Some awesome person on the net took a snapshot of the original Doom manual and found that it contains an actual story. It's no Song of Ice and Fire but it does make sense and sets the game up well.

Interested in checking it out, peep the link below

Jamin makes some interesting predictions about the future of gaming I wanted to share. He seems to think that at some point the idea of watching and playing video games will cross together more to create a kind of game/spectator hybrid experience. He cites Twitch Plays Pokemon as a recent example.

He makes a few other interesting predictions too. What do you think, where will gaming be in five to ten years?

I have a sneaking suspicion we might see Lilith in a future Diablo game. That or Diablo, I bet we will always be killing that guy.
Hyper Light Drifter is an upcoming 2D action RPG. Like many of you I was dazzled with the Kickstarter and am on the edge of my seat awaiting more information on it's development. After the last trailer dropped at PAX East I wanted more information on how things were progressing with the game and contacted Heart Machine Games.

I decided to take a different approach to this interview and reached out to one of my friends Alex Atkins, the lead writer of Monsters Ate my Birthday Cake. We are both excited about the game and he agreed to toss a few questions in the interview to give it a different perspective.

Alex Atkins: Many developers (and artists in general) are... Read All
My mouse is dead, long live my mouse!

Diablo III broke my mouse. Logitech is awesome, though-- my G500 gaming mouse is gone, and I now have a G502 in its place thanks to Logitech's legendary support. I swear I'm not a Logitech shill, I just love them.

This all started because my left click stopped working reliably, and if I had to guess I would say Diablo III wore it out. I bought the mouse when I started playing Diablo III two years ago, and I've had a few periods over those two years when I obsessed for a few months. But over the past month since Diablo III: Reaper of Souls came out, the poor mouse couldn't cope.

Diablo III (1.x) is dead, long live Diablo III (2.x)!

... Read All

Some really interesting information about everyone favoriate producer of the Elder Scrolls games. I had no idea they started out making Gridiron for the Atari 2600.

"Test your skills in confined areas while fighting gravity (and walls) or brave the asteroid fields in zero gravity and experience firsthand the weirdness of the friction-less void."

Hard Lander is a really cool new co-op game by one of my Portland developer friends, Nic Blondi. I have played a few versions of Hard Lander as it has made its way through development and I am pretty excited to see it launch on Ouya. Hard Lander is a blast to play with other people and one time while playing it with Justin Baldwin(Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake) I got pretty good at ramming into him such that he would lose the match. And really, that's a ton of the appeal of Hard Lander,... Read All

Add this one to the seriously awesome rumor mill dept. It seems Silconera has found some interesting information about a possible re-launch of the classic game, "No One Lives Forever."

"Siliconera has discovered that Night Dive Studios, a company that republishes PC classics like System Shock 2, has filed trademarks for No One Lives Forever, The Operative, Contract J.A.C.K. and A Spy in H.A.R.M.’s Way, all of which are game titles connected to the franchise.

Night Dive Studios CEO Stephen Kick got back to us with the following statement: “At this time we are unable to comment on future plans. I would like to add that our team has a great fondness for these games and our... Read All
Minecraft fans are amazing. When the game first dropped and got popular people spent lots of time building cool stuff in the game. One such thing I will never forget was The Enterprise that was featured in the Minecraft movie. Seems someone decided that the floating city of Columbia, as seen in BioShock infinite needed to be built.

Minecraft really is beautiful.

If you want to see the whole album on imgur:

"You've all had it too easy for too long. Sitting there, building your prisons, not caring about deaths or insolvency. Well NO MORE! We've introduced failure conditions and now, if you f**K up it's game over.

We've also graded all prisoners on four scales: Punishment, Reform, Security and Health. You can check these out in the rap sheet and when summed over the whole prison you end up with a score. Lefty-liberal reformist paradise or super-right super-max super bad ass punishment amplifier - you go ahead and max those stats. The Punishment Inspector shall be pleased.

Really enjoy seeing this latest batch of Prison Architect updates. Introversion has added endgame... Read All