I've been spending the last few weeks working on bug fixes and interesting new core features to Cheerful Ghost and I wanted to wrap up a patchlist for you all. This doesn't quite cover everything and some stuff my be so esoteric as to not be interesting but hopefully going forward I can keep posting changes in this form to keep you all updated as to what's been happening on the tech side of this site.
Patchset 3.11
- Upgraded the core Rails framework for the latest security and bug fixes. I do this whenever I need to but a few came recently and we upgraded. http://rubyonrails.org/
- Upgraded to the latest jQuery 1.22.2 stable release branch. ...
Does it run on Windows 3.11?
You can get VNC clients for Windows 3.11.
So yes, it works with Windows 3.11 when you VNC to a computer that can handle modern web browsers :D
I noticed that you removed the auto-load from the end of the page, so it's back to paginating now rather than grabbing a new set of posts. Was that something that stopped working or a choice?
> I noticed that you removed the auto-load from the end of the page, so it's back to paginating now rather than grabbing a new set of posts. Was that something that stopped working or a choice?
I flipped that back a couple months ago, but i'll add it to the patch notes. The main reason is the implementation was OK but when it interacted with other JavaScript it created strange bugs that were hard to solve. Not that I couldn't fix those bugs, but I also like pagination more and I think it's better for the user to be able to easily skip over a ton, go to the first post than scroll infinitely.
Yeah there are pros and cons to the pager vs infinite, I don't have a clear opinion either way. I just noticed it :D
I think it should switch daily.