I am interested in playing the new Star Wars Battlefront game. EA just let out 30 seconds of gameplay and it looks fun. That said, even from this reveal I am still nervous I am going to be terrible at it. I don't mind shooters, I am just terrible in online multi-player. Still, I don't mind playing against dumb bots so I can at least pretend I don't suck horribly.

The Humble folks have brought us some classic Indie Bundles(remember HB9 with FEZ, FTL, Mark of the Ninja and Brutal Legend?) and have brought us some really great Triple A bundles too. Recently The Humble Borderlands Bundle has dropped and if you don't own Borderlands but have always wanted to it's time to act.

The any price bundle features the original game plus all the DLC minus the Claptrap expansion. My thought is they will add that later for people that beat the average as they always add more content in later on. If you pay above the average you get Borderlands 2 and some DLC. If you pay $15 you get way more Borderlands 2 DLC. Like I mentioned earlier, by the... Read All

In this episode of the Cheerful Ghost Roundtable we talk about E3 2015! We swoon over Bethesda's showcase of Fallout 4, Dishonored 2, Fallout Shelter & new Doom. We talk about other things about E3 that interested us and what games we would bring back from the future to play right now. We round off the discussion talking about Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo's talks and how we all hate exclusives.

I asked Travis for the old Doom 4 leaked footage, here is the link:


If you want to watched Bethesda's epic presentation:


In what may turn out to the single largest update to the game yet, the Terraria 1.3 trailer launched today that was so stuffed with goodness Thanksgiving came early. Seriously, how much new stuff is teased in this trailer for the first time? I also found it pretty awe inspiring that they've sold 12 million copies of the game.... 12.... million...

Terraria 1.3 launches on June 30th and no word yet if that will include the Linux and Mac ports but they are adding in Steam cloud saves, which is worth the price of admission by itself.

Blizzard will be launching a special three story mission set that will tie the SCII Heart of the Swarm to the upcoming expansion Legacy of the Void. It will eventually come out for free but to start will be released to people that pre-order Legacy of the Void. I REALLY hope Blizzard can handle Collectors Edition pre-orders as that's what I will be picking up and usually do that from a local store.

"Whispers of Oblivion is a special three-mission prologue series that has been created to bridge the storyline between Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void. In Whispers of Oblivion, players will join Zeratul for the first time since Wings of Liberty to unravel the final... Read All

I just found out that Sony announced at E3 that Final Fantasy VII Remake was going to be released, at least for the PS4. Remember that Final Fantasy VII teaser/technical trailer we saw for the PS3? I think I still have it on my system. I think fans have been wanting to see a remake of the game that was more true to the original game.

What are your thoughts? (see link below)

This just adds to my list of reasons to get a PS4, which already includes Final Fantasy Type-0 HD that includes a demo for Final Fantasy XV. I saw a FFT-0 PS4 bundle on Amazon, which is tempting to get. There's also the new Batman and Fallout 4. I'm also waiting for some Kingdom Hearts news.

Here's a... Read All

Fallout Shelter is the brand spanking new mobile game by Bethesda. It is currently out on IOS but they are planning an Android launch at some point(sorry Android friends). I've only played it a day and I am already hooked. It's a game very similar to Simtower and Progress Quest as you are tasked to manage your vault and the balance of having enough resources(water, energy and food) with defense and exploration. You can add vault dwellers by people randomly showing up to be let in or by your vault dwellers shacking up and making babies. Vault dwellers can shack up(if they are not related) and have a high enough Charisma to get things moving. After you get your Vault up... Read All

Bethesda talked for quite a while about Fallout 4 last night. The gameplay demo is embedded above. And how amazing it is!

The game starts you out before the nukes dropped. The tutorial takes place before you enter the vault. We don't know the circumstances immediately following that, but you wake up 200 years later. In Fallout lore, the nukes dropped in 2077, and Fallout 3 takes place in 2277, so this game takes place in the same year. As for whether it's a sequel or a prequel to Fallout 3, we don't know, but the speculation about Fallout 4 taking place in Boston started due to a quest line in Fallout 3 that mentions the Institute (MIT) so the two games should at least... Read All

I just finished watching the Bethesda E3 showcase and I can safely say it was the best E3 show i've ever seen. Bethesda kicked things off showing a ton of new gameplay from the upcoming Doom game and it looks incredible. Shotguns, blood and demon face punching look incredible and I can't wait to play it.

What do you think, are you read to head back to hell in Doom?

I want to be honest, the game looks so brutal I kind of feel bad for the demons....

New trailer:


Two new Heroes are coming to Hearthstone in Medivh and Alleria Windrunner. Combined with the new Tavern brawl, Blizzard is creating a pretty large Hearthstone update.

I wonder when we might see a new Adventure? If we did, what kinds of new cards or card mechanics would you like to see?
