Discussion Forums

The Cheerful Ghost Forums are the place for any kind of discussion around games, movies or off-topic threads that are not on the main page.


Yeah... That happened.

Welcome, explorers!

There are some pretty incredible sights to see in No Man's Sky, and we want to see! Use this thread as a place to share links to screenshots of your own personal journey through the universe. Please keep this spoiler free! Some of the story elements are pretty amazing to look at, but we want to see those other discoveries more unique to you and your travels. We want to see what star systems you're traveling to, and what worlds you're visiting. What creatures are you coming across? What kinds of ships or tools are you discovering? At minimum, a simple description with a link is all that's needed, but feel free to expound and tell the story of what... Read All

Welcome, travelers!

Please use the Waypoints thread as a means to share helpful tips and insights with other players in No Man's Sky. We want to try to keep this generally spoiler-free, so, please, no story elements or game progression revelations. This is more a place for things like mining guides, upgrade efficiencies, and general ways in which we can help each other throughout our respective journeys.

This is just funny :D

Years ago, someone introduced me to Penn & Teller: Bullshit! I believe it was the friend that appears in their episode regarding circumcision. However, I watched a few of the other episodes as well. Months ago I watched the entire series. In their show, magicians Penn & Teller show us the bullshit involved in so many things such as circumcision, alternative medicine, and various other topics. While I didn't necessarily agree with them 100%, I found myself agreeing with them almost all of the time.

I highly recommend this show as it contains some eye openers. I think we as a society owe it to ourselves to take a look at all this bullshit that drives us and our... Read All

Eat some peyote in GTAV and become Bigfoot! Then with a roar, find Teen Wolf and kill him. GTAV secret!!!


Lyrics by Jack Packard of Previously Recorded during their stream of DOOM4 on 5-15-16. Music is a tribute to DOOM with some original bits thrown in.

A few years ago (maybe 10), a friend introduced me to a show on HBO called Curb Your Enthusiasm. I thought it was funny, so I decided to watch more of it. Since I enjoyed it so much, I bought a couple of seasons on DVD. Recently, I was exploring the Amazon video app on my PS3 and found out I could catch up on the show for free, since I'm an Amazon Prime member. Now that I'm all caught up, I've decided to go back and watch the earlier seasons again and I'm loving it. I wanted to tell you about it, hence why I'm writing this post.

I'm not exactly sure how to describe it to you. You could technically call it a “situational comedy,” but calling it a SitCom is a bit... Read All

I have a bunch of old consoles that I want to hook up to my HDTV. Does anybody know of a good solution that will keep the picture looking decent? Googling seems to point to the Framemeister. Is this still the best solution?