
Joined 01/23/2012

I'm an Engineer and built the video game community Cheerful Ghost and text based mini-MMO Tale of the White Wyvern.

2748 Posts

"Humble Indie Bundle 11 features six top-notch indie games, just name your price. Pay what you want for the magical Mex-inspired action-platformer, Guacamelee! Gold Edition, the gorgeous action RPG, Dust: An Elysian Tail, the atmospheric puzzle-platformer, The Swapper and the blistering hardcore platformer, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, which includes a sweet digital comic. Pay more than the average price and you'll also unlock the mind-bending psychological exploration game, Antichamber, and the adrenaline-pumping heist game, Monaco: What's Yours is Mine."

For nothing else, you should buy this Bundle for Monaco. Monaco is a really fun top down Indie stealth game that shines in co-op. I have heard great things about The Swapper so there is much to play in this latest Bundle. All the games comes DRM free and available with Steam keys and run on Mac, Linux and Windows. Well, all except Giana Sisters, that will be ported to Linux and Mac later this year. All told that's not too bad as I would love to play it on my Steam Machine and better later than never.


In what has become my "bummer of the day" it seems Irrational Games, the company that brought us BioShock, BioShock Infinite and Freedom Force is closing down.

"We built Rapture and Columbia, the Von Braun and The Rickenbacker, the Freedom Fortress and some of the nastiest basements a SWAT team ever set foot into. We created Booker and Elizabeth, the Big Daddy and the Little Sister, MidWives and ManBot. In that time, Irrational has grown larger and more successful than we could have conceived when we began our three-person studio in a living room in Cambridge, MA. It’s been the defining project of my professional life.

Now Irrational Games is about to roll out the last DLC for BioShock Infinite and people are understandably asking: What’s next?

Seventeen years is a long time to do any job, even the best one. And working with the incredible team at Irrational Games is indeed the best job I’ve ever had. While I’m deeply proud of what we’ve accomplished together, my passion has turned to making a different kind of game than we’ve done before. To meet the challenge ahead, I need to refocus my energy on a smaller team with a flatter structure and a more direct relationship with gamers. In many ways, it will be a return to how we started: a small team making games for the core gaming audience.

I am winding down Irrational Games as you know it. I’ll be starting a smaller, more entrepreneurial endeavor at Take-Two. That is going to mean parting ways with all but about fifteen members of the Irrational team. There’s no great way to lay people off, and our first concern is to make sure that the people who are leaving have as much support as we can give them during this transition.

Well damn. That said, Ken is a pretty talented guy and I wish him and his team well!


The FTL team released more information about the new expansion that is pretty interesting. It seems the game is getting several new subsystems like the Clone Bay, Hacking, Mind Control & Backup Battery. I find the Clone Bay an neat addition to the game as when you select it, it replaces the Med Bay. Apparently with the Clone Bay your crew is regenerated, thereby allowing you care less about death.

Overall the expansion is starting to look really awesome and I can't wait to check it out. Still no release date set and as soon as they have one, you will be the first to know.


Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake is the game that got me hooked on Kickstarter. From seeing the first few minutes of the video to looking at the lush game art, I was impressed. After seeing the game first hand at Portland Retro Gaming Expo, I can say that I can't wait to get my hands on the final product. I've been curious about the progress of the game for quite some time so I decided to ship over a few questions to Sleep Ninja Games. Justin Baldwin got back and as a special treat gave us two exclusive screen shots of the game in development. The first shot above is of the Village with the in game character Altus. The other screen grab is of The Apricot Acres and you can click to view that one below. I think you guys will all agree that the art for this game is pretty incredible and that those frosting cubes need saving!

The Apricot Acres: http://i.imgur.com/fIHWNB3.jpg

jdodson: Recently you showed off the monster Pizzy. One of her abilities is “Rainbarf” and I am curious if it works just like it looks, which is a concentrated laser beam of Rainbow colored puke? Which if it works like that, will be totally awesome.

Justin Baldwin: Yup. That's pretty much it. To quote her bio in the game "She can yack a wicked rainbow beam that activates ancient Energy Gems and detonates Boogins into a shower of psychedelic sparkle dust!" She is very effective in taking out enemies but you also still have to use her wisely. Your other characters can't really go through a blazing beam of rainbow barf either. So if you need her to activate Energy Gems in the game, you also need to consider the positioning and abilities of your other characters in order to solve puzzles correctly.

jdodson: When are you expecting Kickstarter backers will be able to start playing the game? With that, do you guys also have a release date for 1.0?

Justin Baldwin: We are planning on releasing a desktop backer build with the first zone of the game in March so our backers can get their hands on it. It also will give us a good opportunity to get some feedback from our supporters. The full game release right now is planned for Summer, we have a specific date set, we just aren't able to say yet due to distribution discussions that aren't fully settled yet. We will be able to announce the date soon.

jdodson: What are you working on right now?

Justin Baldwin: Currently we are finished with most of the core game mechanics and systems the game needs to use. We currently are mostly focused on getting the backer build ready. We are currently doing a lot of level design, bug squishing, adding polish, and adding a few more things that we think might be interesting. Rich Vreeland AKA Disasterpeace (Fez, The Floor Is Jelly) and Jordan Fehr (Super Meat Boy, Hotline Miami) are also doing some awesome work with the music and audio for the game as well. We still have a decent chunk of work ahead of us though for full release, but we finally starting to see a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel.

jdodson: I was just thinking this morning about a possible sequel to the game called “Monsters Borrowed My Liar, Liar VHS Tape.” This really isn’t a question. In retrospect the game might also be very short.

Justin Baldwin: Haha, we always joked about "Monsters Ate My Taxes" or "Monsters Ate My Toilet Paper".

jdodson: Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake ships and people love it. After you bask in the limelight for a bit what are you guys planning on next?

Justin Baldwin: We definitely hope people enjoy it. We've put a lot of our blood, sweat, and tears into it. We likely will take a much needed breather like you said, getting some decent sleep for once and spending time with the loved ones we've been having to neglect over this process. But after that, we have two other game ideas in the burner. Both are quite a larger departure from what Monsters is, Monsters is more of a ode to childhood, something I honestly miss sometimes. One is a larger Gibson-esque Sci Fi RPG we've been wanting to do for a while, but it's a larger project. The other, and the game we likely will do next, is smaller in scale but focuses on just pure fun.

It's a little to early on for me to share much on specifics but it has a large focus on retro 4-player games where you sat in the same room as your friends at sleepovers and played all night. Games like Super-Bomber Man, Mutant League Hockey / Football, NBA Jam, Wayne Gretzky 64. I feel like there isn't enough out there these days besides VS mode in Spelunky and Towerfall that do this in way that feels this way. It's hard for me not to get excited and just blurt every detail but I don't want to share too much too early. I can say it will be ridiculous, over the top, and layer on a lot of that "We are so edgy it's the 90s" Sega and Super Nintendo cheese I dearly miss from the early 90s.

jdodson: Thanks for taking the time to get back to me, anything last thing you want to say as we wrap things up?

Justin Baldwin: Thanks man, really we are just excited to get Monsters out there and get the project wrapped up finally. We hope everyone keeps an eye out for it, and gives the game a play after release.

If you are interested in reading our first interview with Justin during the games initial Kickstarter:


Metal Jesus compares the cover art from the Super Nintendo and Super Famicom games such as Mother 2, Phalanx, Super Metroid and Link to the Past. As always, YouTuber Metal Jesus brings the awesome and as such this video is well done and contains some interesting history about the games as well.

Metal Jesus Rocks.

"The internet has been an amazing place for fandoms. Fanboys and fangirls can celebrate their love of a game, connect with other fans, and even reach out to creators. We now have the ability for greater levels of participation, but can this power turn ugly? Some fans spew anger and hatred when disappointed with a videogame, often directing their ire at the creators themselves. Is there a danger with this sort of behavior?"

Are angry fanboys hurting the gaming industry? Well... yeah, absolutely. In fact we did an entire episode of The Cheerful Ghost Roundtable about "The Internet Hate Factory."


So watch Game/Show, then watch the roundtable and go forth and never rage again.

I haven't had much time to process the entirety of the 1.2.3 update but at first blush, it looks like the game just got Nerfed. I don't mind adding more progressing or making things a little less easy to get, but some of the changes in this patch hit me "in the feels."

Here are a few changes that I am not entirely in love with:

* Chlorophyte is slightly more rare and grows slower.
* Golden shower debuff time was reduced to 10 seconds..
* Golden shower now only penetrates 5 targets.
* Golden Shower now does slightly less damage.
* Lowered the damage of Chlorophyte Bullets.

Some changes I like:

* Plantera bulb's don't spawn until all 3 mech bosses are defeated.
* You cannot summon the Golem until after Plantera has been defeated.
* Mech bosses are now slightly more difficult.
* Increased Bee Gun damage by 1 (should be more, but this is better than nothing)

All told the changes seem to make the games progression a bit more linear. I kind of appreciate what is being done, but I don't entirely like the nerfs I listed. That said, it's great that the game is getting more attention and I can't wait to see more patches and the final Lunar boss fight!


Back this on Kickstarter!
Full disclosure, I came to know about the Outerlands Kickstarter very recently. As such, if you are looking to back it on Kickstarter you should do it soon as from when this post drops they have 63 hours left. That said, Outerlands is an episodic documentary series brought to you by the people that created the One Up Show, Co-Op and several great documentaries about awesome classic games such as Street Fighter and The Last of Us.

The Outerlands Kickstarter provides some really great options that allow you just get access to the films themselves and upgrade for more insider access as well. You can even pony up to get the whole works on BluRay.

Valve has released the set of Steam Developer Days videos on YouTube and you can watch them right now. Gabe kicks things off and tore right into a quick Q&A. I am currently watching the "Steam Machines in 2014 - Opening up the Living Room." It's a really great presentation with Alienware and Intel taking the stage talking about what they are doing to bring Steam to the living room.

Overall there are 27 talks that should keep you in Valve bliss for quite some time. If you are interested in watching the Steam Developer Days videos come back and let me know what you think!

I just completed Portal 2 after playing it over a few sessions this weekend. For quite some time i've wanted to relive some Valve classics and on a lark, I decided to pop in my PS3 disc and give it a spin. From the start, Portal 2 is an engrossing dystopian tale where you wake up after countless years to a Aperture Science facility in ruins. Featuring a talented voice cast consisting of Ellen McLain as GlaDOS, Stephen Merchant as Wheatley and J.K. Simmons as Cave Johnson the game is full of amazing moments and great character pieces.

I figured the game would look a bit dated on the Playstation 3 but Valve's look for Portal 2 is beautiful in 720p. For comparison I loaded up the game on my Mac and even though the Mac version looks considerably better, the Playstation 3 version didn't disappoint. Some games were meant to be played sitting on the couch with a controller and in my opinion, Portal 2 is such a game. Since Portal 2 isn't a twitch shooter I don't mind the casual nature of playing it on a console.

The Playstation 3 version of Portal 2 needed a few updates but after that process I was up and running. My only gripe about the whole endeavor was that the games load screens were slightly annoying(an issue only on the console version) and that my saves didn't sync with my Steam version. Then again, when I have my Steam Machine the save game sync problem should be resolved.

Portal 2 is one of those games I tag in my mind as a classic and as such will come back and replay it every couple years. I really enjoyed replaying this classic, can't wait to see which one I play next.