Sony vs. Microsoft vs. Nintendo vs. VALVE

When was the last time we had a 4th box? Jaguar? Rooting for Valve, but history says someone is going to lose here.
One treat of PAX this year was being able to get my hands on the new Doom 3 BFG Edition. The level they demoed was the bonus "lost mission" that will ship with the game. The system I played on was Doom 3 BFG Edition in 3D on the XBox 360.

I didn't have to wait in line too long and in a few minutes I put on the 3D glasses and extremely comfortable earphones and I was of exploring. Took me a minute or so to orient myself to the 360 controls but in a minute I was having fun. I have never enjoyed playing a game in 3D as much as this and I was really enjoying how immersive the 3D was. Switching weapons was fun, shooting the bad guys far away was fun... everything was... Read All
One of the interesting new things I checked out at PAX was the Wii U. I watched someone play a game where they explored/sniped with the new Wii U tablet controller. I took a quick picture of him giving it a go:

I was interested in talking to someone from Nintendo about the Wii U to ask a few questions. A Nintendo rep asked if I wanted to play a game and I said I wanted to take a picture of the "normal" controller without a screen on it. He said that I couldn't but he could "clarify things" for me. I said ok and asked him...

"So you obviously have two controllers here, the tablet one with a screen and then the other that has no screen. Will... Read All
I have a ton of free PAX Beta keys and Free DLC to give-away to all you awesome people. Apparently some of this PAX exclusive stuff is on Ebay selling for real cash money. Like the Doom 3 BFG Edition Pink Avatar I nabbed from the iD booth is selling for $10. Since I love you all so much, they will be free to you all.

I know, I know. Mother Teresa has nothing on my generosity.... Read All
PAX day 2 was pretty awesome. I realized that I had accidentally missed a TON of expo floor so Saturday I spent the day exploring the rest of the expo floor, listening to talks and watching a few League of Legends matches.

I also spent Saturday collecting a ton of Beta keys and DLC vouchers, so checkout a later post for give-aways! [crossing the street at PAX]

The first talk of the day was a panel on the future of multiplayer games. It featured Andy Williams [Nexon], Scott Hartsman [Trion Worlds], Matt Higby [Planetside 2], Max Schaefer [Runic Games], Scott Youngblood [Red 5 Studios], Craig Morrison [Age of Conan], Joel Bylos [The Secret... Read All
League of Legends regional tournament at PAX today. Riot is taking up a large part of the 6th floor at PAX and they still don't have enough room. I was able to see Dignitas vs Dynamic and CLG vs Legion. This is way more fun than going to a football or baseball game.

After watching a baseball game I want to take a nap. After watching CLG vs Legion I wanted to get online, call my friends and play ranked matches all night. By the way, if you didn't watch that match you should!!!
Dear PAX,

Yep. That's me up there lounging in a Riot Games bean bag chair watching a few League of Legends tournaments. PAX, you are big. You have attracted every kind of geek imaginable. You are the first video game convention ive attended and you are intense.

We met up with a few friends of @chowda and that was fun to meet some new people. They had attended PAX a few times previously and gave us a few tips. One such tip was that you would stand in many lines. I am not sure I have had feet as sore as this and ive back-packed around Italy. I just might be getting too old or something..... :D (the morning line up)

One of the highlights of the... Read All

PAX today - WOW. I am continually floored at the dedicated community that are gamers. From the most intricate cosplay costumes, to hardcore e-sports fanatics; gamers turn out in mass for their passion.

I saw lines to play unreleased games that were a multiple hour wait. I went to panel discussions where the entire room was dead silent in anticipation of developers sharing their knowledge. I watched the League of Legends tournament live and the crowd was louder than any professional sporting event I've ever attended.

This is why I love the "nerd/geek" community, this is why I love gaming.

Taking a few minutes to post a bit about PAX as I wait in line for a panel on PC gaming. Nothing could have prepared me for the scale of this convention. The amount of video game fans present and eager to tear through the endless halls of video game culture is incredible.

I heard there were 60,000 tickets sold and that doesnt surprise me. Had to take a few breaks away from the crowds due to the scale and intensity of things.

I'll post more tonight, with pictures and more awesomery! Having a good time with the army of nerds.