If you are looking for something to play and haven't opened Diablo 3 in a bit you might want to check out the latest Diablo season. You know, in between Hearthstone matches, Fallout 4's new DLC, Stardew Valley, Battleborn, Dark Souls 3 and the upcoming Doom reboot. We all have that kind of time right?
Stardew Valley is ConcernedApe's country life farming game mega hit and in a recent blog post he outlined a roadmap of upcoming features. At the top of the list of stuff I am very interested in are Mac and Linux ports. Since Stardew Valley has been a one man effort to date ConcernedApe will be enlisting the help of some Chuckle Fish developers for the ports and multiplayer support. This is actually a really great thing as it means he can focus on core gameplay additions solely.

New features that are on a list of things to come:

  • Version 1.1 — A substantial content update

  • Co-op Multiplayer

  • Localizing for non-english regions

  • Mac/Linux Ports

  • Console Ports

  • Merchandise

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iD Software recently revealed to IGN that the the upcoming Doom game features hidden easter egg levels from the original Doom and Doom 2. In each level of the new Doom campaign there is a secret lever that if pulled opens a door to a classic mission. This mission is then playable in the current mission you are in or unlocked and playable from the main menu. This iD tradition of including the original maps from classic games started with Rage continued to Wolfenstein: New Order and now to the upcoming Doom game. Hopefully you can unlock much of original games this way to play through it in total in the new engine.

It's important you take time out of your day to watch the video above. I know it might seem far fetched but Graham Putnam's video casts serious doubts on the story we've all been spoon fed. It's time we all woke up to this truth and this video deconstructs the administrations narrative and the key players involved. It's nice to know people like Graham can spend the time to research such an important topic and I urge you to watch this video before it is censored to keep it from spreading.
I'm not crazy about the news, but now we know that the NX and Zelda will launch in March 2017. Nintendo still won't say much about the NX, but Zelda will be the focus at E3.

In this special episode of Hearthstone Dailies for Ghosts I open 50 packs of Whispers of the Old Gods cards. After some unforunate technical launch day glitches I start things up.

A couple notes:

  • I open the worst Legendary you can. WHICH ONE? Find out.

  • I open the second worst? Legendary you can.

Is the game Trolling me?

That said I consider this a pretty lucky set of opens even though I didn't get so lucky in opening Legendaries. One saving grace was that it was a golden so I can craft a proper Legendary.

I am a free to play player and these packs were purchased entirely with gold.
Last week I wrote an article about the GPD Win which is a new PC portable that gives you the power of PC games in a small device. Now that Intel CPU's are getting much smaller the dream of owning a reasonably powered PC that fits in your hand is closer than ever. A new handheld PC system has surfaced and is called the PGS Portable. Right now, the PGS Portable is still in the early design and concept phase but their plans are very interesting. I want to note again that this is in very early stages with no working hardware yet I find their goals to be very interesting.

The PGS Portable aims to ship two competing versions. The lite version and the more souped up hardcore... Read All
And it's a totally free PDF to download and read online by clicking the link below. Train Hopper is a very fun and short ride though a slice of the Overwatch world alongside the gunslinger McCree. Blizzard has said this is the first issue of a few comics to come and is well worth reading.

In this episode of the Cheerful Ghost Roundtable our main topic and review is of the 2015 smash-hit, Fallout 4. The Fallout 4 review will contain some spoilers, so be warned of that. We let you know before we head into spoiler territory and you don't need to skip the whole show to miss the spoilers.

In our "what we've been watching and playing segment" we talk about Alias, Fringe, Stardew Valley, Overwatch, Card Hunter, Final Fantasy VI & Hearthstone.

We talk about two breaking news topics in that Borderlands 3 will be worked on next by Gearbox after the Battleborn launch and Steam is now carrying Lionsgate films for rent.

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On this eve of The Whispers Of The Old Gods expansion launch I take a look back at the cards that will be rotating out of the new Standard game mode. First up I say goodbye and good riddance to some of my most disliked cards. Finally I round things off nearly shedding a tear for some of my most loved Naxxramas cards. It's a bittersweet time because the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion looks so great yet we are losing so many fun cards. I guess we will always have Wild!