Your mothrakking skaggy skills
Rakk hives will infest

The Ultimate Vault Hunter’s Upgrade lets you get the most out of the Borderlands 2 experience. The Ultimate Vault Hunter’s Upgrade lets you get the most out of the Borderlands 2 experience.
By 4P I assume you mean 4 PM?
Doesnt seem to work on the iPhone, when I get to my desktop I'll try it out. I was thinking Gunzerker too but I am open based on this.
I will be playing Axton, the commando character. I like the idea of being able to place down a totally destructive turret. The turret enables axton to be support and yet still deal good damage himself. I just like the fun mix of support and dps.
The assassin is the way I'm most interested in. He looks pretty cool.
Woah. What's with the picture? Is that what you see when you open the skilltree? What about being able to see your character in realtime? D:
No it's the skill tree online selector.
Oh. I'm a dummy. Sorry.
Honest mistake.
Atleast the previous Borderlands DLC's has been really well thought out campaigns. I think 20 dollars is reasonable enough for 4 new campaigns, not 30 dollars though.
Price of a game:
$60 (Game) + $10 (Addon) + $15 (DLC) + $15 (DLC) + $15 (DLC) + $15 (DLC) = $130
Remember when they it to be like $40 for the expensive ones?
How long until publishers start releasing a third of a game and charging you full price?
Oh... wait...**cough**starcraft**cough**
something in my throat
That's why I only buy games that are on sale. I can't afford to buy $100 games.
I'm not a fan of DLC. When I buy a game, I want the game, not *part* of the game. I'll wait longer between games if developers need more time stuffing all their ideas into a game before it ships, but after it ships, I don't want to have to buy more.
But of course, I will pay more when it looks cool ;-)
"Thank you sir, may I have another?"
I think DLC can be awesome. As long as the pricing seems fair and it's purely optional/extra content that adds to the existing game then I'm totally cool with it. It can extend the life of the game sales, and give the developers a way to make a little extra money from the used game crowd (which is so much better than trying to punish them for buying it used).
Shipping an incomplete game and then charging for the missing pieces is not cool. Making people pay to access content that's already on the disc they just bought is just as bad if not worse.
Which fighting game was it that got in big trouble with this?
Hidden characters on the disc, and you have to pay to unlock them
What's worse, some of the characters they won't let you unlock for any reason, even though they're actually on the disc.
@tungsten It was Street Fighter IV.
I agree with everyone here. Typically what i've done is wait until the GoTY has been released and then get it all in one go. That has been fine up to this point(I nabbed Fallout 3 this way) but I find I pass up on an awesome group experience. You know the feeling, where you and your friends go through a game together and squee with excitement over how awesome it is. When I wait it out, its just me, which is awesome but you know, not as awesome as rocking through a game with friends and sharing it.
That said, I imagine ill go from BL2 => GoTY and opt out of the DLC hits as long as I can handle it. I don't mind devs coming back to the watering hole, I just mind the consumption mechanism.
If its a console I prefer getting all the DLC on a disc so I can share it with a friend, and I do that too so its a nice thing.
If its Steam, well then ill wait for a GoTY sale which is pretty often.
All told, I want everyone to do what works for them, but yeah, kind of don't LOVE the DLC hits but find them tolerable.
To me as much as i hate paying for dlc. I'm usually okay with it as long as it doesn't simply "hand you" things. I've always hated the new age of dlc where a dlc simply means "do you want free items instantly given to you with no work?" I like the feel of earning things. Hope the dlc's this time around feature many raid bosses that are extremely challenging.
Sorry can't edit I'd also like to say that. I wish they'd go back to the old version of the word. Expansions. I prefer'd expansions rather then dlc. dlc is usually small and petty for most things. Where as an expansion is usually met with more positive connotation and largely improves and adds to a game you love and is more of a hard thought out effort on the developers part.
Right. I think the difference is now that DLC isn't something you get a physical copy of. Then again, you don't get a physical copy of a Steam game either...
Well anyways, yeah the term expansion is something id prefer as well. Getting a Neverwinter Nights expansion or something like The Frozen Throne was something more than just 6 hours of new content. It was a pretty long experience.
Then again, the expansions pack were a bit more expensive than regular DLC, right?
Not necessarily. DLC comes out in bunches at 10-20dollars a piece. I too remember neverwinter nights expansion packs and they were about 20-40(40 might even be pushing it they may have never reached that high) but they also had about as much content as 5DLC's and usually more types of content. Neverwinter nights added new character classes, races, a whole new story and new mechanics in each expansion.
I think the physical copy thing is a give and take. I hated not having physical copies at first. I still have my Lunar 2 eternal blue complete collection. (anyone ever remember the complete collection stuff?) Those things come with as much bonus's and extras in real life as they do in the game itself. However, most times now i can't imagine having to leave my home on a release game night to have to go buy it. When on steam you can preload it the day before and be ready to play the second it releases.
It's called micro transactions. Someone figured out a while back that people will buy more smaller, cheaper chunks than big $40 expansions. Unfortunately this has pushed a lot of developers into the whole 2 NEW GUNS FOR $5.99 OMG thing.
How does this compare to the modding community? Both of Skyrim's DLC's have interested me far less than the free mods offered all around the web. Frankly, I'm surprised that publishers haven't put the kibosh on this sort of thing. I'm telling you right now that I am significantly less likely to purchase DLC because of the availability of these mods.
+1 to Valve for pushing the Steam Workshop. Now if they just backed off a bit on their EULA, we'd all be set.
TBH thats why im very happy indie games have become a huge hit lately. Hopefully as some of the more popular indie games release this year and next they will show big business that consumers are angry with the large prices being waved at us.
I agree on the Indie games part. But it's a double-edged sword. There is a lot of obnoxious pretentious games getting a ton more attention than they deserve.
That is pretty true. I think the steam greenlight is evidence of that. Some games are clearly above in quality and effort then others but yet dont have hardly any votes while some that arent nearly as invested in have tons.
I know a lot of people love Braid. But I despise it because of how uninspired the gameplay is. I also dislike John Blow.
Hopefully the future will be games with the quality of borderlands 2 with the same amount of passion they put into it without the need for publishers dictating what can and can't be done.
Publishers shouldn't be the reason why a game doesn't get created, so I agree with you Jacob. I also think its a good thing indie games are getting a life now because it lowers the barrier to entry for people that want to make games. If its great, it should be seen.
Then again, some new games are junk so there is that....
Steam Greenlight is cool and from the games that are highly rated they seem to be of pretty good quality too. I think Valve is trying to take the choice for putting games on Steam to the hands of the people and that always seems like a better strategy than a curated garden to me.
I agree to a certain extent. In a golden world greenlight would be the best thing ever. However theres the matter that some people literally get their joy of life from just being annoying to others. So games get downvoted by sites or groups of people for no reason other then to downvote it. Blockscape was downvoted a lot by minecraft players but what they dont realize is if they really cared about the game theyd want competition in a competitive genre games turn out better. Minecraft really opened up the door to voxel created games and I for one would like to see their idea improved upon.
Ah, good point I hadn't considered that. Groups trolling other games isn't awesome, I agree and competition in any kind of genre space is great.
I came here to post this. If this video doesn't make you want Borderlands 2, I'm not sure you have a soul.
Soul present and accounted for!
Can't wait to get to play this. Hoping I will of course.
Me too, Sept 18th can't come soon enough.
If I happen to win this contest, ever need a co-op player? I'm more than willing to join. :)
Great idea! Problem is I pre-ordered it on PS3. Kind of lamented that for a long time.
+1 to this freakin guy
+1 to this athletic beast
Really? JENNY MURPHY and KEITH MURPHY? I have a feeling you're using fucking alts.
Its not alts. Its called family members bro.
My moms side is all Murphys. check towards the top. ryan murphy is my cousin. and Moody and richardson is my other side
Maybe, but the time interval of these posts are bothering me. But whatever. If you win, you win. But It pisses me off that you're going to win by a haiku that's not even correct.But if the person who owns the site wants to change the rules, that is his choice.
Because putting them togheter, editing them into making a related haiku is "stealing"? Yeah. Thanks. Seriously, If Jacob wins, he wins. I'm upset, obviously. But who wouldn't have been after getting so many votes.
You didn't even create your own haiku, you just stole lines from other games and pasted them in the lines of a haiku
And you didn't edit them. They are direct quotes
Well dude i knew you reported me and honestly I would have gave you a comment paying my respects for competing with me. But It just struck me as crazy that you reported my haiku when my is directly about info released for borderlands 2. Obviously yours was for humor but you didn't see me jumping on it and I didn't try to turn you in for it either.
I edited it to fit with the syllables. The direct quote is "Cut the flesh". I wrote "Cut flesh.". It's Borderlands related, and I thought it fits with the punchline. I get it, you hate it.
I'm sorry jacob. I don't mean to be angry on you. I've just been trying too hard. I'm really sorry.
Congratulations though. I hope we can put this behind us.
"Paint the man, cut the lines" is from amnesia. Which has no relation to borderlands. It has to do with performing surgery on people.
And yes BR, I know. That's why the punchline is there. Don't get your knickers in a twist like I did. I'm bad enough for going topsy-turvy on Jacob.
I know, just getting defensive. My bad.
No, it was all my fault. I shouldn't have been so upset. I guess I didn't know enough people.
It's okay and thanks. congrats to you too man. It was a lot of votes and im sure you have lost equally as much sleep as i have i havent slept in almost 52hours. I wish you good luck in all the future prizes that im sure they will give away. I didn't hate your haiku by the way. It was clever.
Thanks. I actually found yours fantastic. But I was really bothered by the invalidness. I thought I had won until I saw the whole rule changes thing. And I didn't really lose any sleep because of my time zone.
Well I have actually put up on feedback for the site a suggestion a few days ago to jdodson about making the contests apart of a steam community giveaway on steamgifts. Like you register for the site and then can get added to the steam group. So that way hopefully its less vague. I to was also confused on the symbol things i mean i knew how many is in a normal haiku but everyone who had already posted had some slightly off so i wondered if that was even a requirement at all. I had two versions made and went with the one that simply sounded better in regards to applying to nature and communicating it back to something in the real world.
syllables* sorry my typing is horrible right now from all the sugar and caff. I've gone through to stay awake.
First off, thanks to both of you for resolving this dispute amicably. It's always better for all parties when cool heads prevail.
I helped jdodson come up with the contest and, in hindsight, we should have been a lot more clear with the rules. It's our first giveaway, so mistakes were bound to happen. We decided to err on the side of acceptance rather than denial since we weren't clear to begin with, and some invalid haikus had been submitted with a lot of votes already.
In the future we will be more clear about things, and we had considered a private group giveaway through SteamGifts but decided to go with one to foster creativity :)
At any rate, I just made a post about this here:
We have some confirming to do over the next 24 hours, and then we'll make the official announcement!