Supergiant games, creators of Bastion and Transistor, have just announced the third game in their increasingly stunning catalog. According to their site, Pyre is a party-based RPG in which you lead a band of exiles to freedom through an ancient competition spread across a vast, mystical purgatory.

The trailer looks amazing, and very reminiscent of Transistor, with maybe a slight nod to the likes of The Banner Saga. Anyone going to PAX East this year will be able to see it, first hand (booth #8212).

Due on PS4 and Steam in 2017.

It's official, April 26th is the launch date for the new Hearthstone expansion Whispers of the Old Gods. Save your gold and lock the doors as The Old Gods are coming and corrupting everything in their path!

I am wondering what cards people are interested in picking up?

When Diablo III season 5 rolled out I was hooked on it for a week or so. All the changes they had made to the game to that point along with the season bonuses seemed too incredible to pass up. I unlocked a few items and found some legendary recipes and was bummed that might not roll over permanently. As it turns out, a lot of your progress will roll over or transfer to a normal character.

"Those who have played through a few Seasons know there has been no shortage of gold, gear, or Paragon levels to earn. So what happens to all that hard earned progress when a Season ends? In short, you get to keep just about all of it.

Seasonal heroes will be converted to either... Read All

After watching this incredible Mario Kart & Rocket League mash-up video I am left wondering if this could actually work? The 2D yet 3D thing might not work in the actual game but I think a Mario Kart League type game might be pretty fun to play.

I started a play through of Final Fantasy VI and decided to do some let's plays of it. In this first episode I play through the Terra campaign on the way back to Narshe. I plan on doing a more formal review of the game in chunks over time and then write a bit about the different versions of the game and why I came to pick the Game Boy Advance version to play.

New world record speedrunner Darbian has completed his goal of getting the new best time for Super Mario Brothers at 4:57.260. The video is linked above and you need to watch it. As he continues with the last few levels you can tell he knows he is doing well when he starts getting nervous. The nerves don't sink him as he elegantly speeds by Bowser to save the Princess to fame and glory.

So what will Darbian do now that he has broken the world record? Disneyland?

"I have reached my potential in this category - I'm done! My quest is over."

Solid work.
If you must consume every detail of Hearthstone news then you should tune in to an upcoming Blizzard Twitch livestream. Ben Brode will be around to talk about some of the new cards as well as, hopefully the expansion release date. If the rumored April 26th date is correct then this might be all the information we've been looking for.

"The Old Gods will soon begin their invasion of the tavern, and we’re compelled choosing of our own free will to show off more of the ominous (and super fun) cards they’ll be bringing with them!

Join Lead Designer Ben Brode and Hearthstone master caster Dan “Frodan” Chou on April 21 at 10AM PDT for what promises to be a thrilling series of... Read All

Recently Double Fine released Day of the Tentacle special Edition that spruces up this classic game to be played on modern systems. If you are interested in reliving the fun of the old game through the original creators playing it, you are now in luck as you can watch Grossman and Schafer play through the whole game from memory in a bit over 3 hours.

You're Welcome!

I've still not played the game, but I enjoyed Rich and Jack's discussion of it. Spoiler alert: They're not crazy about it lol

Right before the launch of the final chapter of StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Blizzard let us know that they were planning a set of 9 new DLC missions. The missions feature Nova, a Terran Ghost and a smaller scale StarCraft II story than the epic grandeur of the previous StarCraft games. Like many I pre-ordered the Nova missions and looked forward to playing the new game. StarCraft II is a very popular online multiplayer game and eSport but my focus as a player is solely around the single player campaigns. For whatever reason, Blizzard decided to split up the DLC into three packs numbering three maps each. I don't particularly love this release strategy but I like... Read All