1.3.1 might not be the largest Terraria patch but it does seem loaded with some interesting stuff like full controller support, more wires and now a companion cube pet. It's also pretty nice that it's easy to get from a Merchant instead of some intense mob farming.

Jack and Rich from PreviouslyRecorded released their Doom review and like much of their show, I love it. I also tried Doom today and I love that too and for only having played it a couple minutes I can say that it's one of the better shooters i've played in years. It's nice to see Doom go back to the good ol' days of a simple fast paced game.

By the time it was official Blizzard was releasing a new Hearthstone expansion I was excited as I thought the game was getting a bit stale. When Blizzard first talked about standard mode, I was interested and liked the constant rotation of cards entering and leaving the game. I was heartened when they said everyone was getting a free C’thun, some support minions and a few free packs. Like many I also had reservations as they were removing the Naxxramas expansion and Goblins VS Gnomes and placing them in Wild. As a huge Naxxramas fan this was painful but after finally playing Standard mode and the new Whispers of the Old Gods expansion I can firmly say this is the best... Read All

Hotline Miami is a violently strange game about someone that gets phone calls from a person wanting you to commit massacres against the local Russian Mafia. The game is similar to early GTA games but differs in that you die more and everything is way more bloody. If you loved the game and want a special collectors edition version Devolver Digital has just launched something you might love. Not sure if i'll pick this up but it might look neat next to my Starcraft II Battlechests.

"HOTLINE MIAMI and HOTLINE MIAMI 2:WRONG NUMBER on DVD (you'll also get Steam codes for each game) along with a cassette tape containing highlights from the soundtrack, a pack of five Cameo... Read All

The new Doom is out and it seems to be getting great reviews. I found an interview with Doom's composer Mick Gordon discussing his process for making the crazy metal insanity that backs new Doom. Spoiler alert, he tunes the guitar really really low to get the extra evil tones.

I've had this episode uploaded to YouTube for quite some time and for some reason, today seemed like the right day to share it.

I continue my Let's Play of Final Fantasy VI and play though Locke's Scenario. Can I get the rich guy the cider? Will I be able to survive sneaking through this Imperial city? Only Bahamut know for sure.

Due to technical issues, I lost the last 1/4th of this stream. It's still a fun time just cut a bit short.

"This is the new Doom on Ultra Nightmare difficulty, it is identical to a single segment Nightmare difficulty run, as in you cannot die. Should be the first completed Ultra Nightmare after game released, but let me know if someone did it earlier."

I haven't played it yet but I imagine new Doom's Ultra Nightmare mode isn't a cakewalk yet YouTuber Zero Master completed it in 4 hours and 43 minutes. Even more impressive considering if you die you have to start over. The video linked above shows off the impressive run and spoiler alert, it shows the whole game start to finish.

Last week PopCap launched Bejeweled Stars which is their latest free-to-play mobile puzzler that takes everything we all love about match three games and brings it up a notch. Bejeweled is a classic game and this latest entry does it justice while realizing that other games like Candy Crush have dominated this space for quite some time. I was never a huge Candy Crush player, it just never really was something I enjoyed playing for very long but Bejeweled Stars seems to have a special something about it I really like.

If you despise the free-to-play mobile virtual currency pay to get power ups model this game won't be for you. There are a ton of ways they use to get you... Read All

If you are looking for some amazing PC games and to also donate to charity, the latest Humble Deep Silver Bundle might be something to check out. I've heard great things about Dead Island and now seems like a good time to try it out!

"Pay $1 or more for Sacred 3 Gold, Risen, Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition, Saints Row 2, Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition, and a coupon for 10% off one month of Humble Monthly for new subscribers

Pay more than the average price to also receive Dead Island Riptide Complete Edition, Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition, Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package, and a coupon for 75% off Dead Island Definitive Collection in the Humble... Read All

Welcome to the new and improved Cheerful Ghost! Jon was looking for a more modern theme for the site, and I was happy to do it, partly because I had seen some things over the years that could be improved, and partly because I needed a client for one of my classes.

This has been an amazingly fun project, probably the most fun I’ve had on a site design yet. I’m very familiar with the site so I was able to envision ways to make some things work more smoothly, and design things to not get in the way of the reader. My chief goals were to modernize the site styles and make it look less like a Bootstrap theme.

Jon’s goals for the redesign were (again) to modernize the site... Read All