Jack and Rich Evans really don't seem to like the game and their criticism of it seems pretty valid, if not a bit cynical. One one hand, the criticism seemed fune but then I remembered that The Banner Saga has received some pretty positive acclaim. The game currently holds a...
I kickstarted Banner Saga. I played the hell out of Factions (the free-to-play multiplayer combat "probe" that they put out before releasing the game). I was impressed with the art, and I love the combat mechanics. That said, I have yet to step into the actual game. I have no idea why. I think because I played so much of factions, I was a little spent with it when the game finally released, which was much later than originally intended. Jack and Rich, I feel, are being a bit cynical, but that seems to be their MO. After watching their PreRec of Risk of Rain, I actually bought it and started playing. I found that I liked it much more than they did, based on their review. In fact, in retrospect, I was slightly disappointed with the review because I feel like they, at points, "didn't get it". This is why I love/hate reviews. It's hard to find someone that likes what you like, but also for the same reasons. When you do, you can establish a buffer of trust, but until then you take it with a grain of salt.
You should give Banner Saga: Factions a try, since it's free. You'll at least be exposed to the combat mechanics, and can make a more clear decision.
Yeah, that seems to be what I hearing from people. Seems like it's a good game that wasn't perfect. I think i'll pick it up in a sale or bundle, I mean, why not?