pete Holmes video will foot the bill. That said, I want everyone to read the next few sentences with the nerdiest fanboy stereotypical vibe imaginable.

Mario hit blocks with his clenched fist, not his head. Seriously. I mean, here.


Box cover proof.


Same in Mario 3.


Super Mario World.


That said, it's still a funny video even after initially laughing I go into full comic book guy mode.


For years, Earthbound has been a huge blemish on my "gaming wall of shame." As I have been playing Far Cry 3 I have wanted to play something with a less serious tone so I started Earthbound. Earthbound is a retro RPG that has a pretty interesting history and fan community. This post isn't a primer on that history or community, but a few thoughts on the game itself and how well it holds up today.

Since I don't have the "warm fuzzies" of Earthbound nostalgia love, I think my perspective is interesting. Many times i've tried to head back into older titles and haven't loved the result. Some games from the NES or SNES era don't hold up as well as others and that's disappointing to experience. That said, Earthbound moves beyond all that as it holds up really well now.

From the initial screen, to the first parts discovering your mission, Earthbound weaves interesting story telling with superb art and music. Since Earthbound came out after the Super Nintendo was established the game reflects this by providing a really polished experience.

If you haven't played the game and are looking to check it out, I recommend you do. You can pick it up on the Wii, Wii U, Gameboy Advance or Super Nintendo. Each version is basically the same, but some alterations were made from the initial Super Nintendo version to accommodate the platform.

Oh and by an awesome set of circumstances, Nintendo has decided to post the entire Nintendo Power Earthbound guide online, for free.


Oh and checkout STARMEN.NET, an awesome community of Earthbound and Mother fans.


"The first 50+ titles we've have in store for you come from all the corners of our DRM-Free catalog. Note that we've got many classic titles coming officially to Linux for the very first time, thanks to the custom builds prepared by our dedicated team of penguin tamers. That's over twenty fan-favorite GOG.com classics, like FlatOut&Flatout 2, , Darklands, or Realms of the Haunting we've personally ushered one by one into the welcoming embrace of Linux gamers. That's already quite a nice chunk of our back-catalog, and you can expect more from our dedicated Linux team soon!"

Linux is becoming more of a first class game platform and this news from GOG seems to solidify that. The list of titles they brought to the platform is very unique and I can't wait to see what else they add to the list over time.

Coupled with the news of GOG Galaxy this puts GOG in a really unique position.


"OCR does Mario!! Super Mario 64: Portrait of a Plumber is the 48th FREE community arrangement album published by OverClocked ReMix and arranges music from the legendary Nintendo 64 launch title Super Mario 64.

Portrait of a Plumber features 21 tracks arranged by 16 artists that re-envision the original compositions of Koji Kondo in a variety of styles.

Like all OCRemix albums, Portrait of a Plumber is available for free. You can download the full 250M MP3 Album+Art OR get the 1.02G FLAC+MP3+Art+Trailer bundle. Portrait of a Plumber is OCRemix 48th community album collaboration and both discs clock in at 1 hour and 24 minutes or Mario 64 jams.


EA is giving away The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection free on Origin until July 31st It's simple to redeem your copy, just open up Origin and choose "Redeem Product Code" from the Games tab with the code "I-LOVE-THE-SIMS". According to EA The Ultimate Collection includes The Sims 2, as well as every single The Sims 2 expansion pack and stuff pack.

Are you going to pick this up? Might be a good time to get back into The Sims.

When I was a wee lad in the 90's Nintendo ruled my world. Not only did they make the best console at the time, but they also had a foothold in many other areas. Nintendo trading cards, Nintendo Cereal & Nintendo Comics were all things I desperately needed. Even though my childlike yearning was real, I didn't have much money so I really only had Nintendo Games and some trading cards. My cousin, WhiteboySlim had the comics books and I loved reading them when I went over to his house. To this day "Pihrana-Round Sue" and "Money Changes Everything" are some of my most beloved comics of all time.

I recently found a website that has scanned in all the old Valiant Nintendo Comics System issues and made them available to read online. Since there is no modern incarnation of these comics through the normal digital channels, it's good people are making them available so they don't lost to time.


Get hype.

Today one of the developers of Terraria tweeted the above image and the following text:

"So I guess this is happening..."

Hot on the heels of news of a Mac port and achievements this next Terraria update may very well be the biggest updates to hit the game.


"Is it always a valid excuse for a game to be poor? Well it just may depend on how you the game is labeled. Like and subscribe for more content on early access games!

In this video I go over a very large issue that has to do with early access games. Basically, a large majority feel that these games do not deserve any criticism. You can't complain about something that's not done. The fact is, depending on how the game is labeled (alpha or beta) there are certain objections you can make.

We have talked about problem Early Access games before and this video seems to add to that conversation. Do you think that certain people let certain elements slide because the game is early access?