
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

A few months ago I dropped the release trailer for the local Portland developer ClutchPlay's game, Skullduggery. Skullduggery is a mobile game where you play a tax collector for the underworld. This new gameplay footage trailer shows off how the basic game functions as well as more advanced moves like head-shots. The game is uniquely disturbing as you use your brain like a rubber band to rocket the skull around the screen to collect coins and accomplish goals.

Skullduggery was one of the PAX 10 selected for this years PAX Prime, which is pretty awesome so if you talk to anyone from ClutchPlay make sure to congratulate them.


"The Expendables 3 comes to Broforce in a ridiculous, free expansion pack."

As if Broforce wasn't already a great game, here comes the Expendabros, a free standalone download. This version is themed for the new Expendables 3 film and they got Dolph Lundgren to cameo in the reveal trailer! It's cool to see Indie games moving into integrating movie IP which has typically only been taken on by triple A studios.

"The Expendabros was created by Broforce developer Free Lives and will be available for download until December 31, 2014."

What do you think of the Expendabros?


Since the creation of the site all Cheerful Ghost posts went directly to the main page. That said, over time we have noticed that some posts don't make sense to go on the main page and changed that. Some new users want to say hi, some want to talk about different races in Star Trek. All of this is awesome stuff to discuss, so we created the new Forums section.

Basically all new users post directly to the forums. If it makes sense to, the post can be moved to the main page. If the post makes sense in the forums, it will stay put. If you want to post to the forums, after you submit it, click the drop down in the upper right of the post to send it to the forums. In the future I will add a toggle to post directly to the forums and also allow people to post directly on the forums from the page itself.

I was "interneting on the websites" when I stumbled upon a post where someone noted the full Far Cry 4 experience is $90. The base game minus the DLC content is $60, but if you want the full Far Cry 2 package it's $90.

Certainly Ubisoft isn't the only company to do this, BioShock Infinite came with a Season Pass as well as Skyrim, Fallout 3 and other games. That said, it was a bit sobering to see all the cost up front available on day one.

I have no doubt that the cost to make a Triple A game is huge and any chance to get players to pay a bit more if they want makes financial sense but.... $90? That said, if someone drops 60 hours into the game that comes out to about a dollar fifty per hour, which isn't a bad value.

What do you think, is the full Triple A game experience worth $90 or something different?


YouTuber @Shippiddge has posted 3 episodes in a new YouTube series called "Starter Squad" all about Pokemon. That said, the episodes are hilarious and bend the story in a way you wouldn't expect. So many quotable lines from the opening episodes, my personal favorite was in episode three.

Bulbasaur: "I'm into it."

Squirtle: "Don't care, you have no choice."

So if you love Pokemon and you've always wanted to see Squirtle as a sociopath, check out all three episodes.

Episode Two: http://youtu.be/cyrcNVNpihI?list=PLYVXcniud_HQ1KmYoc1v5O65Lb5-6bE7p
Episode Three: http://youtu.be/whWfJ5GSQCE?list=PLYVXcniud_HQ1KmYoc1v5O65Lb5-6bE7p

The Cheerful Ghost Roundtable films next week and the topic will be "The Rise of Video Game Streaming." While we film the episode, Will Lewis from PIGSquad will be live streaming the episode on his Twitch.tv channel as we live stream the episode on Google Hangout.

That said, I had the idea to start a new thread a week before the show to start the discussion. What do you think of video game Streaming, Twitch.tv and Let's Plays? What do you think about the news that Google just bought Twitch.tv for a billion dollars? What kinds of game streaming do you watch?

I want to take everyones comments to possibly use as a springboard for the roundtable. Fear not, if we use something you said we will credit you by name! (YAY)

I really loved this Plantera fan art by Reddit user VladBacescu. Plantera is a pretty menacing boss for anyone and taking it on in this version of the world.... Uh. Yeah.

Beautiful, but frightening.


Jack and Rich Evans from RedLetterMedia have a new video up that asks the question "Is Sonic, The Most Overrated Game Ever?" While those are fighting words for some, they bring up good points in the video.

After I picked up my Wii and the luster of Wii Sports wore off I started collecting used games for the Gamecube(The Wii can play Gamecube games, YAY!). One game I picked up was the Sonic Mega Collection. The Sonic Mega Collection was fun in that I was able to play all the classic Sonic games but it wasn't fun enough for me to spend much time playing them. Somehow, the fun, just never arrived for me with Sonic.

What do you think, is Sonic awesome or something else?

Oh right and Sonic apparently would have eaten his own poop if the game were more realistic... So yeah, watch the video below for more that and more scientifically accurate Hedgehog facts with music.


Smoking Simulator is the latest installment in a long line of humor based concept games like Goat Simulator and Surgeon Simulator(All three games are made by separate companies).

In smoking simulator you start off by sitting at your desk at work. You can surf the web, which isn't available because all websites have been blocked. You can play a game, but the games were uninstalled on your computer so the last option at your desk is to do work. As you play your cigarette meter goes down and if it goes down to far you enter rage mode and can destroy the entire office.

I like the idea of a simulator game that manages your addiction but it was hard to really understand what was happening. That said, the game is on Steam Greenlight and I have no doubt it will be Greenlit because it's a really funny concept.

You can play Smoking Simulator right now and vote for it on Steam Greenlight.


1. Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake

Mobile games are a cacophony of choices. Do you go free to play and get annoyed by waiting? Do you take the chance and spend a few bucks on a game that is ultimately disappointing? Or should you get a game that works magically on your smartphone, tablet AND has a great PC version with full SteamOS support?

You should clearly do the latter and it should be Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake. I've played it on Steam, it's great and i've played it on mobile and it's also great. How great? So great my wife... wait for it. beat the game before I did. Seriously, that's like a 10/10 right there. I mean, it's an even deeper sell when you consider the amazing visuals, writing, score and gameplay too.