
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2746 Posts

Halo was the game that launched the XBox console into a gaming powerhouse. Bungies first person shooter is a classic and deserves a place in the halls of some of the best games of all time. Coming out originally on the XBox and more recently with the Halo Master Chief Collection on XBox One, Halo is still a fun game modern audiences will like. But what if you want to come back and play Halo today and don't have an original XBox or want to get an XBox One? In 2003 Bungie teamed up with Gearbox to launch Halo on PC and this version is completely playable and if you want to relive this classic sans an XBox, this version is where it's at.

I picked up Halo Combat Evolved on PC recently at Fry's Electronics for $20 and it came with a CD install disc, box, key and game manual. The installation was painless as you simply enter the key and the game installs quickly. The game comes all on one CD so it's not quite as long as Fallout 4 that has a hybrid DVD/Internet install process. After the game installs I recommend you install the latest Halo PC patch from 2014.


The 1.0.10 patch bumps the game version, strips out the CD play requirement, removes GameSpy and modernizes the game for Windows 7. After the game updated I maxed the video settings and reconfigured the default controls to something resembling a more modern shooter.

The games online multiplayer is still intact as I was able to browse Internet games and join a few. I wasn't the worst person playing which was odd as I expected the game to be rife with hackers and aimbots. The multiplayer felt just like I remember it and it's nice to see a few hundred people still having fun with it.

I never fully completed the original Halo as I really never owned it and only played it with friends a bit at a time. I've always liked the chill nature of the Halo story and the lush world is enjoyable to be in. The graphics are a bit dated now but after you are in the core gameplay itself is strong enough to keep you going. My only complaint about gameplay is that it's a bit one note. Go here, kill bad guys, go there and kill bad guys. The shooting is fun but so far into the game it's somewhat repetitive. The game only lets you save with checkpoints meaning that if you have only a few minutes to play here and there and you don't fully make it to a checkpoint you lose progress. This isn't a huge deal, but something I noticed as I stepped away a couple times.

There have been rumors flying for years that Microsoft would port Halo 3 and the like to modern PC's and bring the whole collection to Steam but so far this hasn't materialized. If you want to come back to Halo I'd suggest nabbing the box copies and playing those. Currently you can play Halo and Halo 2 on PC and whereas i'd love a modern port to Steam so far this is our best option to play outside the XBox ecosystem.

"Rey took her first steps into a larger world in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and will continue her epic journey with Finn, Poe, and Luke Skywalker in the next chapter of the continuing Star Wars saga, Star Wars: Episode VIII, which began principal photography at Pinewood Studios in London on February 15, 2016."

This fills my heart with fan girl excitement. This year Star Wars Rogue One will launch but next year we will all be able to bask in Episode VIII. Rian Johnson, the director of Looper is at the helm of Episode VIII and I have no doubt it should be pretty darn incredible.


In this episode I talk about the upcoming changes to Hearthstone while I grind my dailies. I play my Raptor Rogue, Dragon Priest and my brand spankin' new aggro Mage deck. In one of my matches I go down to 1 hp and still bring it around for the win making a very fun Hearthstone moment. I note that the decks I see most play now are really aggro, do you find that to be true in what you are seeing right now?

Check more on the upcoming Hearthstone changes below and let me know what you think of these matches? Should I have played differently or is there a deck you have been having fun with I need to play?


One important goal of Beardo Games is to create weird games and there is no better example than the launch of their new game Smooth Operator. Smooth Operator is a couch co-op mobile kissing game where two players both select a character and attempt to follow the on-screen prompts to keep the kissing mojo strong and gain a high score. If you want to score well you will need to work with your partner to execute an array of tongue moves that would make Sharon Stone blush. If this all sounds strange, don’t feel bad, the game is but it’s also fun and well worth a look.

I first met Beardo Games at a Portland Indie Game Squad event where they had a booth. Smooth Operator is a hilarious game to watch people play and even more so if the people have no idea what to expect. I’ve really enjoyed interviewing local Portland Indie Game Developers and I wanted to do this interview a bit differently. I asked my friends at Beardo if they were interested in doing a video interview and the results are embedded above. I also was able to sneak in a few more questions you can checkout below.

If you are looking for a uniquely strange two player kissing game, you need to check out Smooth Operator available on iOS today!


jdodson: Indie Games have changed so much in the last couple years. With most change there is good and some bad. Has any of this change helped or made certain parts of making games harder for you?

CHRIS: The overall accessibility of game making tools has made it easier to prototype ideas super fast-- a good thing! At the same time, they're so accessible that I've seen two ideas I had get made into games before I got around to making them myself.

jdodson: What games have you been playing lately you recommend people take a look at?

MILES: With a brand new baby I don't have a ton of time to play games as of lately. I have been actively "playing" Neko Atsume. And as well Simpsons Tapped Out, strictly for research of another game idea.

CHRIS: I've been playing Xenoblade Chronicles X and it's great but requires a lot of time. On my phone I've been playing a lot of Space Forest Dilemma by PapaQuark Games. My last recommendation is for handheld: Project X Zone for the 3DS is a lot of good, stupid fun.

KATE: I played Read Only Memories a few months ago- really enjoyed it. I also only recently got around to finishing the last Resident Evil Revelations. Twofold has also been fun on my phone.

jdodson: VR seems to be a new technology that is getting a lot of attention. Is this something you are taking a look to for any of your next projects?

MILES: I’ve been super amped about VR in general. But, with that said we haven't really put a whole lot of thought into a VR Beardo experience as of yet. I assume it would possibly be a close up experience of glistening Beards in some way.

CHRIS: We are, and we've had a lot of ideas floating around for possible VR projects. I'm excited to try and subvert people's usual expectations for VR games by finding some less than obvious applications.

jdodson: What games have you played that have influenced how you approach making them now?

MILES: I personally appreciate and enjoy unusual games, specifically my top influential game is probably Katamari.

CHRIS: Jet Set Radio and Katamari Damacy are at the top of Beardo's collective influences list along with Street Fighter II, but for me personally, I've been influences heavily by Atari 8-bit titles like Necromancer, Shamus, and Alley Cat by Synapse Software, and by all kinds of awful or not traditionally fun games like T&C Surf Designs for the NES and JJ & Jeff for the Turbografx 16.

jdodson: Thanks for taking the time to do the interview, I really appreciate it. Anything you want to say as we wrap things up?

CHRIS: Thanks Jon, we had a blast!


Starting fresh with RPM Racing then moving to The Lost Vikings, Rock n' Roll Racing, Blackthorne, The Death and Return of Superman, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, Justice League Task Force, Warcraft II: The Tides of Darkness, Diablo, The Lost Vikings 2, StarCraft, StarCraft: Brood War, Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition, Diablo II, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, Diablo III, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, World of Warcraft: Warlods of Draenor, Heroes of the Storm, Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void, Overwatch and World of Warcraft Legion Blizzard has made quite a few impactful games in it's 25 year run.

As we all tip our hats to our favorite purveyor of all things CRAFT what are some of your most beloved Blizzard game memories? Also wondering what the first blizzard game you played?

One of the benefits of PC gaming is that you can keep playing your games long after you’ve upgraded your system. Often times gamer communities keep amazing old games running well beyond their original shelf life as seen with the Red Alert CnCNet project and Forgotten Empires. For certain game classics such as Wind Waker, Age of Empires 2 and Age of Mythology we even get an HD makeover that ports the game to modern systems along with a visual refresh. We usually don’t expect these old games to get a full blown expansion 14 years later but recently SkyBox Labs in partnership with Microsoft and Forgotten Empires recently did this and released a full expansion to Age of Mythology called Tale of the Dragon.

The Tale of the Dragon expansion adds a new playable civilization to Age of Mythology in the Chinese, new multiplayer maps as well as a new full single player mission. Age of Mythology is a great game that used to be a staple at my LAN parties with friends. I’ve always felt the game needed more civilizations and this expansion aims to fix that problem.

The single player missions in the original Age of Mythology were really fun and it was great to tear into the new Chinese single player campaign. With that, the single player missions are quite hard and I found myself playing through some a few times to be able to progress. For longtime fans upping the difficulty is a really nice addition as the first single player missions really do start simply and even by the end don’t offer a huge amount of difficulty. If someone were starting the campaigns from scratch Tale of the Dragon's increase in difficulty would be appreciated.

One problem people often have with older multiplayer games is that if one friend has the original game and the other has the expansion they often can’t play together. If both people are running Age of Mythology EX on Steam you don’t need to worry if your friend has the expansion as both people can play together regardless of whom has what.

If you are a real time strategy fan or loved any part of the Age series you need to check out Age of Mythology - Tale of the Dragon. It adds a much needed new civilization and single player mission that really harkens back to the good old days of RTS single player campaigns.

I also want to thank Skybox Labs and Microsoft for giving me a press review key to play through the new Tale of the Dragon expansion.

EA is giving away Need For Speed Most Wanted right now on Origin. You can grab the game by hitting the link below and claiming your copy. As with all the Origin on the house games, this is available for a limited time so if you want it, get it soon.


"Why are we naturally drawn to horrible, ugly game worlds? Well, it turns out there are plenty of philosophical theories that help to explain the phenomenon. In this week’s episode, Jamin breaks down our love affair with despair."

As someone that really enjoys post apocalyptia I can say safely that yes, my heart does indeed love partaking in horrible, blown out wasteland worlds... that is until I actually spend time in a desert then I don't because it's hot as hell there.

Not the worlds most amazing achievement to be sure, but one I am happy for. If you are playing Hearthstone and want some incentive to land 300 gold, keep playing because at a thousand wins you will get your wish.

The Demons of the new Doom title will infest Mars base on PC, PS4 and XBone on May 13th. In a trailer that is both disturbing and a bit crazy I can say that I am both excited and bit perplexed. I don't mind gore at all, I own Quentin Tarantino and Ridley Scott movies. That said, this trailer is so over the top as to run up against a bit of puzzlement in my mind. I mean at one point in the trailer you smash a human eye socket into a terminal with a sort of discarded detachment that makes me wonder if the player is actually... human? Regardless of all of that, I will be picking up the new Doom and giving it a go as the single player does look good and the Snap Map building tool looks hellishly fun.

New Doom is also offering a very cool collectors edition featuring a very evil looking 12" Revenant Demon. The statuette looks great but at the $120 price tag i'd have like a soundtrack and art something or other to be included too. That said, if demon busts are your thing, this should satisfy. New Doom is also coming with some interesting digital multiplayer pre-order bonuses that look like they are currently, only available pre-ordering from retail. Curious if these will come to Steam as well?


Also, no word yet on the Doom beta that you were entered into if you pre-ordered Wolfenstein The New Order. Bethesda has said more information will come out on that at a later date.

Oh yeah, and someone got Doom to run on a printer. Not terribly useful but really really cool.


Also, check out Conan play the new Doom with the Denver Broncos' Von Miller, the Carolina Panthers' Josh Norman &​ Marshawn Lynch.
