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Moonlighter is an upcoming RPG on Kickstarter that focuses on the story from the perspective of a typical NPC.

"Moonlighter is a action RPG game with rogue-lite elements about Will, an adventurous shopkeeper, that secretly dreams of becoming a hero.

To earn the daily bread, he needs to venture into the dungeons near his town, defeat strange enemies and obtain loot to be sold at his shop.

Wisely managing the gold from those sales is the only way heā€™ll get strong enough to risk into deeper gates and, maybe, open the sealed one.

Moonlighter has endless randomly generated dungeons, a myriad of cool and expensive items, many weapons, dozens of weird enemies, five incredibly... Read All

Azurephile gives this an astounding "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
Azurephile gives this a "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.

  • Recommended :+1

  • Updated graphics

  • It is the International version which includes optional arranged soundtrack, Expert Sphere Grid, and Dark Aeons

  • Includes a cheat tool and Steam achievements
I've played almost every FF game there is, with only a few exceptions. I have almost every one of them and I even multiple copies of some of them since they were released on different systems. So a while ago, I decided to start getting them on Steam. What I love about the Steam versions is that they've received graphical upgrades and have a variety of new features.

It wasn't long after I finished FFIX on Steam that FFX/X-2 HD Remaster came out, which was much sooner than I... Read All

Card Hunter is a uniquely nerdy game that lit up the online card game scene back in 2011. Launching originally as a browser exclusive, Card Hunter was a popular game with users on Cheerful Ghost when it was in early beta. Since it's launch it has received a ton of new updates and has been ported to Steam with a traditional PC and Mac client. Since Card Hunter is a free game I decided to give it another shot on Steam and if you either haven't yet tried it at all or haven't played it recently, you really should.

Card Hunter reminds me of a digital version of the old adventure board game classic Hero Quest. Hero Quest is an amazing board game I played in High School that... Read All

Kripp has published a couple of his decks after Whispers of the Old Gods launched and I wanted to share one I really enjoy playing with. I made quite a few changes to this deck to combat aggro and zoo in that I replaced Sap, Thalnos & Xaril with Eviscerate and Beckoner of Evil(I also don't currently own Xaril, or else I'd run her in my deck). I also replaced Loot Hoarder with Undercity Huckster as they trade a bit better with early game at 2/2 and get you the draw you need off your opponent instead of drawing from your deck.

This is a very fun deck to play if you have the cards for it and since it contains two old Golds that raises the win conditions considerably.... Read All

For all the mixed reviews it got, Quantum Break aimed to make use of Microsoft's original vision of the X1. Combining games with other forms of media. Originally there was going to be a television show that aired alongside Quantum Break, instead, they put it in-game between the chapters. You can opt to skip these, but they show an interesting view point, which is Monarch's side of the main story and the internal struggle going on there.

This is your typical Remedy game. That means it's not very long, but the story, visuals, sound, gameplay, controls.. All of it is top-tier. You play as Jack Joyce. A man who, through an accident, gains the ability to manipulate time in... Read All

Metal Jesus is a retro game YouTuber I follow and he published a video some time ago I felt was really important to anyone looking at creating gameplay videos. He goes over all of the methods he uses to capture gameplay footage on old analog video port consoles, modern HDMI based consoles and PC's.

The first project from Ubisofters-gone-indie, Sloclap, Absolver is touted as being an online, melee-combat driven, action-RPG. Players take the role of a Prospect, vowing to follow the path of the Absolvers, an elite fighting corps, charged with maintaining stability in the world. "Monitored by the Guides, the new rulers of the fallen Adal Empire, players will wander these forsaken lands and encounter other Prospects online in order to learn their place in this world and eventually become Absolvers." Fight techniques Are accumulated in the form of cards, which you can arrange to the desired execution (build your own combos?). It sounds like these cards, as well as... Read All

Doom modders are bringing back the gameplay, maps and guns from the new Doom to the... original 1993 version. I love these sorts of demakes and in this case it's a demake of a reboot to get back to the roots of the original which is now becoming the reboot.... or something. Regardless these kinds of projects make the amazing aspects of the mod community shine.
Travis and I haven't been resting after we launched a new site revamp a couple weeks back and this evening we are launching a cool new top level feature called Giveaways. Giveaways are game contests that we will be running every now and again any registered Cheerful Ghost user can enter or run. If you see a game you want to win, click to join and you will be entered in the contest to be randomly selected to win!

It's also great in that anyone on the site can create a game giveaway for (mostly) and kind of digital game. If you have a few bundle keys or extra copies laying around your Steam inventory you can create a Giveaway contest! Giveaways work in conjunction with... Read All

"Compilation of interviews / events in chronological order where Gabe Newell first talks about Half Life 2 Episode 3 then suddenly becomes silent about it. I tried to get the best possible quality from internet archives. Some of this footage is from websites that are now inactive. The GTTV ones from February 2008 and September 2009 were not reuploaded to this day."

You know, i'm going to be honest here in that I don't think Half-Life 3 is going to happen. Even if it does it would be best that we all sort of just let it go to help make peace with it taking even longer or it not happening at all. It's obviously taken much longer to make than Valve anticipated, which is a... Read All