Actraiser by Straevaras in 1:01:12 is a run worth watching especially if you are unfamiliar with ActRaiser like I was. Yeah, ActRasier might be on my "list of shame" but this run is still amazing to watch and Straevaras makes the game look like a breeze.

E.V.O.: Search for Eden by Darkwing Duck in 51:06 is a fun run especially if you like jumping. Taking advantage of buils that favor agility, this run is blisteringly quick. There are more than a few tense moments as the Darkwing Duck sinks nearly all the skill points into agility making it quite possible to get one shotted many moments in the run.

Shovel Knight: Specter of... Read All

I'm not going to pretend I understand this but I thought it was worth sharing.

Please give your interpretations in the comments.

Just wanted to post a follow up about my Super Nintendo Classic pre-order. It might not be news to anyone at this point but Walmart sent out the pre-order for the Super Nintendo Classic by mistake and as such cancelled them. Apparently everyone that got one isn't getting one anymore and we are now back in line for a Super Nintendo Classic with everyone else. And it's quite upsetting.

I was beyond happy that I got a pre-order and thought that I was one of the lucky few. As someone that plans on actually playing it when I get it, this is really unfortunate. It's possible Nintendo could increase stock on the Super Nintendo Classic making it easier to buy in stores... but... Read All
Recently I picked up 8Bitdo's NES30 Pro bluetooth gamepad. I have a bunch of PC controllers but most of them like the XBox 360 controller are great for PC shooters and other games but not great for traditional platformers or retro games.

The NES30 advertises support for the PC, Mac, Android, iOS & more recently the Switch. With some research I found out that the NES30 supports iOS through iCade which is a pseduo-standard that began with the iCade for iPad where the controller acts like a keyboard and games that support the iCade respond to certain keyboard button presses. It's an interesting work around to Apple not having a controller standard at the time until... Read All
There's a new ARG/Viral marketing thing going on for No Man's Sky, and unless you've been following from the beginning it's easy to be confused like me. It started with cassettes being sent to some people involved in No Man's Sky subreddits that, when the waveform was analyzed and decrypted, had a secret message: portal.

Since then, the Waking Titan project site has launched, with the promise of 10,000 random entrants receiving a physical Atlas Pass v4, a questionnaire, a secret decoder wheel to get you into a website with Titan commands, PDFs with what may be coordinates to planets in-game, and other strange things.

I do worry that this is building hype for something... Read All
Last night after we tucked away the little one to sleep my partner and I decided to watch a movie. More than half way in a Cheerful Ghost user hardeyez texts me that he just pre-ordered the Super Nintendo Classic on Walmart and I should head over to do the same. Immediately I let my partner know the emergency situation and we paused the film and I frantically created a Walmart account and put in the pre-order in what I consider to be the quickest new account creation process ever. A few minutes later I messaged Travis, WhiteboySlim and Scrypt but by the time Travis went to pre-order the Classic that Walmart page had crashed. I heard stories that people that... Read All

We’re not teasing you intentionally; we want to get this right, so we’ve opted to share things step by step as we bring this to life, and to listen closely to the Atari community feedback as we do so.

So far all we know about the Ataribox is that it's coming and it looks... pretty good. Some other sites have some pictures that show it off from a couple more angles but not much more is known at this point.

I've always been curious if a console aimed at the retro or hacker enthusiast community could do well but i'm not sure if this is more than "Atari's NES Classic" or a full on console that will support new and old games? I've reached out to Atari about this so when we... Read All

Strap in for another installment of some of the coolest speedruns out of this years Summer Games Done Quick starting with an incredible Link to the Past swordless run by Andy completed in 1:14.58! Andy uses every trick in the book to complete this run quickly without a sword and lots of it is glitching out the game to skip areas and get some items out of order. If you are a fan of the game this is a must watch run!

Super Mario Series Warpless Relay Race in 2:47:12 is an epic run of three teams through all of the Super Mario games on the NES ending with Super Mario World. It's a nail biting race and the end is surprising as it was quite close with all teams coming very... Read All

Sony has it's PS4 VR, Occulus has the Rift, Google has Cardboard and Valve has the HTC Vive. Microsoft is doing something a bit different with it's HoloLens and to date I haven't been to interested in it until I recently watched a Metal Jesus video where he showed it off. Apparently Jesus has a friend at Microsoft that let him borrow it for a couple days and take some video of how it turned out. Microsoft HoloLens is a augmented reality system that seems to have some really interesting games you can play with it such as a detective game that takes place entirely in your room. Since it's augmented reality the video doesn't turn out that bad either, which isn't... Read All

This weekend at Disney's D23 Expo there was a Star Wars Episode VII: The Last Jedi panel and as part of that director Rian Johnson dropped a behind the scenes video that I found fairly surprising. From the looks of the puppets, effects and more it looks like Johnson is taking things in a slightly new direction while keeping the spirit of Star Wars intact. Or at least that's what the feature told me. I'm really happy to get these behind the scenes videos and trailers spread out over the months leading up to the December release date for this movie. It's nice to see how things are moving along and have fresh stuff to talk about while we all dig in for 5 months until... Read All